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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Insult to Language, the idea of property, justice, and many other things that are good v.03

If you read proverbs 4:24 it says

Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.

(https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/pro/4/24/t_conc_632024, June 2020)

Lets be honest, stop lying, this verse is talking about when people talk about something but actually is talking to somebody else, trying to convey meaning that is not in the words that he/she's saying.

Straight up, I abhor this... with everything I am. People think I do this, I know that they think I do this, but I just say what I mean without that particular filter.

Look, when you're upset about something that I don't say, then the one that is hurting you is you not me. I'm talking to the whole generation of cocky narcissist or tools out there. There must be some who took this personally, then yes I'm talking to you, all of you.

This type of talking I call "negotiating from the backdoor". It doesn't give a chance for proper response, its just straight up bullying. Injustice served, Lying served, Insult to property served, all at the same time and more.

And since this culture is so persistent amongst people, because sadly people feel kinda proud of being able to something a little bit difficult. The whole mass has become stupid and hinder all things that are fair and productive from thriving. How? by putting extra responsibilities in speeches and discussions and criticism. It is too hard to say things just the way it is now, because people are expected to care about things that are not said as well. Well then, it is basically saying, if you have no power don't you dare speak.

Because everyone can be offended by everything! you idiots

It is an endless chain of offense, no standard, you thought it has standards? No in the end no, its just power flexing, and ultimately, discrimination.

The prove is the fact that this has been practiced for at least half a century that I know of and none of this culture has been standardized within the law. I mean its not easy but its also not the hardest thing to articulate. For example, if you talk using a word that intersects with the elephant in the room, than you are talking about the elephant in the room. See... I just did... but why this beyond disgusting thing is not in the law? 


Stop feeling proud about this, and putting responsibilities on other people over the things you have to deal with. Stop disrespecting humanity no matter how alone they are or how weak they are by acting like it is not necessary to talk to them through the front door.

And I'm going to mention one benefit if you do this... You'd take less things personally and you'd stop becoming hindrance to fair discussions.

Idioms, metaphors, illustrations, they are things that people tell with blatant context that they are derivatives, with publicized agreement and context. Don't band these glorious things with trash.

There are contexts on which things such as these are necessary though,
like when you're on tv and something is wrong happening, you only have like 5 minutes of airtime. Or you're acting in a play or a drama. But people has been aspiring to be celebrities too much its painful. 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Let's think together

I remember that there was a make a computer from scratch program about 10 years ago

Here, here is the TED talk:

So, I haven't done it yet...
But I want to do something a little bit, little little bit like that.

Yesterday I spent a lot of time of the day daydreaming but still can't properly have the answer, which is about "Dynamic Primary Key using the concept of Trinity". I think this is an interesting thing to figure out, maybe I could find the answer if I searched online but I really want to came up with the answer myself.

If you think this is interesting maybe you could figure it out yourself?

Monday, June 8, 2020

New Normal Product Idea - Ninja Mask

A mask that absorbs voice strongly other people could only hear unintelligible noises. Then there is a microphone built-in, that could be paired with headphones. You can choose who gets to hear what you're talking.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Checkpoint v.02

So far, here is a recapitulation of my progress in this blog:

The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions. Solutions are unlimited, it is creatable, it has no ceiling, but we are so limited because we are not giving back enough to our sources of solutions.

Sources of solutions are individuals, individuals could be human beings, could be other entities.

Inclinations are spirits and they are entities. You'd likely want to give thanks to human beings and the Inclinations. For example, the inclination to upheld mathematical principals over superstitions, and a mathematical inventor. You'd want to give thanks to both to maximize value.

The existence of more than one individual entails justice. From the point of view of human beings, we are brought to this world, not of our own will, therefore it is only just for us to get whatever we want and whatever we need and most importantly to not be depressed. And justice is the fact that all of us are, all of us. Since we are all not there yet sustainably, justice is also the progress towards there. And since solutions are unlimited, justice is the increase in the level of availability of mutual solutions.

Money is prove that the holder has helped and hasn't been helped back. The value of money depends on the wannability of the issuer to solve the problems of the holder (wannable, wanting and able).

The economy is a system of people helping each other.

According to the second law of thermodynamics, a system would ultimately experience increase in entropy. I'd like to define the increase as elements of the system are increasingly becoming less a part of the system. But it is not necessarily disorder, disorder is our inability to identify the other system they are transitioning as a part of.

If you want to eternalize the exact same system, you'd have to absolutely isolate it from other things in the universe, then it would experience zero delta entropy. But this is not a growing system, instead, it is death by complete immateriality. Negative entropy however is unimaginable to me, I think.

So, ultimately you don't want to focus on preserving the mechanism or the shape, but the relevance. And in order to do so, you need meaning.

Something is meaningful when it changes the order of priorities of other things. Our life is felt meaningless when whatever we do, we experience no desired changes in the order of priorities of ourselves in the universe. And too long of that would invoke anxiety. In my opinion, meaning is the cure for anxiety.

Time exists due to the irreversibility of total interactions, or everything. Our perception of time is that total interaction is always happening, irreversible, and therefore always new.

In order to be timely or relevant, we need to dance with it in harmony. In a way that would keep us on experiencing interactions after interactions after interactions forever. And we must want it.
In order to achieve us becoming a permanent part of the Inclination to keep on Inclining forever, we need meaning in terms of that, meaning wisdom.

There are time for everything in this world, said in the bible,
There are time for reap, time for sow, time to be born and time to die, see:

What am I but a beast, who am I to judge, I just want to enjoy my life through the works that I've done. But God is so kind, He is so kind to me, for the enjoyment He has bestowed upon me... is Great.

Tax Exempt on Insurance payment return

National Health insurance is a blessing but its also a big burden for the whole society. So in order to ease the burden consider this: Upon ...