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Sunday, April 4, 2021

My Persuasion

I've declared allegiance to The Truth and The Inclination to Keep on Inclining Forever Truthfully, here's another reason why this option is better:

If you want to stop everything, you really have to make sure to prioritize the Truth. I know there would be no sufferings, but consider if there were a hint of lie during the stopping everything event... Imagine you were caught up in it. 

Instead of ending up not feeling anything, you float around in the universe helplessly as your mind oscillated between mild sufferings to intense sufferings to forgetting about it to remember every little sufferings that everything had ever endured, sometimes time went backwards (illogical interactions) and even happiness felt like sufferings. Because people had destroyed the foundations of the universe... 

So consider my allegiance, if there were some misses, we would keep on improving it as we had the foundations to kept track of it. One day, we are going to get there

For the Truth and The Inclination to Keep on Inclining Forever Truthfully


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What if the Big Bang were some alien's attempt to did that? And we are the remains of the failure?



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