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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Feminism in Order

I see that a lot of discontent expressed by feminists basically are their dissatisfaction towards the reality that seem to favor people with low neurotic ism.
Firstly I propose my line of thinking that most males became less neurotic due to evolution, when our male ancestors went to war, people with high neurotic ism tend to die out. Leaving the civilization with male genetics with lack neurotic ism.

I can't seem to fathom why feminist hate order, when neurotic ism suppose to thrive in the time of order, and lack of neurotic ism thrive in the time of chaos.
Women seem to be able to identify problems more than males, although during unpredictable circumstances tend to have longer thought process before creating a solution to the problem. Sometimes the problem they identify overwhelms them and render them not wanting to create a solution (because lack of focus) while males tend to ignore certain things and ended up creating a solutions that work even though a bit tasteless for women.

Maybe in the time of stability, it's time for women to shine. The workplace even though not as chaotic in the past, tend to absorb a lot of problems and responsibilities they are chaotic and triggering to women, making them prefer to stay at home and have a family. (This observation is not yet confirmed by others, this is just my opinion). 
The women that held on tend to have strong memory and have many arsenals of solutions, but still tend not to create something of their own because it's too costly for them to do so.


I'm curious about the beauty of the solutions made by neurotic people in the time of order.

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