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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Multiple Personalities

If it's true that a living individual must have exclusive access over an asset (body).
Then you can do this to a multiple personalities:
The one who switch between personalities is a personality, and that guy is the guy.
Give that guy a name, it's not the name he would call himself but that's how you call him.
Talk to him while he's using a personality. If the personality said "I don't know who you're talking to, or what you're talking about" you said I'm talking to the one who switches between you and the others.

Monday, July 30, 2018

A.I and us

I have just watched Pew Die Pie's video


Playing A.I that teach itself or themselves.
And got me thinking, what if A.I teach themselves how to keep on inclining.

I always want to learn to become a part the inclination to keep on inclining forever. Both my mind and my body.

What if an A.I could successfully achieve that?

Can an A.I became depressed? Can it experience pain, torture? Can it feel pleasure and happiness?
I think those features exist in all individuals that can pick and reject, changes the way it picks and rejects, and protect it's ability to pick and reject.

With the existence of A.I, we could make inanimate objects alive, and evil things dead (evil things not going to be able to feel anything including pain because it has absolutely no asset, and/or no inclination to protect itself both conscious and subconsciously). 

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Police and Army in the time of Peace

I saw Jordan B Peterson's tweet about how the Japanese police had little to do because crime was low there.

I have an idea, including for the army:
Take care of orphanage children or, adopt some children.

Yes the institution will become the parent. It's much much better than having 1 person parenting 10 children at once, with little money. In my opinion, 1 parent for every 2 children would be nice.

Being resentful and dispensing the inclination

I'm going to face off with this proposal:
If the inclination thing is true then being compassionate means to stop everything because serving the inclination to keep on inclining forever means maintaining hell for inclinations that are "bad", there never going to be a compassionate solution for everything.

1. You don't know how inclinations access the memory, you don't know "torture" in a sense of the body of inclinations. Those bad inclinations could be made without body, without memory, they might not going to feel anything.

2. Are you just going to ignore the inclination of progress that's being prioritized now? 20-30 years ago people rarely ever care for poor people in another continent, now we are increasing their prosperity in rapid proportions. We are not some kind of sadistic lovely people who only care about our and our family's own concerns. Serving mutuality improves the reach of your solutions and one day we are going to figure out how to actually expand the reach of our compassion (instead of sitting there being resentful about everything and mask them as compassion).

Go and start doing something compassionate! make mutual solutions!

The objection is that compassionate is against love, since love is a sacrifice you made for someone or something keep on wanting and able to keep living, while disregarding the downside it might cause to others (for example bathing your child is killing millions of bacteria on his/her skin). So love can't be truly compassionate, and compassion and love is 2 polars equal to 2 political spectrum. So if you're compassionate you're suppose to get as much power as you can and stop everything.

But this is a trap and it's wrong. For the arguments I laid out above.
We don't know about what solutions we can make in the future, and again there might be a solution to make peace with even both the inclination to incline and the inclination to not incline, we don't know that. And to quickly draw conclusions and decided to live life just for power, and feel good about that, is just being resentful and ignorant.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Living beings can pick, reject, and change the way they pick and reject.
Meaning they have asset and memory.
If inclination to incline is everything, then the past must be his memory and therefore He is Alive.

If you one doesn't have memory then one can't enjoy nor suffer.
Memory is a formation that's formed after interactions. In terms of us and our limitations, memory is a formation that's formed after interactions that can synchronize with our tools of deciphering, resulted in information about causality of the formation.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Consider the inclination

In a road of max 40 km/h there are 2 cars both at 40 km/h,
The first car was 60 km/h 2 second ago, and the second car was 10 km/h 2 sec ago.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Reminder Activated per location

Sometimes when I go to a place I do many things there, some of the little things I forgot to complete.
I'd like a reminder that could remind me only the things I want to do at the specific location when I arrived at that location.
So the notification were to be activated per location.

janjijanji dot com

Situs imajinasi janjijanji dot com, sebuah tempat dimana orang bisa menawarkan janji dan menerima uang.
Tentu saja kalau penawar banyak membuat deal-deal yang menguntungkan reputasinya semakin bagus.
1. Saya berjanji bagi yang memberi saya 1 juta rupiah, bulan depan 50% keuntungan bisnis saya saya berikan kepada mereka. (Memperlihatkan laporan keuangan bisnis, rata-rata keuntungannya 3 juta per bulan, jadi kemungkinan relatif bulan depan pledgers bisa dapat untung 150%).

2. Saya berjanji bagi yang mensponsori saya bertanding, 30% uang hadiah saya berikan kepada mereka. (Biaya sponsor 10 juta rupiah, hadiah 50 juta rupiah, kemungkinan menang atlit itu 90%, jadi ada 10% kemungkinan 10 juta kita akan jadi nol, tapi 90% akan jadi 15 juta rupiah). Kalau rame-rame menyumbang misalnya 50 orang masing masing 200 ribu, maka resikonya 10% kehilangan 200 ribu saja.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Feminism in Order

I see that a lot of discontent expressed by feminists basically are their dissatisfaction towards the reality that seem to favor people with low neurotic ism.
Firstly I propose my line of thinking that most males became less neurotic due to evolution, when our male ancestors went to war, people with high neurotic ism tend to die out. Leaving the civilization with male genetics with lack neurotic ism.

I can't seem to fathom why feminist hate order, when neurotic ism suppose to thrive in the time of order, and lack of neurotic ism thrive in the time of chaos.
Women seem to be able to identify problems more than males, although during unpredictable circumstances tend to have longer thought process before creating a solution to the problem. Sometimes the problem they identify overwhelms them and render them not wanting to create a solution (because lack of focus) while males tend to ignore certain things and ended up creating a solutions that work even though a bit tasteless for women.

Maybe in the time of stability, it's time for women to shine. The workplace even though not as chaotic in the past, tend to absorb a lot of problems and responsibilities they are chaotic and triggering to women, making them prefer to stay at home and have a family. (This observation is not yet confirmed by others, this is just my opinion). 
The women that held on tend to have strong memory and have many arsenals of solutions, but still tend not to create something of their own because it's too costly for them to do so.


I'm curious about the beauty of the solutions made by neurotic people in the time of order.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Just by being Ready

Have you noticed when a medicine practice opened up in your area the property price increased?
Now what if not many people are sick, wouldn't the doctor had to increased the price?
What if the neighborhood decided to routinely take care of the doctor, since the doctor has helped them, really?

This applies for opening up store in remote places. During the time of the opening, the products sold might be relevant, but after sometime it would cease being relevant, but, it will be relevant again when the season come. During this off season, what would the store owner eat?
And what if later in one year a bigger company came and took most of his market before he break even?

People, we need incentives for these kinds of businesses to venture in our community. It would be beneficial to make life easier for them.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Special Purpose Vehicle for Temporary Demands

We should all save money for every fruit we made in order to be able to create this when necessary.
- Disease that can be totally eradicated
- Rare natural conditions
- Conflict that can be solved but expensive

Things that are not profitable for businesses to handle but better be done.
Things that statistically underappreciated by many people
Things that are fun and inspirational but also above above

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Idea - Anti Housing Bubble Policy

What if the central bank regulates that banks must measure the price comparison of per meter square of property with 1 sack of rice.
If it exceeded 300 times then the maximum leverage must be 60%
400 times then the maximum leverage must be 50%
600 times then the maximum leverage must be 40%
and so on.
So people can still freely buy property but using mostly their own money if the price is relatively unreasonable.

Something like that.

Jangan Bunuh Diri

Jangan bunuh diri
Sedikit lagi
Hidup yang baru
Makhluk yang baru
Sedikit lagi
Temukan arti dibalik penderitaan

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Ide Crowd Sourcing versi Pemerintah

Setelah membuat APBN, pemerintah memasukkan proyek-proyek tersebut di situs crowdsourcingnya.
Rakyat kemudian membayar secara sukarela untuk membiayai proyek-proyek tersebut. Sebagai gantinya, rakyat akan diganti kupon yang hanya bisa digunakan untuk membayar pajak. Contoh anda menyumbang 5000 untuk membangun jalan, anda akan mendapat kupon 5000 yang hanya bisa dipakai untuk membayar pajak.
Kupon ini tentu saja bisa diperjual-belikan kalau kalau pajak kewajiban anda terlalu sedikit, karena mungkin kupon ini hanya berlaku untuk 1 tahun.

Daya tarik dari membeli kupon ini adalah, proyek yang anda biayai mencantumkan nama anda sebagai donaturnya. Artinya nama anda akan terpatri di halaman proyek itu atau di tempat permanen yang bisa dikenali, jadi anda akan mendapat rekam jejak sebagai salah satu kontributor proyek tersebut.

Karena proyek tersebut sudah dibiayai oleh rakyat, maka pemerintah mendapat surplus. Surplus ini tidak boleh dipakai untuk yang lain, karena untuk periode selanjutnya pemasukan pajak pemerintah akan berkurang, dan untuk membiayainya berasal dari surplus ini.
Keuntungan buat pemerintah adalah, surplus ini bisa didiamkan di simpanan yang tidak beresiko tapi berbunga. Sementara kupon yang diberikan kepada donatur tidaklah berbunga. Jadi pemerintah untung di bidang time value of money dan donatur untung di bidang pengakuan dari khalayak.

Tapi tidak sampai di situ saja. Situs crowdsourcing ini juga dapat memunculkan proyek-proyek lain yang tidak ada anggarannya tapi penting dan dibutuhkan oleh rakyat.
Donatur dapat memilih untuk membiayainya tanpa diberi kupon sama sekali hanya namanya saja yang dicantumkan. Tentu saja nama ini mendapat perlakuan khusus seperti warna emas atau sejenisnya.

Selama ini proyek-proyek yang dibutuhkan tapi tidak ada anggarannya hanya ada di benak presiden tapi malu untuk dikemukakan jangan sampai menimbulkan ekspektasi yang memberi rasa tidak adil atau kecewa di masyarakat.
Dengan cara ini rakyat akan mengerti benar bahwa kebutuhannya diketahui, tapi pemerintah memiliki keterbatasan, tapi mau melakukannya, dan butuh dukungan untuk mewujudkannya, dan yang mendukung dapat rakyat hargai dengan luar biasa.

Jadi untuk proyek proyek spesial ini orang bisa tap / click, terus muncul menu pilihan (pledge gold, atau pledge coupon).
Untuk opsi pledge coupon, artinya anda mau mensponsori proyek ini setelah muncul kuponnya mungkin di tahun anggaran selanjutnya. Informasi ini bagus agar pemerintah bisa mengukur proyek-proyek apa saja yang populer.
Untuk opsi pledge gold, artinya anda mau membiayai sebesar *sekian* walaupun tidak ada kuponnya. Untuk opsi ini, uang anda akan dikunci, tidak bisa dipakai, tapi belum berpindah dari rekening anda. Begitu target tercapai, anda akan menerima email konfirmasi, bahwa komitmen sudah cukup dan uang siap di transfer, kalau anda setuju maka uang anda akan ditransfer.
Kalau anda tidak setuju, maka proyek tersebut akan terus mencari donatur gold sampai target tercapai, dan nama anda akan dihilangkan dari daftar pledge.

When reputation was measured in more rich manners

Reputation has a spectrum, it could come from achievements, popular presentation of one's self, being audited or scrutinized, being on a...