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Sunday, September 18, 2022

Global Focus Realization v.02

The scarcity of the world is not of time nor money nor energy but of mutual solutions. Solutions are unlimited but we are so limited because we are not giving back enough to our sources of solutions.

Money is prove that the holder has helped and hasn't been helped back. Most of the time we are not giving our money away to those who have not helped us. 


Now let me get into the point of what I'm trying to say... 

Since money is acknowledgement, that means an industry is a collection of people who created a type of solutions that's focused by a lot of other people (consumers) to be appreciated. 

A profitable industry at a period reflects what the people at the demographic were appreciating. 

But what if an industry became too productive? The solutions were many but the appreciation was not increasing anymore? Then regardless of there were or weren't something to do about it people need to be informed of when that threshhold would arrive. 

Say for example marvel, with a fanbase that like the idea of saving the world it might be less of an economic optimization to dwell on making new marvel movies. Instead the focus is there to make a business that cleans up the ocean for example, then the fanbase's focus would be maintained. 

Let's be honest and acknowledge that we have limited attention span on the same thing. However just because the same thing doesn't capture our focus anymore, doesn't mean that thing is no longer part of our history or our infrastructure of the mind. It would be a waste to just shift our attention to something else without using what was the focus of our attention as a stepping stone or as a reason to move on. 

That's our intuition. 

Market saturation is not a disaster, it's a power. It means the people are ready to do something.

When that threshhold arrived, MR no longer MC (shoutout to Jacob Clifford for emphasizing this concept for me strongly), let us know when's that and let us together do something. ^_^

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