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Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Labor Gross v.02

We all kind of know the rule "Don't sell below gross", but in terms of labor how do we determine the gross? Some jobs require certain levels of expertise, some just require concentration and endurance, some requires athletic capabilities, some requires good memory. 

The way to determine the product cost of these products are research. How much nutrition would a human being need for such labor, how many omega3 fatty acids? how many proteins per day? What kind of environments they must always attend to to keep up with the time? 

Some people have ingenious ways of making things work, their salaries might be low but their costs of living were also low but with all the benefits if not more. 

So if you had a "Guardian" or an industry rule to keep things civil in the competition, and you wanted to audit for the gross of your competitors. How should the auditor equipped themselves? 

This is a collaborative jobs between professional standard setters and the auditors, also when innovations were present the professional standard setting body should look into it and keep the confidentiality. So in my opinion this role should be taken by universities (the standard setting bodies). The standards should be issued in journal articles. 

Note that I mean not that there is one right standard for everything, that would just be repeating our mistakes. But multiple peer reviewed journal articles of the standards should be acceptable by the court of law. 


Ok here comes the real issue, the powerful judge on the matter would be the government right? For example I don't want to employ people from the city because their cost of living were expensive (even though they offered to be paid the same). I got accused of discrimination. Obviously I'd not be in the wrong because the expectation of the city dwellers were supposed to be directed at how to make things cheaper in the city instead of at me. But government officials would have the power to came in and make things difficult for me and my suburban laborers (using their own interpretations of the journal articles). 

Maybe their case against me was not final but definitely could halt on my production, so the solution would be to have the officials and the auditors (the council of auditors of the industry) be the first people to settle before any real actions were taken against a business, my business. 

Industry auditors should also have the access to clearance from multiple universities if there were secret ingenuity being used that's exceptionally profitable. 

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