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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

My impression of thumbnails of Leonardo da Vinci's Paintings v.04

So I watched Utada Hikaru's conversation with Hideaki Anno (accessed June 2021), and I don't understand a lot of it, because its in Japanese. So I went to the translation video and found out that she had a deep experience with Leonardo da Vinci's St John the Baptist. 

Long I have been wondering how could people experience paintings in a profound level, so I tried to search for the pictures. I didn't experience too much emotions (I experienced something at the beginning, but then its gone) but they are certainly engaging, for just thumbnails of them. 

These are the ideas invoked at the experience:

- They have multiple angles people could take and relate themselves to. The deeper you immerse yourself the more you could experience, but to optimize the experience you should expand yourself into the depths of the universe. The further you've been the more there it is that you could understand about them. 

- Leonardo da Vinci has different versions of Jesus and John the Baptist, and he has a more realistic version where Jesus was not beautiful, and the archetypal versions where Jesus was like portrayed in the picture. From these archetypal pictures I wandered on why he drew it that way

- Since his pictures were for the consumptions of nobles and kings at the time I assume he painted the contents of their hearts. How being a male with such qualities at the time was a luxury, therefore the feminine features. For many many parts of the world this is still relevant. Some of the things Jesus do, said, or feel and think was something that was considered would contribute to female features. 

- There is this idea of feminism as the source of life. In my opinion he was searching for the anatomy of this feminism. Herodias for example, is a kind of feminism, while the virgin was another kind. The life that stemmed out of the different kinds of feminism also would be different in respect... there were the ugly forms of results, there were the beautiful forms of results. So the way I understand it is, if you change the woman inside you, you'll change your life. 

- The Mona Lisa could mean several things; Leonardo da Vinci's feminine, Lady Wisdom, The Archetype of a perfect female, his mother.

- St John the Baptist, the spirit of Elijah, if the Mona Lisa was his feminine, is the portrayal of Leonardo da Vinci's confidence... now I'm going to stray too far without relevant bases (even for my standard) so I'm going to stop. 

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