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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Discipline is Discipline v.02

Why are you disciplining yourself, why are you denying your desire?

When you've got what you wanted, or the worthiness of it changed, stop the discipline!

Discipline must not be forever... the people you know might like you when you are disciplined, they might want what you could achieve, they might love you as a machine... but they don't love you as a self

Pleasure might not be what defines you, but your pleasure is a part of yourself. Keep on denying yourself is self transforming, but why would you want to do that if you don't hate who you are?

Everything has a purpose, everything that matters, physicall and spiritually. 

If they don't then they'd be a part of the chaos (second law). 

Why are you disciplining yourself, have you achieved what you are looking for, is it still worth it?

Cause I might be witnessing a type of person who is capable of disciplining the self non-stop, a person who is just wired that way. 

I'm worried... please... a person like that is special for sure, but stop wanting the acknowledgement... you are who you are. Greed is good if it is for Love, Love is eternal... Greed is stupid if it is for things that are temporary, then the Greedy person is losing instead of gaining in the end. 

God is Love

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