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Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Justice is the field that must be played by all people. As long as there are more than one person in this world, Justice is king. In economy, or medicine, or accounting, you don't have to be an expert, and that's in everyone's best interest. But in terms of Justice, we can't. Justice is complex, I'm not saying that everyone must be a lawyer, I'm also not saying that everyone can be perfect when it comes to Justice... What I'm saying is everyone is expected to be just no matter what. 

And that's what's unique about Justice, if you don't prioritize Justice that's arrogance. So it is the best for me not to back you up when you fall because of arrogance. Helping arrogance would not do any good for the person nor for other people. No matter what the service he/she has done to the world, when things go down because of the arrogance, you'd only do harm in helping him/her out. 

So I've said this, don't expect me to back you up for your own demise. I'm out

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