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Saturday, April 13, 2024

Justice people are not being difficult, the focus is different

Good and Evil is not about neuroticism or not. Today some neurotic people might feel like doing injustice for the excuse of their intense feelings, tommorow the less neurotic people might be the ones who were unjust for this and that.

Justice is hard enough to achieve, like an arrow might not hit the bullseye even after being aimed, those that are aiming would not hit the bull's eye unless its a coincidence. 

To make it harder for those that are trying or specifically prevents those that are trying to be Just is being too adversarial, unnecessarily adversarial. People we should talk responsibly

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Turn based community credit system v.02

So 3 people made collaterals (same sizes), and the bank gave for them an overdraft account. Each could take 90% of 1/3 freely, but if at a moment one would take, say, 130%, the next turn he/she could only take 50%

Each turn period was determined beforehand, maybe 6 months, maybe 8 months, or else.

You'd want to use this for...


If you can own then you can share If you can not own then you can't share If you're regulated to "share" that's not sh...