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Friday, June 18, 2021

I don't understand Privilege v.05

Privilege to me is being rich, acccess to money. But since people often use it when they were exposed to greatness I rationalize that that would be a privilege as well. But inside, I don't really get it personally.

If you're a singer and Ariana Grande performed with you, I get it. But if you catch Ariana Grande on the street and took a picture with autograph, I don't get it. 

Also you supposed to be able to use it to someone who won 20.000 dollars from the slot machine, but nobody says that like that. So really, is it really appropriate the way people who met with admirable people thought that they're privileged, or were they just lying / sucking up, why? 


I think now I've understood it better. The reason why God put the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil in the garden, and prohibited the humans from eating them is:

It was a grant of privilege to become creatures of discipline. Gods, or children of God
The discipline was particularly unique, that it wasn't stem from some imminent senses of danger, nor beauty, but from consciousness and humility, wisdom. It was the privilege on the divine discipline, or law.

Bahasa Indonesia: Keistimewaan, Privilege.
Ya, bukan kehormatan, adalah sebuah keistimewaan kalau mendapat kehormatan ya, tapi kehormatan bukan privilege, keistimewaan adalah privilege.

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