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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Trying to promote the Golden Sticker Idea again

My response comment:

The Patent could be used against innovation as all great tools can be used against its purpose. But the fact of the matter is, the growth of 21' st century has been driven largely by patent based inventions.

However, we must not forget what truly motivates the growth of assets, meritocracy. The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions. Solutions are unlimited but we are not at our full potential because we are not giving back enough to our sources of solutions. 

The idea of patent secures gratitude and rewards to the sources of the solutions we use in the world. In the future, however, using the internet we could make the execution cheaper, more accurate, and more accessible using the mesh/the cloud topology. 

Set up social media, and allow everyone to produce their own stickers that could be bought and sold by other people. If I think that certain-certain inventors have helped me with my life, I would buy their stickers to give thanks. The stickers that I've bought shall appear on my profile page, they would look like (Google 2018 silver sticker, Microsoft 2019 golden sticker, Google 2019 golden sticker). And in their profile page shall appear my sticker (Melki 2018 golden sticker, Melki 2019 platinum sticker, Melki 2019 platinum sticker). It shows that a mutual transaction has occurred, I've paid them money, and they have the royalty in the solution of my life/business.

So what this will create is the value for negotiation. When you compete for tenders or jobs or other things, people would check on your profile page and see who are the people you appreciate the most. Your potential counterparts would then chose to do business with you because you seem like a profitable person who would value their intelligence and efforts or because you're the most relatable person to them.

Of course, in order to prevent the transaction abuse, every sticker transaction would be charged a small amount of transaction taxes.

This idea should serve as an add-on, not a replacement to the current, already working well IP System. But there are some intellectual products that are not covered, and there are people who just don't have the resources to secure a patent.

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