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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

My Frustration on Female Behaviors v.03

I recently focused on why am I frustrated with women so much, 

I used to went to an ex all female school where there was just 6 of us boys and 40 something of girls in class all the way from the first to the sixth grade. And then I got exposed to more and more masculine "world". I definitely feel that both have traits that should complement each other. 

But it seems to me that most female are disciplined in not being a utilitarian. Like a seed, deliberately planted in all women to curb practicality. It is as if the people they hang out with will hammer down the nail of utilitarianism if they sensed that there was one. The Indonesian word I love to use is kemanjuran. It seems like they deliberately not prioritizing kemanjuran like a universal "statement". 

Now I feel it in my bones that if they would just cut it, if they would just stop it, they would become exponentially superior to men in many many solution types. But I don't know why, they just won't... they just won't work with me. 

I know that they might think that instant practicality is reckless, and by embracing "feelings" you'd figure out more layers of complexities to the problem... but... instead of investing heavily in articulation... they'd just shoot down people who want to be efficient as heartless or a jerk. 

I think it'd be totally worth it, investing in articulation. Those complex feelings do have merits, but you have to acknowledge that the world is the way it is, it would not change itself simply because you put your own selves in harm's way. And that is why people tend to ignore certain details and resorted to quick practicality. 

If you accustomed yourselves in articulation, at first it might made you looked stupid and sounded stupid, and you're going to invite lots of criticism, harsh ones (and that's good, that's not evil, that is what you want). But if you kept at it, you'll become better and faster. And then you should be able, in my opinion, to notice different things... not always that, you've noticed them, but now you'd be able to express them efficiently and effectively. You might even articulated it so quick, you could keep it to yourself in the finished form, I mean without having to pour it out. And wouldn't that live be so much more fun for you?

And dudes, stop lying to women. Be real with them, I recently just watched a video how a man is happy to see her wife. And women be "that's an expression of a man who thinks he's the luckiest man in the world", who says that? What guy says that? leave him. You don't want a man who thinks he's the luckiest man in the world for having you, you want a man that thinks "I'm going to face a lot of problem because of this woman, and that's fine". If a man says to you "I'm the luckiest man in the world" he wants your sugar and then leave without recycling (bahasa Indonesia: habis manis sepah dibuang). 

Obviously that's just my opinion... and not all men... but I need not say that, because men are men. 

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Third Update, Elements of the equation v.02

If we want to pinpoint the accurate prices of each goods and services, we would want to figure out the direction of the economic progress. Therefore we would want to know the path or the terrain as the location. 

What I could say is that if you take all the expectations of the participators of the economy, merged them accountably, then you would get the path. After you get the path then you could pinpoint where you are or where your economy's are in relative to the path. The path itself is constantly morphing following the second law. 

But put the morph to the side for now. 

There are 2 types of expectations: The Conscious and The Subconscious. 

You get the subconscious by answering the question, what is the best state of your psyche and your physical body could be? Where are your psyche and your physical currently situated? And this applies to everybody. So, when you get that... merge them all... you'd be able to position the economy's subconscious state.

Then, the conscious part... this is the warzone and the gaming zone, this where everything is happening. But basically, all of your expectations about life and where you are right now. OMG I'm being a Freud right now :). Anyway, so you get that, maybe you'd want to freeze the time to make it simpler, then you merged them all... then you'd have position the economy's conscious state. 

But this is important, we have to acknowledge heaven. So Heaven is The Supremacy of The Inclination to Keep On Inclining Forever, Forever, all the way forward. Just so that we wouldn't disorient ourselves. 

Now if you've acquired the position, the path, and the goal. You'd be able to articulate the speed. And then using your knowledge of the size of the economy, you might be able to get to the weight of the economy, or the other way around, or with other means... I don't know yet, but if could get to those, you should be able to confirm the momentum of the economy then. 

And yes, artificially manipulating the conscious expectation would just going to mess with the economy instead of supporting it. See closed countries such as those and those... see them from the glasses of relativity, its even more concerning. So don't please don't! 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Justice is the field that must be played by all people. As long as there are more than one person in this world, Justice is king. In economy, or medicine, or accounting, you don't have to be an expert, and that's in everyone's best interest. But in terms of Justice, we can't. Justice is complex, I'm not saying that everyone must be a lawyer, I'm also not saying that everyone can be perfect when it comes to Justice... What I'm saying is everyone is expected to be just no matter what. 

And that's what's unique about Justice, if you don't prioritize Justice that's arrogance. So it is the best for me not to back you up when you fall because of arrogance. Helping arrogance would not do any good for the person nor for other people. No matter what the service he/she has done to the world, when things go down because of the arrogance, you'd only do harm in helping him/her out. 

So I've said this, don't expect me to back you up for your own demise. I'm out

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Second Update, The Garden of Eden v.04

So when Adam and Eve ate the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, they then discovered nakedness. 
This is my assumption:
By covering up, they increase the rareness of their reward, sex is a form of reward. 
Increasing rarity doesn't always mean less, it could even mean more. Especially sex

People have been increasing the rarity of their help ever since the beginning. But while they are doing so, the risk of misallocation arise. As the judgement of whats deserving fell in the hands of men

This is wrong... its about shame not about rarity

First Update v.05

Evil is like this, your body allocates resources to the part that has been working. If you've ran 1000 meters then resources would be allocated to your legs
Muscles will grow so it also would use a lot of resources. 
Evil is like those resources went to your arms instead of your legs. So the potential to misallocate, and once there is a misallocation it will propagate further misallocations... so yeah the potential to misallocate. 

But its complicated, because the economy is not about the amount of works, but the quality of the solutions. 
We got to go to the issue of why problem solvers need to be allocated resources and, by how much

But before that lets go back 1 step and note that it is the misallocation of resources, instead of the absense of resources. So evil is not the facilitated by the magnitude of the rewards available, but the misallocation of it.
It is true I think, but from the point of view of the whole economy, playing around with availability would always be misallocations (you can't artificially reduce rewards for a group of people... as soon as there is a misallocation it will give rise to evil in one way of the other, in one form or the other, whether it is within the group or outside the group).

Ok back to where we left off:
1. Evil will give rise to further evil, that's why misallocation is more threatening than lackness
2. There is an economic momentum, so pretending or artificially alter the nexus of reciprocity to mimic lackness will not balance out to negate evil. 

The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions, solutions are unlimited but we are so limited because we are not giving back enough to our sources of solutions


If you can own then you can share If you can not own then you can't share If you're regulated to "share" that's not sh...