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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Focus Mentality v.04

1. Empowering all people, we want to improve others' ability to solve problems, to improve everyone's ability to help, instead of reducing.

2. All problems are everybody's problem, we live in one reality, and we all are providers of solutions. Your problem is not my problem attitude is not good.

3. Prioritize to create solutions that support all solutions, mutual solutions.

Money is the root of all evil, these words might be true... as money is a guarantee that the holder has performed some help but hasn't been helped yet. Money is a status, and for the love of the status, one might overlook the consideration;
Whether or not his/her actions contributes to, or in participation with, integrated working mutual solutions.

We live in one reality, your problem is my problem too, by obeying the law, we hope to actually contribute to the solving of everyone's problems.

Love is the tendency to keep on experiencing interactions forever. Instead of loving money, lets love Love, and Love one another.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Help me

Help me they kept on putting MSG into my food. I've told them no, but they won't stop. Why am I being treated like this?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Creators of Demands v.08

Monopoly is a popular issue here in Indonesia, as after hollywood ban its products from entering Indonesia, suddenly now Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is in the theathers, another movie is also in but I forgot what it was... anyway, the importer of the Harry Potter movie, Omega Film is on the spot for having almost all the market share of Hollywood movie watchers.

The law in Indonesia is not monopoly friendly... movie importers are not allowed to form coallission with each other to control price, to have collusions with theater companies to block other importers. 

In my opinion, monopoly could be allowed as a form of reward for those who created demands in a society. Who made popular hollywood movies in Indonesia? I think they deserve rewards from the industry.

There should be an audit to know who created the demand, and there should be a law on how the rewards would be distributed. I agree with current law, I don't want lack of importers cause higher dependency to those coallisions. I don't want our society to favor mafia form of administration, as it is counter productive, and stifles creative spirits from being appreciated if they didn't support the interest of the mafia. I think creative spirits should support mutual solutions for all people, for the country, not just for the mafia, as we live in one world.
However, there should be an audit to know whether or not existing or would be existing demands are good for sustainable lifestyle, for sustainable solutions, in a community... or if not, the new products demanded should be able to replace old existing solutions in solving important problems.

I hate the idea of tyranny, I think the law should be an integrated solutions that prioritze to solve all the people's important problems, not just for tyrants and their families. I think the law that supports the life of little people promotes hope, that they too someday would be able to be providers of help for others (independently). I hope that the unity of all people as providers of solutions, not as masters and slaves, will lead to lovely lifestyle for all.

Retirement House for Police and Army

I asked a policeman whether or not there are retirement houses for their retirees, and he said no. This might be an opportunity. By having one managed by our group, we might be able to reduce frictions against our trying to be in the law.

Over innovating? v.03

Over innovation only occurs when you address problems that's not relevant. Relevance in terms of love (the tendency to keep on experiencing interactions forever).

Investment for research and development is always good, as long as you address the problem right. Know your problem, then there would be no such thing as over innovation.

Ofcourse, some specialized discipline want to associate the term "innovations" only for products made by them. This is wrong, even people from less expensive discipline could one time be more relevant than those who paid a lot for some specialized education. Know your problem, then you'll know what kind of  R&D to be prioritized.

Those who decided to specialize out of cockyness and/or necessities, not out of  their intuition, would most likely be loud and all politics. Those who had quite a bit of debt would also be loud, rigid, and scared when their services were postponed. Doesn't mean that they own innovation.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

One way to reduce traffic jam in developing cities v.03

One factor of traffic jam in major cities in Indonesia is due to lack of participation with the law. This is probably because there are still quite a bit of us who didn't go through all the administration required for our driver's license. If local governments would allocate their budget to conduct an update test for all driver's license holders that have had their licenses for more than 4 years, this could really change things around.

Honestly if you drive here, people often use their immidiate instinct/intuition to solve traffic situations. Which is why in my city the rate of reported traffic violation is very high, compared to other violations:  http://makassarkota.go.id/download -> http://makassarkota.go.id/download/makassar_dalam_angka_2007.pdf -> page 209. Although I could argue that the rates may be declining over the years.

If you see page 210, you'll see that in 2006 hundreds of people lost their lives due to traffic accidents in the province of Sulawesi Selatan, where the city of Makassar is in.

The trend of acquiring driver's license "shortcutly" should not be kept. This would likely lead to more and more traffic problems in the future. You can say that we are having a monorail so it's still ok. Monorail would bring in more pedestrians into the heart of the city, the demand of mobility would increase due to increases in more diversified use of territories, for business and for residence. Therefore rather than expanding more and more streets, and took away ever highly needed pedestrian's space, why not encourage people to use the rule? 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

For the Future v.04

The world is supposed to head towards:

- More and more influencing others' behaviors with their awareness and permission first.
- Less and less influencing others' behaviors discretely.

For now:

- People should not intentionally influence anothers' behavior in hide from their awareness and without asking for their permissions first.
- People should not lie to influence behaviors
- People should learn more to identify subtle messages, sent by those who want to change or influence their behaviors.
- People should learn more on how to barrier ourselves from illegal influences but still be able to access relevant informations.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Animal Politics v.11

The scarcity of the world is not of time of energy but of mutual solutions
Love is the tendency to keep on experiencing interactions forever
Time exist due to irreversibility of interactions, our intuition of time is that total interactions is always happening, irreversible, and always new.

I have been treated as immigrant all my life. I'm a 25 years old Indonesian citizen with Chinese blood in me and have lived in Australia for college. As much as I hate racist people, in my opinion some people have abused the defensive tools against racism and have mislabeled people for wrong reasons.

We all know how dangerous alien species is for every ecosystem. Love within a system is very important, and it has been maintained for as long as the age of the ecosystem itself. Just because immigrants could survive within an environment, doesn't mean that the immigrants have appropriately merged into the system, have properly support love and became part of a solution/solutions that work for the system not against. New people need to know the solutions of the system and so the problem that they're facing. And yes, sometimes its better to require some people to prove that they could and would contribute first and got accepted, before being given full access to the integrated solutions.

But native people also could destroy their own solutions. 

Using piracy is always problematic, no matter where you came from. All need to realize, piracy is all about not paying to the creators of solutions, its all about not giving back properly. People sometimes forget that there are those create the solutions, and there are those who share the solutions. Both deserved to be rewarded respectively... and most of the time, those who created the solutions most of the time should sacrifice more than those who just simply share.

In the end, if people would use experts to audit people's positions, the solutions that they have created, that they have shared, and that they have supported. If people would objectively measure people's understanding of cultures and laws, and have or have not they are positioned safely in the system... whether they could and would became part of the solutions in the society or not, there's no need in stereotyping, and treating others badly unjustly, only because of suspicions.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Peringatan Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan

Jalan Percetakan Negara 23, Jakarta 10560 Indonesia
Telephone : 62-21 – 4244688, Fax. : 62-21 - 4250764
Nomor: KH.
Tanggal : 14 Juli 2009
Menindaklanjuti hasil pengawasan terhadap kantong plastik kresek, Badan POM RI
perlu mengeluarkan peringatan kepada publik sebagai berikut:
1. Kantong plastik kresek berwarna terutama hitam kebanyakan merupakan
produk daur ulang yang sering digunakan untuk mewadahi makanan.
2. Dalam proses daur ulang tersebut riwayat penggunaan sebelumnya tidak
diketahui, apakah bekas wadah pestisida, limbah rumah sakit, kotoran hewan
atau manusia, limbah logam berat, dll. Dalam proses tersebut juga
ditambahkan berbagai bahan kimia yang menambah dampak bahayanya
bagi kesehatan.
3. Jangan menggunakan kantong plastik kresek daur ulang tersebut untuk
4. Bagi masyarakat yang ingin mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut dapat
menghubungi Unit Layanan Pengaduan Konsumen Badan POM RI dengan
nomor telepon 021-4263333 dan 021-32199000 atau e-mail
langsung makanan siap santap.ulpk@pom.go.id
ulpkbadanpom@yahoo.com atau melihat di website Badan POM,
5. Demikian peringatan ini disampaikan untuk disebarluaskan

Friday, July 15, 2011

Something might be wrong with me v.05

Why is it that the government can't just print money and share it to underdeveloped, more isolated, rural areas... so that people would go there and trade stuff.

What are the implications?


Another whywhywhy policy of mine:

Patents for individual's hair designs:

Why won't governments create this easy and straight forward procedure for barbers to be able to quickly perform patent registrations for each and every individuals of their customers' hair do...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

My Criticism to general news

I honestly bored at watching news... too much problems, but little solutions were told. I know that it's dangerous to not identify problems existing in the society, but why stuck there? There must be a lot of success story out there why not tell it to the public?

Its time to move forward, not just stop at problems but also include the solutions in the news. Lack of solution in the news only makes exclusivism more painful. Life solution only available at organization but little in the public's mind.

I think it's dangerous for the society.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Recruitment Criteria in my opinion

In my opinion the future of recruitment criteria in this age of onslaught of informations would be:

It's not a matter of knowing or not knowing, not a matter of access to information, but a matter of priority. Does or doesn't the candidate prioritize the right thing?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Becak Konsinyasi

Seperti tukang es krim, becak juga kalau tidak lagi bawa penumpang, bisa menyalakan lagu-lagu tradisional, dan menjual cd-cd.

Perusahaan rekaman memberi becak becak cd-cd mereka, setiap periode, cd-cd tersebut diminta kembali dan uangnya. Tukang becak kemudian diberikan bagian dari keuntungan penjualan.

Tapi permasalahannya sekarang, pemutar cd yang tahan goncangan. Karena kalau main pemutar mp3, mungkin perusahaan rekaman belum mau.


If you can own then you can share If you can not own then you can't share If you're regulated to "share" that's not sh...