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Friday, April 5, 2019

Hopefully, user friendly overview of my philosophy v.03

The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions
Solutions are unlimited but we are not rich enough because we are not giving back enough to our sources of solutions

x1.y1 + x2.y2 + x3.y3

each segment is an administration that managed to solve our problems throughout our lives. The formula is about maximizing the potential of life.

For each ability you have, you would give thanks to the sources of solutions in order to maximize the level of availability of mutual solutions in your reality. Administrations could be, mathematical administrations, economic administrations, security, health, management discipline like accounting, logic, moral, philosophy, biology, geology, cartography, etc.

x refers to the spirit, and y refers to the human authors.

You give thanks to the spirits by propagating them and made them prioritized. This usually achieved by investing in assets related to it, learning, copying, and spreading the ideas.
You give thanks to the human authors by solving their life problems or participate in the solving of their life problems.

You might ask, how are spirits actual living individual beings. I'd answer that actually they could be looked at in that way, in the way people can accept that companies are individuals, separate legal entity. Please let me elaborate

Spirits are Inclinations,
For example, The Inclination to preserve humanity could have organs of the red cross, farmlands, the armies, the culture of nurturing people, etc.
The inclination to make people smart could have organs of schools, scientists, educators, publication companies, the habit of telling the truth, etc.

The inclinations can move and when it move you could see that sometimes certain administrations serve a certain purpose but in the next hour, it served the purpose no longer. This indicates that the inclination is moving away from the administration, it may return, in some cases it won't be for a while.

So if you believe that the inclination to make proper financial statements has helped in solving your life problems.
Then you would propagate the spirit, and give thanks to accountants that had spent their resources to make it happen successfully. Doing that proportionately will maximize your life, your past, present, and future.

There are different types of spirits. 2 that I have identified are the "historical" and "perpetual" spirits.
Example of Historical spirits:
- The inclination to make Donald Trump a president of the United States in 2017
- The inclination to make Bill Clinton president of Senegal in 2018.
- The inclination for me to have a meal on the 24'th of April 2002.

Example of Perpetual spirits:
- The inclination to make people happy
- The inclination to keep on inclining forever
- The inclination to Incline

When a historical spirit was successfully prioritized in reality, it will always be prioritized by other spirits in the future. Meaning, history is permanent.
All other things that wanted to be real in life must conform to history or they will not be real, they will not be supported by other forms of existence.

Once a historical spirit failed, it can be resurrected through art but it won't ever beat its adversaries.
For example, The inclination to make the meat medium rare for yesterday's dinner was defeated by the inclination to make the meat medium for yesterday's dinner.
"The inclination to make the meat medium rare for yesterday's dinner" will never ever going to be able to thwart
"The inclination to make the meat medium for yesterday's dinner" from being history in reality.

The perpetual inclinations can have multiple successes and failures and can constantly play in reality
For example the inclination to make girls win over boys, it's sometimes prioritized, sometimes not, its success won't define the end of its journey nor would its failures.

The inclination to incline is the inclination who is always successful
The inclination to keep on inclining forever stays in the realm of the undefined, is he successful? who on earth could fully ascertain to that?
The inclination to not incline could influence reality, it might own assets, but it never truly prioritized.

The Inclination to Incline relates to both of the last two spirits. But in relation with the inclination to keep on inclining forever, there's wisdom, love, happiness.
The relationship between "The Inclination to Incline" and "The Inclination to Keep on Inclining Forever" is where I want to be.

God is not yet 100% omnipotent, that's true if we define "The Inclination to Keep on Inclining Forever" as a part of God, a God family.
Because God is not yet able to achieve what He wanted to achieve without the presence of depressing sufferings. However, our existence as human beings will help God achieve 100% omnipotence when we managed to make the Inclination to keep on Inclining forever truthfully absolutely win at all times (without changing the truthful past) in all reality permanently forever.

We want to make the inclination to not incline absolutely and permanently has no asset for it to even be able to suffer. Let the light engulf all darkness.

So whenever a person feels that the inclination to not incline could be desirable, that person is in a state of depression and should go out of there while it's not harder to do so. 

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