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Monday, July 4, 2022

Equivalent Solutions of the Past v.03f

Every eras had their own solutions, hunter gatherer era has the jungle and the plants as main food, Agriculture era has the soil to till, then the transportation and trading routes upscaled and upscaled, then the Industrial revolution happened and we got all new sources of solutions, and then the Online Commerce era brought about our time as we know it. 

Now I asked myself we have the medical technology, doctors, nurses as opposed to shamans. We have the cities as opposed to the jungle. Why are we all anxious about our pensions? Shouldn't all of us had the equivalent of food securities, sanitary securities, health securities from our ancestors of the past? What are those? Why are we worse off in terms of them don't you guys think this is wrong? This is evidence of corruptions?

We have the share market, everybody should've had the access to the share market and the increasing profits of the corporations already (and many more corporations were actively traded at prices similar to their financial statements). Instead of kids as pension funds we should've moved on with financial portfolios, instead of procreating and making kids to preserve our civilization we should've been able to live 300 years to 500 years old by now... judging from everything else that we've got. But we missed the puzzles, where are they?

These stupid games, gatekeeping, dishonesty, extortions. Shouldn't we already implemented the "Golden Stickers" by now? If I could thought about it smartest people of the planet must have thought about it too, but what happened? I bet idiotic gatekeeping is going on in the world right now.

Just do what's right, be good, haven't we learned our lessons for thousands of years? Use the law that is our inheritence, why are we giving it away?

I'm so frustrated, but then the antidote is in fixing myself so as everybody else, fix themselves. 

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