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Saturday, December 21, 2024

When reputation was measured in more rich manners

Reputation has a spectrum, it could come from achievements, popular presentation of one's self, being audited or scrutinized, being on a court, etc. 

What I envision the future would be if people would want to improve on how they measure reputation is:

The favor of consumers over a company would not only be from the prices of their products, or the qualities, or how fancy and dandy were their situations, but it should be more fluid. A company would be measured not only from its size and prevalence but people would look at the "golden stickers" or the history of achievements of their management for example. When the management changes how the public would view the company would also changes, scientists would be able to influence this as well for example by pointing out the statistic of how the change of management influence company policies and achievements, how sensitive a company is to change of management. Something like that

Another point that should also be in the spectrum is scrutiny. Like now we often were scrutinized by the tax office, that's how we and the government came in good terms. Those who had undergone high scrutiny would probably be trusted more by the government. Strangely now people who were cancelled received no extra points for being scrutinized, the consumers quickly move on to the next new thing while ignoring the advantages that their network already build with people like Pewdiepie, Joe Rogan, Johnny Depp etc (some names are controversial but rightly mentioned; Mr. Beast, Logan Paul, Dr. Disrespect, Will Smith, and more). Not saying that they are better than the other people, but the fact that they've been under scrutiny should be an extra merit, which is unfortunately the public in general is not doing that in my opinion. 

So of course an obvious possible way of how this improvement would happen would likely be from an app or an extention to social media. Golden Sticker for example is something that I've proposed for more than a decade, is a system of putting stickers in your profile page that's an aggregation of your receipts, such electronic sticker could be filtered and zoomed in through various dimensions such as period, type of industries, magnitudes, etc. Now in this case, one might incorporate a display of how many times he/she/it had been audited, by what parties. Each communities would do well also to have a forum where they could chip in information that would make up these "badge" or these electronic favors. 

These favors are important for each individuals because we want to be in a circuit and we don't want to have our community or our circuit to not be reciprocal to us.  Also other reasons such as altruism, honesty, devotion, Justice, and fairness. What I'm saying here is hardly new, we already knew of the term "blood diamond", "black companies", "child labor sweatshops", and these people have actually in my opinion started something big. This is an easy way to look at it but of course it is more than that, to have an online electronic reputation system would help people to recognize the entities better, and the entities should not be encouraged to be a giant, but to be fluid where they wouldn't mind to disband and regroup, they would not lose their achievements. Entities would also not encouraged to manipulate speech or public images or to adopt hostile PR policies that attacked honesty, because people value courage more than touches of "make up". 


If you can own then you can share If you can not own then you can't share If you're regulated to "share" that's not sh...