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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Adulthood v.05

In my opinion, the public should recognize adulthood as:

1. One who pledged to always prioritize justice in his/her conducts or interactions

2. Could be held responsible. Could be reasoned with. Meaning that the person has the ability to understand what rules are, and when someone was not being fair/just.

So an adult is someone who has a good sense of justice always (since we are not perfect yet, we settle for common relativity for the sense of justice)


Some people won't prioritize this, so they should not be allowed in public interactions.

However inadequacy doesn't constitute unwillingness. So I felt it's fair to have people define their own parameters based on their own definitions of justice and reject people out of their collective properties. As long as their standards were not against the law or Justice itself.

my definition of Justice: Justice is when everyone gets whatever they wanted and needed whenever they wanted or needed them.

Since we are not there yet, the Truthful progress towards there is our current Justice. (and since the Truth is Truthfully everything, all Truthful point of views are respectfully Truthful, not just the point of views of the authorities).

But simply put: You can't be an adult if you won't prioritize justice.


Being an adult one would have this consideration: How am I supposed to know what is Truly good? I might need all the knowledge in the world, all the point of views that there is. 

Indeed I agree, and that's what I call absolute Justice. 

How do we judge whether a person is being decent or not, having a good sense of Justice or not? How do we say how much compensation one must make in order to be responsible? Who could possibly know what's really Just everytime? 

Is it in the law?, in the intuition?, it's in the popular consensus, it's in the guidelines of the experts and the leaders, it's in the beauty of it!, no, it's in logic and common sense, it's in your heart, it's hidden where it couldn't be known, no it is not, it's nowhere...

It's so tiring, why not just settle with what is peaceful, that's it, who cares about Justice... (let the extortionists won, power rules).

But then, when are we ever going to move on?

It's in where it is, and it's there...

When you're an adult you try, because you always tried, you knew how hard it is... 

and you keep on trying


In the end, it comes down to personal property. Minding your own business, defending your grounds... even when that is not fair / unjust, at least the alternatives are definitely not "Just" from your point of view. 

Your point of view is your Truth, the God in you, what else are you supposed to rely on?


If your truth is a lie, how could it be compatible sustainably? And if your facts are True but your wisdom is wrong, wouldn't it still be a lie? 

Justice is impossible? then what do you call people getting what they wanted and needed? Justice manifests all the time to a lot of people... 

The problem lies in when it didn't happen, and even that is not a good enough reason to stop being an adult. That is the reason to be an adult.

Why don't you try to buy for the Truth and Wisdom? with your time, with your mind, with your assets? What is shown in public, how hopeless things are... yet they didn't change the fact of advancements in technology and civilization, philosophy and morality, relationships. 

Why won't anyone be an adult?


Now it comes down to my subjective suggestion, if you want your selfishness be Truthfully Just then give thanks. The more you give thanks to your sources of solutions the more you become a part of the circuit of mutual solutions, the preservation of it. 

Whether your mind would be vested interested in it, whether your position in the civilization of the society, whether your quantum presence... supposedly. 

Think about it, right? Why wouldn't it be? 

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