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Friday, October 2, 2020

Let's simplify the law for the people v.05

I wonder why some countries with frequent use of drugs is wealthy like the Netherlands and some others are not as wealthy. Do all illegal drugs really has debilitating effects on people's mental health or some aren't?

But this is I'm sure, that if you created laws that were frequently violated by the people, in other words, you put the people in the position that's always against the written law. Then this is a case of conflicting or contradicting infrastructures of the relationships between people. 

People would always have this mindset that one should be disregarded over the other, written laws or customs. I mean if the customs were really bad then the written laws should win, if the written laws were bad, yes there are some, then customs should win. It is easy when it is obvious, but when it is not... its like telling/treating a kid who has gay (oldschool and newschool gay) tendencies that he was not a good person. 

Now, the more people are being put in that situation, where there are no clearance of their stand by the standard of the people of the universe... the more they'll keep experiencing this disconnected feeling. Not only that, also the feeling of being vilified. I remember Dr. Jordan B Peterson talked about people at the bottom of the dominance hierarchy tend to always be in a state of uneasiness, always be prepared to run or hide. From a point of view, this would definitely mean that they are less likely to invest in the long term. And this is the kind of state of mind that you would put in the minds of the people if you neglected the progress of the written laws.  

The Law is for the people, and it is meant to further our life to the better. And because of some people always want to gatekeeping others from abundance, the law is being gatekept from its true potential. Let's make the written laws more user friendly for the people :)

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