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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

what actually motivates people to work (My Bad for the previous post)

What motivates people is the significance of their works.
What might sap one's motivation is when their works became insignificant.

One effective way to motivate people is making their past work useful and significant.
And to deal with insignificance of one's work, is to do something significant.

Friday, October 4, 2013

TravelTeam, Youtube subscription partition

I think the Australian Government could encourage social relationships between its people, which in turn would lead to economic excitement by:
Making a TravelTeam ticket, a travel ten for 2 people or more.

Since Gmail has partitioned our inbox to primary, social, and promotions... it would be very nice if youtube also could partition the subscription page into channels that frequently updates, moderately updates, and rarely updates. The purpose is to prevent the rarely updates from being noised out by frequent updates of other channels.

Tax Exempt on Insurance payment return

National Health insurance is a blessing but its also a big burden for the whole society. So in order to ease the burden consider this: Upon ...