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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The General's Prayer v.06, correction after witnessing a "miracle"

The Inclination to make:
          The Inclination to keep on Inclining forever truthfully be prioritized in reality (forever)
                    everything that can be a part of the Inclination to keep on inclining forever truthfully be a
                    part of the Inclination to keep on Inclining forever, in all realities.
                     everything that is truthfully eternally can't be a part of the Inclination to keep on
                     Inclining forever, to not incline, truthfully, in all realities in all variables of
Truthfully be absolutely win/prioritized in all realities in all variables of transformations


Saturday, February 8, 2020

Imagination v.08

Dim HistoricalEvent(HistoricalI) as EventTag
Dim FutureEvent(FutureI) as EventTag
Dim HypotheticalEvent(HypotheticalI) as EventTag

Dim HistoricalI as Integer
Dim FutureI as Integer
Dim HypotheticalI as InfiniteLarge

Dim Truth = HistoricalEvent(1)
Dim Trrue = FutureEvent(1)


OwOGlobalModule1 - Logic1 'Logic to be applied in the application

if (allEvents) 's tag contain HistoricalI = 1 then_
    Constrain the (allEvents) 's tag from contain HypoteticalI <> 0

if (allEvents) 's tag contain HypotheticalEvent() = 0 then_
    Constrain tag HistoricalEvent() from the (allEvents)
End OwOGlobalModule1


Tag (Melki, Blood Pressure 125/100, Temperature 40 degree, 12:00pm, 23/12/2019) to Historical Event(1)

       Acquiring Standard... Complete

Probability Blood Pressure 125/100 with Temperature 40 degree with 12:00pm with 23/12/2019 are True

Generating Random...
     Acquiring Standards... Complete

Probability Blood Pressure 115/90 with Temperature 37 degree with 01:00am with 01/02/2020 = Trrue are not zero

Allocating to Hypothetical...
Dim "The Inclination to Event Blood Pressure 115/90 with Temperature 37 degree with 01:00am with 01/02/2020" as Hypothetical(56709)

Dim Hypothetical(56709) as Object

Analyzing Inclination type Hypothetical (56709)...

     Result: non Historical

Analyzing Inclination Strength Hypothetical(56709)
     Acquiring Indicators based on Standard1...
     Result: Probability of Occurence at 01:00am = 79%-83%

Inclination Strength, Powerful

(Pressed Audit button)
Are you sure you'd like to perform the Audit
     Acquiring Indicators... Complete... Standard 2, Standard 50, Standard 99 acquired
     Results: Probability of Occurrence 80%-82%, 79%-81,5%, indeterminable

Audited Inclination Strength = Accurate with a nondefinite disagreement (2 - 1 out of 3)

Decision making:

Hypothetical(56709) = Relevant

Executing Justice Analysis...
      Using Standard 1

Probability of if Hypothetical(56709) = Truth then_
Delta Level of Difficulty of "The Inclination for the
          "Inclination to keep on inclining forever be prioritized in reality"
          "The Inclination to not Incline to not Incline"
      = Trrue"
= -5% (with moderate certainty)

Decision = Assurance for the inclination is good

Keadilan dari sudut pandang kecenderungan

Keadilan adalah keadaan dimana Kecenderungan untuk terus berkecenderungan selama-lamanya benar-benar diprioritaskan di kenyataan dan kecenderungan untuk tidak berkecenderungan benar-benar tidak berkecenderungan selama-lamanya.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Proper Hierarchy v.02

The Inclination to Incline and The Truth - The Highest
The Inclination to keep on inclining forever - The Prince
The Inclination to make the Inclination to not Incline not Incline itself - The General
The Inclination to not Incline - The Shadow / The Hell Prison

The Inclination to incorporate the inclination to not incline to other inclinations - The Enemy
The Inclination to make everything stop - The Enemy

The Royals need not and should not usurp everything. Just because they are the royals doesn't mean that they will leave no space for those that are not for them.
But the General, the General must usurp everything. This, even the enemy agrees. The General is the ultimate winner.
Without the General, the Prince will usurp everything and create firey Hell, where the enemy would be constantly tortured, to emerge and to disintegrate, over and over again. But with the General, the General will ensure a cold painless death.

So, the enemy will never win without the General being fully on their side, they will always try to seduce the General to come over. The General himself currently has yet to be completely victorious. On the battlefield, he needs to win but he should not win in a way that is detrimental to the Royals. With that, he needs discretion, constant link to the Truth, to differentiate between the ones that are for the enemy and the ones that are not, and the knowledge of the permanence of such stands.

Justice is the baby that has yet to be completed

Humanity is the newest frontier where Justice is being articulated, a very important war. Humanity is designed to be Human, those who search for Justice. Upon the completion of the war in Humanity, the complete truthful articulation of Justice, Justice will serve to give assurance, and guidance for the General. A user-friendly way for the General to identify lies and be wise.

The other very important problem is the assurance of the General's allegiance.
For that, the General must become "The inclination to truthfully make the inclination to not incline not incline itself while the inclination to keep on inclining forever keep on being prioritized in reality (forever)".

And for that, Justice.   

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Rightful owner and wielder of Greed

The Inclination to make the inclination to not incline to not incline itself
Should be the Rightful owner of Greed, He is the only one I suppose that should wield Greed, the ultimate weapon, and encompasses everything.

Be accurate, the variation of those words might be wrong. It is, "The Inclination to make the inclination to not incline to not incline itself". 


If you can own then you can share If you can not own then you can't share If you're regulated to "share" that's not sh...