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Monday, April 25, 2022

The problem with artificial Justice Laundering

So Justice laundering is when those who haven't achieved justice yet acquired it indirectly. For example the COVID medical staffs were ended up benefiting from the betterment of the technology of medicine, now they had the knowledge and probably the tools to do their job better than before the pandemic. Another example would be due to the development of cities, more infrastructures were built. People in the past might be troubled with their environment being destroyed, but now a lot of people had access to health care system, long distance transportation, the market, etc. 

A type of Justice Laundering is problematic for example money that were acquired through illegal ventures were distributed to underpaid public officials, or heroes of the community. Overpriced food were distributed to underpaid farmers, etc. Corruption, deceptive practices, scams, some of the proceeds went to people who created the solutions popularly used but weren't benefited by conventional trading in the past. This is because the perpetrators used that as shield to cover their businesses. 

The problem is if you wanted to make an adjustments to those, let's say by uphelding the law, or by audit, or by reconciliations, you would cut off some of the "Just" part of it. So it's very important when you started a project or a venture to be straight and obvious from the very beginning. Then it's "required" now to be able to identify all of the "Just" part entangled between violations in order to be able to compensate them after weeding off the fraud. 

However Justice laundering happens in nature, naturally, once you "fixed" a fraud, after that all the good that comes after would brought about more prosperity and more prosperity would brought about more prosperity until it reached those who were cut off previously.

The slowness of this process is a problem but it's only logical. In order to solve this problem we should increase the speed of this prosperity. How? By increasing the rate of correction massively both systematically and randomly. 

At first it would seem like Chaos, yes but no, because after the mentality gained momentum it would just going to be pleasant surprises.


Where are we right now? Are we in neutral or have our gear shifted forward already? We are forward now because of the amount of people that have been lifted out of poverty, got access to the internet, health care etc. So we are already at the revelation momentum overall we are not at neutral. 

The lie is that we are not. 

So damn it just amplify


Am I equating technological progress in science, policies, and communication with articulation? Am I saying that progress in articulation have a positive causal relationship with the progress in prosperity and Justice. Yes. 

Where's my proof? Personal logic / hypothesis, but couldn't you guys relate?

Why don't we try this, give royalties to gillette, most of us have been using that one razor for months if not years anyway. See what happens

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Drunkenness of Hierarchy v.02e

Referring to my previous post this is not blaming but trying to point out things that usually are not being checked. 

A leader might think that he's in control of his subordinates but there's a side where the subordinates are the ones in control of him. The motive is to have a strong and stable hierarchy so that they could have a stable income. However when they feed the boss with so much ego that he became so difficult and so political, that's a sign that he has lost individual self. 

Because a hierarchy of society is not higher than the Truth, the Truth is accessible and equally as intense in all layers of society from the top to the bottom. The spirit of the Truth is to permeates all fractal. 

So you'd know that you'd be seeing a toxic hierarchy when:

1. The hierarchy is more important than the Truth

2. Truth at its best / purest form could only be accessed by selected few

3. It's hard to convey the Truth to other people without facing retaliation. 

I might be wrong about this, some leaders may be essentially a liar as an individual. But generally I believe that human beings wants to experience life, reality, and the Truth, not confined within the interest of their hierarchy. Also I might be wrong that the subordinates were ill-intended, no they might just be insecure (initially) and then had become too invested to go back anymore. 

The target is, to be able to solve the problem for everybody, why? because one man's scarcity is another man's risk, the inclination to injustice is fractal in presence. Just because we were at the top of the hierarchy doesn't mean that we'd be free from depression. If the hierarchy is toxic, that means we as being on the top were likely oblivious to the leash our subordinates were putting on us (usually its psychological/our psychological weakness not being put forward to be fixed). Being able to be fluid while still in the context of the Truth is required for us to face the problem, articulate them, and figure out how to massacre them in the most effective and efficient formation. 

The Truth is above the Hierarchy


The solution to insecurity is diversification, it's reasonable to be insecure when you're only attached to few sources of income. Again keep in check that the insecurity wouldn't spread or escalated into some bad policies, also damn, the bad policies could come in the form of unwritten consensus and this is a problem to scrutinize (it could give a sense of belonging too which is even crazier).

Here in Indonesia the Government under President Jokowi together with the Legislative has created an OMNIBUS constitution which then give birth to 2 small enterprise specific rules PP 7 and PP 8, 2021. Under these making a company in the difficult way is a thing of the past, and anyone including employees like those portrayed as helpless and powerless always in the media were empowered. They could create companies of their own and the regulation arranged for their "grace period" in order for them to become competitive enough. 

I'm telling you guys even me myself has already a company of my own and the government is waiting to give companies like mine facilities, tax breaks, priorities, credits, assets, and other benefits. 

Lesson acknowledged

When a big counter momentum is hitting us, blame game is only for instant results otherwise don't.

Like every action has the opposite reaction, upon every good deeds you must identify for bad inclinations

I hate that the state of the world is in such a blatant crisis, but it must be the cost of our achievements that have exceeded historical expectations. We shouldn't let negative emotions overwhelmed us, we shouldn't be discouraged. This time we must recover, come back even stronger with a better budget, better anticipation. 

So everybody let's make things even better :)

Sunday, April 17, 2022

The readiness element v.02

 I think our current way of remuneration is kind of "painting the wide brush", we should separate the "always ready" element and the "particular job achievements" elements from it. 

It's logical that a lot of companies already do this but I just want to point it out plus my logic that it's definitely better:

Employees being there for you always ready - cost A

Employees managed to finish a particular job - cost B

These two have their own characteristics, variability, requirements. So bundling these two into one "Salary" would give rise to discontentment. Well of course as a human being we should negotiate, and we should negotiate with articulation and accuracy, as well as diligence or thoroughness. But, this being taken into account in general would make a difference. 


Some employees compare their salaries among themselves, the people who are always ready would be able to be understood by the people who are more into "just in time" kind of attitude or if they were both, the differences between their income would be understandable and would not cause passive aggressive protests or something like that. 

And please don't do passive aggressive protest especially if you never negotiated for your sake. 

Friday, April 15, 2022

Audit Opinions v.02

First of all I got to say that auditing is an arduous journey it is only natural that the opinion is totally worth it. So let's have more tiers of opinions. 

I think that credit institutions, government institutions requiring the best audit opinion for everybody is low key disrespectful. It is unrealistic even for an honest business to get it perfect, so for you to require your client to have the best audit opinion all the time is infuriating to me. 

Let's have more tiers of Audit opinions, the best being the most comparable and reasonable, next rather unique in certain areas, next locally comparable but not globally scalable (in terms of understandability), next reasonable but "different", next "different" and unreasonable, etc etc. Like, I don't know I'm not an expert but I hope my point of view is conveyed. 

So again the point is to have a greater room of understanding for we want things to be realistic and true. We want to be able to rely on the audit reports more. Therefore expecting companies to always be right standardwise needs to be curbed. I bet it has gained bad momentum on auditees (incentiviced the inclination to manipulate results). 

I just want to address a supposed problem, it might not exist but isn't it unrealistic to assume so?

It's only normal that snakes exists in the garden of eden, but if we acted like they don't exist not only we're letting them to tease us, we are also letting them to bite us. 

I'm not saying that we can't rely on audit opinions now, no absolutely I'm not saying that. I'm saying that as we scale things up let's acknowledge that not all snowballs are heading towards the productive direction.

Tax Exempt on Insurance payment return

National Health insurance is a blessing but its also a big burden for the whole society. So in order to ease the burden consider this: Upon ...