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Thursday, February 25, 2021

The Virtue of our time v.02

I think that we are living in a world of massive regulation of speech (being applied). This limits spontaneity, appreciation of genuine personalities, and efficiency/effectiveness of communications. 

Again I'm talking about innuendos. Because it is spiraling out of control already, every negative meaning that could be (unreasonably) derived out of your words will be considered valid. No matter what the grammar, no matter what your true intentions, it doesn't matter... what matters are, I mean the one who's going to be prioritized are, offended people. 

Can't you see that we are catering for being offended?

You said something, a generalization, just for the sake of making a point... then other people took it differently and did something bad. The current trend is to held you responsible. This would not happen if we refuse to care for innuendos. 

So I ask you whoever you are, please consider this... be spontaneous, don't give a care. If you were to express something, the first way of saying it that came out of your mind, just say it the way it is. I'm telling you no matter what it is IT WILL BE offensive. Why? because the world has gone mad. So it is virtuous for us to push back like that. Just keep on being offensive "accidentally", don't do it maliciously though. 

It is not your responsibility of other people's behaviors and feelings when you were just being honest/genuine, especially if the limitations are not well defined/articulated. 

And if people held other people responsible for offensive things that were "interpreted", realize that in the world of lies, the Truth is offensive. If you're offended by the "interpretation" of something, that was Truthful, then it is your mind that is doing that, as much as other people would think the same way... as much as the speaker would know that that would be the case, it is your realm of self control not others'

Do you even know what is going on in someone's mind when he/she uttered something liable to "interpretations?", why restrict the freedom of expression in your environment? why insult the complexity of human's thoughts by imposing dumbed down standardization of meanings? (and the standard was so dumb articulating it would be a disaster of justice). If a mob had an objection of what could be an innuendo of something, then the mob should ask for confirmations, if the mob decided not to ask and be collectively offended nonetheless, don't shift the responsibility to the utterer. It is an unnecessary restriction that's spiraling out of control, making things worse and worse for our relationships. 



Justice is always number one in human relationship, how do I came up with these things? From which a$% did I pull these thoughts from? My sense of Justice... being many doesn't make you as a collective, the embodiment of Justice.

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If you can own then you can share If you can not own then you can't share If you're regulated to "share" that's not sh...