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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Maybe, cause it had to go somewhere right?

When you communicate usually it would transfer responsibilities to the receiver, when it comes to art or humor or music that shouldn't be the case, but other times it is. For example when you say that there is a lamp that is yellow and there is a lamp that is blue, since you've said it, you've said it, so when such information amount to something you would've already said it. The worst kind of communication is when there was a transfer of responsibility but the messenger wouldn't be responsible, in this case the receiver couldn't refuse the responsibility or adjust it without "paying" for some extra steps. It is infuriating. 

Then I assume, people thought that it is normal to experience such things, so the culture went towards more and more furious. What I mean by that is that the culture is looking for more and more things to define as bad or immoral or not nice or unacceptable. Most of the time such things are not that infuriating supposedly, but damn why is it that you just can't dodge these things sometimes. 

So if you wanted to experience what our predecessors experienced when they fought and successfully delegitimized slavery, this could be our next thing to get rid of. I'm sorry I mean, this shit, this shit could be our next thing to get rid of, my bad. 

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