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Saturday, March 20, 2021

Imperfection of my definition of Justice

The things that can't have Justice are Spirits that inherently against Justice. 

Justice is when everybody/everyone gets whatever they wanted and needed whenever they wanted and needed it (Truthfully, forever). 

Spirits in this context are Inclinations, so any Inclinations that wants to make others not get what they wanted and needed (forever, Truthfully), should not get what they wanted/needed (ever). 

There we could see that the statement is not logical, simply not. But we conscious beings know what it means and it is understandable and it is not wrong. So we created terms like demons, angels, good, bad... as nuances to represent these things. 

I hypothesize that the Universe gave birth to consciousness (the tree of knowledge of good and evil) in order to tackle this problem. We, conscious beings are creatures of Justice, our relationships, our existence, has became all about Justice. Our problems, our limited resources, are our journey towards the discretion. It has became our mission, as painful as it is for us. 

Limited Resources means our Justice is not yet the true Justice but the path towards it. Our current justice is the increase of the level of availability of mutual solutions for all. 

So, who to prioritize? Whose problems got to be solved first? Who knows the Truth about what's best?

At first glance I'd say that "Prioritize those that would increase prosperity the most, and postpone those who would cause so the least". But do we really know? Who gets to decide? So now it is insulting to not use the law in making decisions about Justice... at least the law was passed down from thousands of years of death, pain, and sufferings of those before us within the honor of evolution (I'm referring to the protocols of editing/adding to the law). 

In conclusion, there is a difference in saying "You don't deserve Justice" and "Hope Justice gets to you". I prefer the later.


But Actually, if I used transcendence, or, Justice as a transcendence:

Justice^, is when everyone gets whatever he/she wanted and needed whenever he/she wanted/needed them, (forever, Truthfully) except for those who are against Justice^


Would it be better if I do it like this?

Justice is when everyone, other than the Inclinations that are inherently against it, got whatever they wanted and needed whenever they wanted and needed it (perpetually to the infinite future, Truthfully).

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