Jesus said "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day [is] the evil thereof." ( , 2013) Don't worry about tommorow At first I thought about this verse, I thought, should we throw all of our businesses away? If it were personal riches then it's debatable, but throwing away our businesses away? Wouldn't that be absurd, cause businesses are helping people. Well still figuring out that now, but I realize that Jesus wasn't only talking about personal wealth. But also about the wealth of the community, a country. Jesus was talking about how we about to do about our money. We have to admit, we are now liable to hyperinflation. Because we have the right to spend all of our money in the bank as well as other people. And if we were forced to do that all at the same time, then the economy would collapse. But we have the rig
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