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Thursday, January 31, 2019

FSM, Furniture Subscription Model

Furniture Subscription Model,
Have your store with always new, always clean, always fresh furnitures.

When you subscribed to FSM, you technically bought many furnitures with down payments of the price of one.
Firstly you decide which furniture you'd like to have and buy it.
Next get into contract that after 5 months you would swap the furniture with the new one (there was a one month gap for decision making or one month browsing period).
Your old furniture would be cleaned and dried, made as if it were brand new and have it displayed in the FSM store.
Your new furniture is actually a used furniture by other people but it feels clean, smells good, and it looks good. It makes your room feel brand new.
All of the decisions would be made online, you don't have to leave your home. You could if you wanted to but the store has it's high standard that made it unnecessary for you to do so.

The cost of doing this is expended every time a swap was made, and it's like a maintenance cost.
A swap has to be done within 5 months to ensure that all registered furnitures are maintained regularly.
If you decided to stop swapping or you significantly damaged the furniture (the way specified in the contract) your subscription would be ended and if you wanted to be in the community again your furniture would have to be reexamined.   

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Excitement within a loyal relationship

Problem solving is a part of charm,
Every time you've successfully solved a problem, you'll adopt a charm point.
And this point doesn't have to be manually communicated, people have innate ability to sense things like this (although different people are sensitive to different things).
If what you do every single day is solving the same problem over and over again,
Your spouse is a human being as well that has the intuition for diversification.

What you want to do is to consider different problem solving in your spare time,
And if you're good at something new make it a new habit.
Your spouse will find you perplexing with some new kinds of charms. 

Don't pursue absolute profit

If somehow people understand about my philosophy, and tried it in their life...
They might be tempted to pursue absolute profit, a state when they could safely say they owe nothing anymore to their sources of solutions.


Instead you have to pursue to use as many services as possible (sounds counter intuitive?)
Because by interacting with a working mutual solutions means that you prioritize the spirit behind it, and that's a contribution.
So you will have this balance of life exploration and giving thanks.
Giving thanks it's very important, but our focus is limited, and by inventing or discovering hopefully we will ended up with a system that could automatically take care of our human sources of solutions.

Again it's all about hope guys, because we can't yet achieve pure ethical state.
Every time we took a bath we destroyed billions and billions of lives on our skin.
Even when we could figure out the whole ethical issue one day, there's still other issues to tackle on.

Pursuing purity in my opinion could be a bad idea when there are other things that could easily be improved if you allocate the effort you allocated for the mundane obsession.
I believe we can control our taste to a certain extent, including the direction of our obsession. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Taxes and The Golden Sticker

So I've explained many times about what I believe to be the solution to many piracy issues. Which is the golden sticker. Where basically you post receipts of your transactions with the authors of the solutions you use, in your social media profile page. By doing this you will be acknowledged by potential business partners or investors as person who give thanks to the sources of his/her solutions.

Now, there is a way to mess up with the ecosystem of the golden sticker, if one kept on giving stickers for free, low quality high quality, high quantity. Then the value of the stickers would be unreliable.
A way to deal with this is for every sticker pair (because a sticker in one profile linked to at least another sticker in another profile) the social media company and the government would be given a cut. Yes, transaction tax.

By embracing transaction tax, we could improve data reliability. 

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Sin Atonement Law v.04

It might be viable to give victims of criminal acts permission and controlled means to communicate online with the criminal in jail in order to ask the criminal for information or knowledge, or to ask them for services or products made using tools allowed in jail.
Criminals are not oblidged to comply but they do not have any right to any form of payments as well.

However local jugde could prevent or ban further communication if it's dangerous for the parties and for the society.

Tax Exempt on Insurance payment return

National Health insurance is a blessing but its also a big burden for the whole society. So in order to ease the burden consider this: Upon ...