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Saturday, August 20, 2011

The blunder of current debt system v.08

Why its ok to adjust debt principals to inflation

Because the scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy, and our scarcity is not of money, but of solutions that support each other.
Money represents that the person who has it deserve help because he/she had helped before and hasn't been helped back.
When you borrow money, the lender deserve help from you not money. When inflation devalue the exchanging power of the money, the borrower should still deserve from you same magnitude of help not money. Otherwise would be a win loose scenario not win win.

Market mentality is win win, we want to live in peace not war, because there's only one reality, and the scarcity of everybody is not of time nor energy, but of mutual solutions.

The new system could be:

- Lender lend 100.000, since he/she had provided liquidity, he/she had provided extra help and deserved to be helped back. Let's say by 1000

- Borrower agreed to pay back 100.000, sometime in the future and this amount would be adjusted to the inflation rate. And he paid 1000 to the lender upfront.

- if Borrower could not return the 100.000 after inflation on time, it mean that the lender had provided more help, more liquidity, borrower then should pay extra... lets say by 50 after inflation. So if the borrower only payed back 80.000 after inflation, 50 of the 80.000 would be used to pay the service, he would still have to pay back 20.000 + 50 after inflation (and inflation) in the future.

This could be one way of doing it better.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Bioskop Berjalan

Beberapa aset-aset yang penting:

Tenda hitam,
Proyektor resolusi tinggi,
Lisensi untuk memutar film dari pemiliknya (bisa didapatkan melalui e-mail)
Film - film cuplikan / film-film pendek dari sekolah film setempat,
Iklan-Iklan dari sponsor untuk diputar pada awal.
Izin penggunaan lapangan dari lurah/camat.
Karcis untuk administrasi / pembukuan.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lanjutan Post yang lalu v.05

Untuk membantu menciptakan reputable market di Indonesia, programer bisa membuat untuk sebuah badan rating, yang memiliki program yang memonitor setiap saham dan historynya secara real time. Program tersebut kemudian mengatribusikan poin kepada setiap SID (identitas pelaku pasar) yang teridentifikasi, dimana poin negatif diberikan kepada pelaku pasar yang nilai per persentase kepemilikan perusahaan-perusahaan yang pernah dia beli sekarang lebih rendah daripada nilai sewaktu dia membeli dulu, dan vice versa.
nilai per persentase kepemilikian perusahaan didapat dari:
1. Total dividen yang sudah dibayarkan kepada pemilik 1 persen perusahaan.
2. Harga untuk mendapatkan 1 persen kepemilikan.
IPO tanggal 13 Juni 2010, sekarang tanggal 13 Juni 2011
Urutan: tgl, Akumulasi dividen yang telah dibayarkan, harga per 1 persen kepemilikan, nilai per 1 persen kepemilikan.

13/6, 0, 12, 12
01/1, 2, 11, 13
02/4, 3, 13, 16
13/6, 3, 12, 15

Si Atot membeli di tanggal 01/1, selisihnya sekarang adalah +2, sedangkan Si Bagus juga membeli pada tanggal 01/1 jadi kredibilitas Bagus sama dengan Atot. Pak Cahyo membeli dari Bagus pada tanggal 02/4, jadi selisihnya sekarang adalah -1. Kredibilitas Pak Cahyo -1 sedangkan kredibilitas Atot dan Bagus adalah +2, walaupun saham Bagus sudah dibeli tapi tetap diperhitungkan kredibilitasnya sampai sekarang.

Jadi walaupun sudah berlalu lama, yang penting adalah pada saat pembelian, apakah untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, atau untuk spekulasi.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Reputable Market for Indonesia

Indonesia tidak dipungkiri lagi sangat diminati oleh investor asing. Tapi juga harus diakui sejarah dividen yang berhasil kita bayarkan dibandingkan dengan besarnya investasi yang akan diinjeksikan belum represent / belum mewakili.
Hype akan investasi ke Indonesia menurut saya lebih didorong oleh meledaknya pertumbuhan China Korea, dan krisis ekonomi negara-negara barat.

Sekarang kita berada dalam tes, tes yang besar, apakah Indonesia benar-benar mampu untuk tidak mengecewakan para investor. Apakah Indonesia mampu berkontribusi untuk menolong Investor-investor dalam kehidupan mereka, apakah di Indonesia ada/bisa mendatangkan solusi dan elemen-elemen solusi atas permasalahan-permasalahan para investor? Ini belum tau.

Kalau sampai para spekulan menggunakan momentum ini untuk jauh meningkatkan harga saham di pasar secondary Indonesia, dan banyak-banyak Investor yang tertipu. Walaupun Indonesia mampu membayar dividen yang decent, atau yang wajar, para investor tetap akan kecewa karena ekspektasi awal mereka yang sudah digoreng. Hal ini menurut saya dapat merusak kepercayaan dan kemudian beresiko membuat kita menghadapi masalah keterpurukan dan isolasi hubungan antar pelaku bisnis.

Kita harus bisa merating para pelaku-pelaku transaksi di pasar. Mereka yang menjual saham diharapkan agar dapat mempertaruhkan reputasi mereka, bahwa mereka membeli karena mereka secara intelektual menganalisa bahwa benar saham-saham tersebut pantas dibeli. Mentalitas win/loose bukanlah mentalitas pasar, tapi mentalitas perang, mentalitas itu mungkin telah membawa krisis ekonomi berkepanjangan kepada dunia. Para programmer Indonesia mungkin dapat membuat program yang mengatribusikan rating kepada para pelaku pasar, sehingga transaksi dengan para pelaku-pelaku pasar yang beresiko tinggi dapat dihindari.

Kalau para pelaku pasar dapat membuat pernyataan setiap kali membeli saham, bahwa mereka benar-benar membeli dengan anggapan bahwa dividen yang akan didapatkan itu sepadan dengan harga belinya... maka setiap kali ada koreksi pasar, badan rating dapat menilai, siapa-siapa saja yang terlibat dalam peningkatan harga saham tersebut dan mengatribusikan resiko/rating kepada mereka. Mereka tidak harus sengaja, tapi kenyataannya secara obyektif mereka itu beresiko.


Lets be successful by empowering people not disempowering people.
Lets improve others' ability and desire to help each other in this one reality.

Our scarcity is not of time nor energy but of solutions, the scarcity of the world is of mutual solution.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Another Basic Human need

Besides food, shelter, clothes, another human need I think is to make changes to the world.

My theory is that life is nature's solution in transporting its laws, and to create new laws, to enable interactions after interactions to keep on happening / executable.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Marilah kita mengurangi dan menghilangkan kebergunaan dari intimidasi.

See my post in my other blog

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Piracy and Organized violence

In my opinion, the use of piracy contributes strongly to organized violence. If people don't use piracy, their gatherings would be of more constructive nature. People who don't use piracy want to make use of their expensive access as productive as possible to obtain return of investment.
But pirated solutions are solutions that is very very cheap due to distributors and consumers don't really give back appropriately to the creators of the solutions. Their gatherings would tend to had no sense of importance, and would more likely used to spill their immidiate emotions.
United and channeled, would only brought about disasters.

Free Software and Open source is different from piracy, the authors of such softwares are generous authors. This brings a sense of warmth and gratitude into the community. It gave the sense that the system is good, and its trying to help the people. This would encourage participation into the integrated mutual solutions. 

I love my toilet v.02

Essential to my favorite cilivilizations are awesome sanitation and trash management systems. Toilets are lovely

Monday, August 8, 2011

Travelling to Sulawesi Selatan v.03

If you want to go and visit the province where I live... check out wira tour.

I recommend to visit the beautiful Bira beach, a very refreshing place to go...
And not far you can visit my city Makassar where we have many delicious dishes that we are proud of... and also historical sites from colonial times, we were colonialized by the Netherlands.
After you can go to Tana Toraja traditional settlement to see the famous torajan burial ceremony.

Probably its better to visit them in the opposite order.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Boring vs Lovely

Living beings must classify which is lovely and which is not. Otherwise that creature had no personality, which means that it's not alive.
Therefore, I'm going to try my best to always say to myself at least, about what's lovely... even though it might be boring, but hopefully doing so could improve my quality of life.

Friday, August 5, 2011

One thing I'm looking for v.02

Is a reliable essay about,
The influence of habitual violation of intellectual properties to the way of thinking, attitude, and behaviors of commerce practitioners.

Youtube's terms no. 5 part D v.05

If you read youtube's terms and conditions no. 5 part D, you'd know that Youtube doesn't want to take responsibilities for offences or damages made by third parties posting videos in their site.
I think that there should be considerable demand for the service Youtube and other existing video hosting sites couldn't provide.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Experts v.10

Humans made mistakes, mistakes brought new perspective, and HIV viruses are so hard to handle because they kept on making mistakes. I think we all want to make mistakes, it's something we need to do in life.

Time exist due to irreversibility, therefore, our intuition of time is all about total interactions in the universe being always happening, irreversible, and therefore always new. In my opinion, we make mistakes because we Love ourselves, and we want to stay relevant.

The Law maybe slow to update, and sometimes the law wants us to do the same thing over and over again. But as long as the law serves for the need of all people, including for those who are poor and lonely... We could rest assure that the Law will keep on being adjusted and updated accordingly to time. Being in the law could provide for us more "spaces for variances" that are relevant and safe for us rather than doing violations that would instead disempower the providers of solutions in our community and later will even destroy more "spaces for variances" available for us.

Experts are those who could identify "spaces for variances" many people hardly could, "Spaces for variances" that are mutual or lovely.

Lets integrate everyone's help, let's direct time as creatures of love.


MutualSolutions ftw

Learning v.02

Love is the tendency to keep on experiencing interactions forever.

Learning is about being able to truthfully classify what's lovely and what's not lovely. Adopting how to do, how not to do, when to do, when not to do.

To improve participation in integrated working mutual solutions in this one reality, we need to reliably speed up the process of learning for everybody. To improve the ability and the tendency or desire of everybody to help everybody... to Love. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mutual solutions for the win v.03

Current form of intellectual property law is quite hard to grasp for many people especially in developing countries, and for teenagers as well. However the culture of giving back to the sources of solutions must exist in every successful society.

I propose to educate people using the explanation of "giving back to the sources of solutions". But firstly I want to protest that those who managed to create an invention and made profit out of them, also need to give back to their sources of solutions... by paying for the conservation of mother nature's mutual solutions.

Mutual solutions absolutely doesn't mean let some to be victims or prey of others... mutual solution must mean birth control and engineering of new bodies, that could contain our mind, memory and personalities, that doesn't feed on disempowering of other living beings (living beings are those that could create their own personality, which is classification of what's lovely and what's not lovely), but fed on the airflow, or the sunlight, gravity, or fruits.

Mutual solutions for the win.

Update 10th of August:
I'm a Christian, and for this past few days I ended up reading passages about food 3 times in the new testatement. Honestly, I got scared... three verses and they all talk about the same thing, that we could eat all the foods on earth, including meat. So, I just going to be a human and use my faith to scrap my statement above that implies 'living beings are not lovely to be eaten'. I'm going to wait and learn more.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Good Commercials are Awesome

Nutri Sari commercial, displaying Papuan dance and Ambonese's clothings...  really make me feel good. Watched in IndoVision.
They danced in a beautiful beach, clear blue sky, clear blue water, white sand... feels really good watching the merge... it blended so well like a the taste of an exeptional gourmet food.

Commercial makers are cool. They even contribute to reduce friction of the economy.


If you can own then you can share If you can not own then you can't share If you're regulated to "share" that's not sh...