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Sunday, August 2, 2020

First Update v.05

Evil is like this, your body allocates resources to the part that has been working. If you've ran 1000 meters then resources would be allocated to your legs
Muscles will grow so it also would use a lot of resources. 
Evil is like those resources went to your arms instead of your legs. So the potential to misallocate, and once there is a misallocation it will propagate further misallocations... so yeah the potential to misallocate. 

But its complicated, because the economy is not about the amount of works, but the quality of the solutions. 
We got to go to the issue of why problem solvers need to be allocated resources and, by how much

But before that lets go back 1 step and note that it is the misallocation of resources, instead of the absense of resources. So evil is not the facilitated by the magnitude of the rewards available, but the misallocation of it.
It is true I think, but from the point of view of the whole economy, playing around with availability would always be misallocations (you can't artificially reduce rewards for a group of people... as soon as there is a misallocation it will give rise to evil in one way of the other, in one form or the other, whether it is within the group or outside the group).

Ok back to where we left off:
1. Evil will give rise to further evil, that's why misallocation is more threatening than lackness
2. There is an economic momentum, so pretending or artificially alter the nexus of reciprocity to mimic lackness will not balance out to negate evil. 

The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions, solutions are unlimited but we are so limited because we are not giving back enough to our sources of solutions

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