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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Insult to Language, the idea of property, justice, and many other things that are good v.03

If you read proverbs 4:24 it says

Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.

(https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/pro/4/24/t_conc_632024, June 2020)

Lets be honest, stop lying, this verse is talking about when people talk about something but actually is talking to somebody else, trying to convey meaning that is not in the words that he/she's saying.

Straight up, I abhor this... with everything I am. People think I do this, I know that they think I do this, but I just say what I mean without that particular filter.

Look, when you're upset about something that I don't say, then the one that is hurting you is you not me. I'm talking to the whole generation of cocky narcissist or tools out there. There must be some who took this personally, then yes I'm talking to you, all of you.

This type of talking I call "negotiating from the backdoor". It doesn't give a chance for proper response, its just straight up bullying. Injustice served, Lying served, Insult to property served, all at the same time and more.

And since this culture is so persistent amongst people, because sadly people feel kinda proud of being able to something a little bit difficult. The whole mass has become stupid and hinder all things that are fair and productive from thriving. How? by putting extra responsibilities in speeches and discussions and criticism. It is too hard to say things just the way it is now, because people are expected to care about things that are not said as well. Well then, it is basically saying, if you have no power don't you dare speak.

Because everyone can be offended by everything! you idiots

It is an endless chain of offense, no standard, you thought it has standards? No in the end no, its just power flexing, and ultimately, discrimination.

The prove is the fact that this has been practiced for at least half a century that I know of and none of this culture has been standardized within the law. I mean its not easy but its also not the hardest thing to articulate. For example, if you talk using a word that intersects with the elephant in the room, than you are talking about the elephant in the room. See... I just did... but why this beyond disgusting thing is not in the law? 


Stop feeling proud about this, and putting responsibilities on other people over the things you have to deal with. Stop disrespecting humanity no matter how alone they are or how weak they are by acting like it is not necessary to talk to them through the front door.

And I'm going to mention one benefit if you do this... You'd take less things personally and you'd stop becoming hindrance to fair discussions.

Idioms, metaphors, illustrations, they are things that people tell with blatant context that they are derivatives, with publicized agreement and context. Don't band these glorious things with trash.

There are contexts on which things such as these are necessary though,
like when you're on tv and something is wrong happening, you only have like 5 minutes of airtime. Or you're acting in a play or a drama. But people has been aspiring to be celebrities too much its painful. 

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