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Saturday, August 4, 2018

Provoked by Porn

Another hypothetical thought:

If people look a porn, they would be influenced subconsciously by the same object. Let say all the people in the world except one ejaculated to the moon every once a month, everyone would be able to know each other at emotional level and be able to provoke each other at that emotional spots the same way.
But that one guy though, he don't need that much privacy, everywhere in the world would be his private place, because his mind is serene and nobody knows the way he feels.
He is harder to provoke.

So, the implication of this is, this guy would have easier time to create high quality solutions. Because when you are in danger, your long term mind stops and your short term mind activates. (Watch Jordan Peterson's lectures in his youtube channel, at least one of the lecture talked about stress). If your environment is surrounded by people who could easily provoked you, you'd sense danger most of the time and it would be harder for you to think of something carefully quickly as a form of quick reaction to reality.

The solution for this is to create administration that would protect you from power hungry surroundings (see last post), since people who are more powerful could secure privacy and secure fear from others out of messing with them, power hunger would be a persistent trend, even when it's strategic for the community to relinquish a little bit of power out of some people temporarily in order to solve some important problems.

And in order to create that administration, you should spread the power tree seeds as well. Support the heroes of security in your community as they are one of the source of basic needs.

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1 comment:


If you can own then you can share If you can not own then you can't share If you're regulated to "share" that's not sh...