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Friday, January 8, 2021

Sufferings v.04

Living beings have the ability to choose and reject in order to stay alive, I'd like to use that as the definition of life itself. 

Living beings could adopt some inclinations and reject some inclinations, they could change the order of priorities of their way of choosing and rejecting. Any reduction of this ability is the larger definition of sufferings. So not just pain, and, not just in terms of power, a better dimension for that is wisdom. 

Reduction of one's ability to choose and reject, changing their order of priorities (of inclinations) is suffering. Putting time in perspective, you could suffer in your spirit for your short term as well as for your long term. So knowledge is power, but wisdom is better.

The Inclination to keep people away from wisdom might incorporate the inclination to perform transactions, to produce deceptions, however the inclination to perform transactions (commerce) might have the mind of its own. 

As we improve our wisdom in the practice of commerce, by utilizing our knowledge, the law, and other negotiation technologies properly, the pandemy might struck us down, but the fall wouldn't be as insufferable as before, I hope, we could recover and made this an opportunity to fix some of the mistakes we've scaled up in the past.

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