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Friday, August 31, 2018

Gengsi vs Percaya Diri

Gengsi itu semua tentang posisi di masyarakat / kelompok.
Percaya diri itu ingatan tentang kenyataan bahwa saya pernah menyelesaikan masalah / masalah-masalah.

Gengsi harus berubah - ubah sesuai dengan kenyataan yang selalu berubah,
Tapi Percaya Diri itu permanen.

Kenapa kita merasa tidak aman? mengapa kita gelisah akan percaya diri kita?
Kenapa kita tidak mau membebaskan gengsi kita menjadi dinamis?

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Cost Pembatalan Tiket

Baru-baru saya batal beli tiket, biaya pembatalannya tinggi sekali (traveloka + sriwijaya).
Faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan:
1. Berapa lama tiket itu hilang dari pasar
2. Berapa lama tiket itu
3. Biaya administrasi (Fixed Cost)

Jadi kalau dibatalkan hanya dalam kurun waktu 5 menit setelah dibeli, tiket itu hanya kehilangan 5 menit di pasar, walaupun jaraknya misalnya hanya 10 jam sebelum keberangkatan.
Kalau dibatalkan jauh jauh hari memang tiket itu punya waktu lebih lama untuk "dipajang" sehingga bisa dibeli.
Tapi walaupun tiket itu dibatalkan dekat-dekat waktu keberangkatan, tingkat kerugiannya masih kecil kalau jarak antara pembelian dan pembatalannya singkat.

Saya kira perhitungan ini bisa dibuat seperti itu, karena cukup menggunakan program hal ini bisa dilakukan secara otomatis.
Dimana cancellation cost mulai dihitung pada saat tiket itu dibeli tiap menit/detiknya, dan, percepatan peningkatan harga cancellation cost meningkat seiring semakin dekatnya pembatalan dengan waktu keberangkatan.

Ada maskapai yang menilai waktu-waktu sangat terakhir lebih murah, itu juga bisa dipertimbangkan.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

HP khusus anak-anak (Solusi youtube demonetization system)

Buat HP khusus anak-anak dimana app storenya hanya bisa menginstall setelah ada konfirmasi ijin dari akun guardian / orang tua.
Semua aplikasinya hanya bisa terinstall seizin orang tua saja, dan orang tua bisa menonaktifkan aplikasi.

Kalau ada produk ini maka selanjutnya bisa dibuat aplikasi satelit untuk youtube, dimana aplikasi ini memutar video-video dari youtube, tapi memblok channel channel dan video-video yang sifatnya mature. Jadi orang tua bisa memblok youtube dan mengizinkan aplikasi ini.
Ini juga bisa dari solusi atas sistem demonetize youtube yang terlalu pukul rata. Ada kelompok konsumen yang sudah bisa dewasa terhadap hal-hal seperti kata-kata kasar dan menggunakannya untuk tujuan humor semata, masak begini di demonetize juga?

Monday, August 13, 2018

Intimidasi Legitimasi

Kau tidak tahu bagaimana jadi orang begini, bagaimana pengalaman ini, bagaimana penderitaan ini!

Kriminal troublemaker suka begitu

Daripada urus penderitaan orang yang menyusahkan lebih baik urus penderitaan orang yang sudah mengorbankan segalanya demi kebahagiaan kita.

Sekali lagi:


Kita tidak hidup kalau tidak bisa memilih dan menolak,
Tapi kenapa kesombongan begitu tricky untuk ditolak?

Mungkin ini bisa membantu:
Merasa diri spesial itu tidak sombong, merasa yg lain tidak spesial itu sombong
Menganggap diri penting itu tidak sombong, menganggap yg lain tidak penting itu sombong

Tidak ada yg harus punya orang lain, ada yg harus punya keberanian.

Definition as a spectrum

Who is Rachel?

Lets consider 3 things even though there are many more things in the spectrum.
Rachel's memory, discipline, and body.

Say Rachel lost her memory, but she still has her behavior and her body. That person is Rachel
Rachel lost her body, her memory and discipline is stored as data and planted in a humanoid body. That cyborg is Rachel.
Rachel got pierced by a long nail/thorn from her chin to all the way to her brain, surprisingly she survived, but now her behavior completely changed... she still retain her memory and body. That person is Rachel.

Say Rachel lost her behavior and body, but her memory can be saved and transferred to her sister... Her sister is not Rachel, she just knew now what Rachel knew.
Rachel lost her memory and body, but her discipline is transferred to a robot. That robot is not Rachel, no matter what her stalker said when he bought it for 200 million dollars. (The discipline would be baseless anyway and would transform quickly to an extremely different form).

Now ofcourse there are many more things that's in the spectrum but that's the point I want to make

Multidiscipline Financial Statement

So using a little bit more complex program, we could have a financial statement that has the option to transform accordingly to the discipline the users are opting to view.
People can choose whether to use IFRS, or other standards or even own company's standard.
Ever since the market valuation of assets were introduced, the way financial statements help its users became more "quantum position" like. The Balance Sheet or Statement of Financial Position seem to have a really relative interpretation and In the past I wanted to value the assets based on the PV of the asset's projected cash flow at the risk free rate projected as a balance sheet.

Therefore it would be great to have a financial statement that could accommodate multiple perspectives.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

True responsibility came not from force but from freedom

People I think we should accept that we don't want to change or be influenced by just 1 source no matter how true or how objective the arguments might be.
Especially in this time of internet, don't blame yourself for not being able to follow all of the advice of your parents or mentor or anyone. Because its just natural for us to feel safe getting ideas from different sources.

But, it doesn't mean that it's useless to give an objective or truthful advice to the people that have helped you or to the people you love. The advice would be an explosive stored in their system and will keep building up, until that "fresh" source of idea chipped in and blew everything up.
Then you'll see a change of habit that's so permanent in nature.

Another thing,

When that bomb hasn't matured yet, it's going to be problematic for a person to bear a responsibility or responsibilities related to it. Just because you can logically at peace about it's necessity, doesn't mean you can get immersed into it. Sometimes it's useful to develop interests out of regular practices, however big responsibilities should not be taken lightly.

Another thing,

Curiosity is basic need, so I have to be strategic about it. Now I think that it might be a bad idea for me to read great books related to my area when I don't have the right position for significance. Say for example a student forced herself to read great books she only could extract little from, after she graduated it would be very beneficial for her to come back to that book and read again. But, the effect would be even bigger if she could read the book with curiosity. If the book was not really engaging, then arguably, she could've done better if she didn't read the book in the beginning.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Provoked by Porn

Another hypothetical thought:

If people look a porn, they would be influenced subconsciously by the same object. Let say all the people in the world except one ejaculated to the moon every once a month, everyone would be able to know each other at emotional level and be able to provoke each other at that emotional spots the same way.
But that one guy though, he don't need that much privacy, everywhere in the world would be his private place, because his mind is serene and nobody knows the way he feels.
He is harder to provoke.

So, the implication of this is, this guy would have easier time to create high quality solutions. Because when you are in danger, your long term mind stops and your short term mind activates. (Watch Jordan Peterson's lectures in his youtube channel, at least one of the lecture talked about stress). If your environment is surrounded by people who could easily provoked you, you'd sense danger most of the time and it would be harder for you to think of something carefully quickly as a form of quick reaction to reality.

The solution for this is to create administration that would protect you from power hungry surroundings (see last post), since people who are more powerful could secure privacy and secure fear from others out of messing with them, power hunger would be a persistent trend, even when it's strategic for the community to relinquish a little bit of power out of some people temporarily in order to solve some important problems.

And in order to create that administration, you should spread the power tree seeds as well. Support the heroes of security in your community as they are one of the source of basic needs.

For Indonesians, check out veteranri.go.id

Thursday, August 2, 2018

The tree of power

This is just hypothetical:
People who had sex have some kind of control over the other's personal emotional or subconscious state.
Cheating would reduce the share of that emotional property for your partner.

Promiscousity would lead a person subconsciously prioritize power to the extreme. A little reduction of power even briefly would expose them to abuse from the others.

Virgins seem not to have this hunger of power. In order to protect themselves the solution is, contribute or take care of now pension providers of safety in your community. Treat heroes who have prevented abuse of power in your community as prividers of basic needs.

That action means you're spreading seeds of power tree, which when came to fruition will provide you with the solution you need against crazy abusers.

The solution is very situational, depends on many conditions.


If you can own then you can share If you can not own then you can't share If you're regulated to "share" that's not sh...