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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Do I deserve good things? (You deserve good things) v.02

Depression, the embodiment of the inclination to not incline, the enemy...
Could really be broken down to that question. All of our fears for us that's not in depression is also about the question.

Do I deserve good things? Who deserves good things? Who doesn't?

And what an achievement it is to be able to unravel the reason or the philosophy that could say "all of you deserve good things", while at the same time synchronize with reality resulted in permanent, abundant mutual solutions in reality.

But do I really deserve good things? Who doesn't deserve good things?

2017 lecture of Dr. Jordan B Peterson about Personality, Biology/Traits: Incentive Reward/Neuroticism (https://youtu.be/ewU7Vb9ToXg)
Presents the state of depression as when you categorize yourself in the "bad" box.

People has a sense of good and bad, they judge.
If you judge yourself as bad, really, then what's your reason to keep on going?
You'd basically rationalize for your own demise.

I myself has talked about this (judging, not depression) in my previous post but I was not being specific. Judging is best viewed from the point of inclination. In a road that could only tolerate 40 km/h cars there are two cars entering it at precisely 40 km/h, but one was 100 km/h 2 seconds ago, and the other one was 1 km/h 2 seconds ago. Which one is the potential trouble judging by the standard?

In a real sense if I'm not mistakenly remember, when I was young I watched a tv show where there was a dad, is contemplating to sell his daughter in order to be able to feed his son, because his village was stricken by drought. If he sold his daughter, she would be able to get food and water in another city even though as a child prostitute, and he would have enough money to buy food for his now starving son.

Now, I don't want to dwell in this too much and start a judging competition of what's ethical and what's not. Let's focus on how unreliable it is for the society to actually pass judgement over the worthiness of a human being. And the fact that you adopt that stupidity is going, not saying that you deserve it but in reality, it is going to lead you to depression.

The more you judge other people the more you too will be judged by yourself.

So how you may ask, I figure out the best way to prioritize other people for good things that I could give? If you asked me obviously my answer would be those that have helped you with your life solutions. And that answer is not out of the current standard of worthiness popularly adopted, that answer came out of my fight against the enemy.

Could I say those that doesn't give back to their sources of solutions doesn't deserve good things in life?
If you can, just don't go there, ever...
As much as your point of view is unique, reality is bigger than your point of views


  1. This is so amazing that the bible told the story of Adam and Eve, as soon as they began to judge, their lives got destroyed

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So when Adam and Eve began to be able to judge, eventually they began to worry about the other's judgement, does she thinks I don't deserve as much good things as before?

    And in my opinion that's the start of the concept of "nakedness" when the other person found no more mystery in you, their judgement would in some sense became "absolute" and you'd have no reason (if you shared the same values) to not believe him/her.



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