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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Jordan Peterson | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union

This is my comment on this video youtube page:

I have the general purpose low resolution theory in 13:25
The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions, mutual solutions would reveal themselves more the more you give back to your sources of solutions like inventors, designers, teachers in relation to your job.
Not giving back something will introduce imbalances.
Tendencies or Inclinations could be looked at as individuals, the way limited liability is a separate legal entity, for example the inclination to preserve humanity has many organs such as countries, universities, people, farmlands, etc. And the greatest of all inclinations is the inclination to incline.
So the idea of God isn't necessarily forced upon others, where there's conflict, just refer to the inclination to incline.

Now you want to give thanks too to the inclinations as sources of your mutual solutions.
And copying is a very good way of doing this. But piracy is not giving back to the human sources of solutions, and ip law limits copying it inhibits giving thanks to "spiritual" sources of solutions.
The middle ground is to introduce this add on: The golden sticker, which is a sticker you could give to anyone who give thanks to you. And that sticker could be posted at their profile page. And people would appreciate and prefer to do business with people who has a lot of "stickers" that they could relate to. 

Saturday, September 22, 2018


There are so many kinds of beauty, even little kids understand. Maybe the conclusion that I want to have sex with her is really like answering all questions with “because of God”. There’s so many follow ups to beauty other than sex, sex is just most people’s resort to their inability to figure those out.
I want to know to but everytime I stare at beautiful people I might be called a pervert.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Meningkatkan Tax Compliance di Indonesia

Untuk daerah-daerah baru, banyak pebisnis yang sulit membayar pajak apalagi kalau mereka bersaingan dengan saingan bisnis yang punya pengaruh, yang tidak bisa disentuh oleh pemerintah.
Seperti yang kita ketahui hukum bukan segalanya, ada juga faktor budaya dan propaganda yang dimainkan oleh kekuasaan di suatu daerah.

Solusinya sulit kalau kantor pajak menangkap semua yang tidak membayar pajak, tapi kementrian keuangan bisa bekerja sama dengan BIN mengidentifikasi pembayaran yang relatif (atau yang kecenderungannya di daerah itu) paling patuh membayar pajak, dan kemudian memberikan informasi-informasi atau teknologi atau fasilitas-fasilitas khusus kepada mereka agar mereka bisa bersaing.

Hal ini mengaktifkan kecenderungan untuk saingan mereka untuk ikut membayar pajak.
Hal lain yang bisa diperbaiki di hukum pajak adalah,
Menghilangkan kewajiban memeriksa pajak / tax audit untuk setiap lebih bayar.
Mengajukan banding pajak tidak usah dikenakan ekstra 50%, tapi cukup biaya administrasi saja... atau dikenakan 50% untuk STP di bawah 4,5 juta, selanjutnya di atas itu biaya administrasi saja. 

Friday, September 14, 2018

Invention Nowadays and in the Future

Nowadays and in the Future inventions would not just about what new administration is created. But more about which administration is going to be prioritized over which.
Meaning, the level of importance is the invention,
Because confusion would be one of the biggest problem the world is going to face constantly.

Now, using piracy will really distort your reliability in setting the right priority.
Your sense of what's expensive and what's less expensive
What's sustainable what's not sustainable
and other important things, will be distorted.

So, the lesser piracy the better, remember,
The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions.
Sources of solutions must be rewarded, maintained, taken care of. That's the basic.
If you lose that basic, all sorts of imbalances will come.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Mall dengan jalan tol V.03

Jadi sebelah kiri kanan itu etalase, di tengah jalan tol utk pengunjung yg mau jalan cepat. Kalau di samping kiri kanan tidak boleh jalan cepat atau lari, karena orang mau bengong lihat produk dgn tenang.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Idea Regional Press Centre app v. 02

people submit news based on locations. So people who have the news app can check out what’s hot and interesting in that location around that time.
So let’s say I came to a mall I always go. Instead of being bored I could just check what’s hot at the moment. Turned out there is a new flower blooming in the mall’s garden. There’s a new discount at a store, a famous person is eating at a restaurant, etc.

Contributors will be rewarded, maybe based on number of likes or the site might enable direct donation to authors etc.

Another 'in youtube idea

Why don't community make the standards or censorship?
And youtube enable the standard to be chosen by people.
Like for example, a Christian community or group would censor stuff in the video they watched or categorizes videos they watched. And every other people who opted to try the group's filter would experience it in their search engine, they could see the categorization of the videos that appear on their search or while they're watching and experience the censored version of the video.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Bumi dan Kekayaan Alam

Kalau melihat UUD, bumi dan kekayaan alam yang terkandung di dalamnya dikuasai oleh negara, maka logikanya segala mineral, minyak bumi, emas, dll. Semuanya adalah milik negara Indonesia dan penambang atau pendulang cuma berhak atas jasa menambang dan mendulang.


If you can own then you can share If you can not own then you can't share If you're regulated to "share" that's not sh...