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Monday, September 28, 2020

My attempt to make up a poetry and interpret it myself v.06

I think the death and resurrection and the ascension and the promise to return of Jesus Christ is a poetry:

What is Justice:
I say Justice is when everybody gets what they needed and wanted. No one asked to be born in this world so it is only fair that we all like it. 

What is Evil:
Evil is the potential for misallocation of resources. It is the opposite of Justice.

Why Evil?
Scarcity is the result of Evil, according to my interpretation of the bible. The Garden of Eden is a place of abundance, and after humanity sinned, scarcity arose.  

Humans ate the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. 

We became able to understand what is not fair, what would be problematic in the future, what would be painful for us and so for other people/creatures, how to increase the scarcity of some resources for others, how to rank people politically - who deserves less, and who deserves more. Nakedness is vulnerability to be judged and be lowered in rank by others. 

Upon our understanding, came our liability to side with evil. If we could identify that we made something bad, or mistakes, we have the temptation to doubled down on our mistakes. 

Lets say I stole my sister's peanut, I'm busy so I don't want to deal with her objections... So I lied and I said I don't know who ate your peanut. Now there's an inertia here, say she asked further about where I was or why I smell like peanut or else, its the classic escalation of lies scenario. 

Even if I got away with it, I would have the inclination to repeat it in the future because of the dopamine. 

Lets say later the older I am, the more I have sinned, and now I have stolen many different stuffs and got away with it. The people who found out about my sin I found out about theirs too and we "protected" each other. This is more serious than you think, because now our group will have a system that would preserve many different kinds of "sins" altogether. And the longer this system is on, the more we are proficient in running it. 

But of course this system is not compatible with justice, and all it would do, all it would escalate is the resistance to fairness. So we know what lack of fairness would brought out to our environment... scarcity. The longer this system were preserved, the worse and worse the force against abundance would be. 

So that's the fall of humanity, dragging down together with them, the abundance of their world. 

The Sneak of God:

In order to restore justice, humans have to judge. They have to purge sins among themselves. 

What the Judgement against Jesus event is trying to say is:

Jesus is sinless, and those that were against Him were against Him because of Sin. Because Jesus' purity would just always going to be a problem for their position. 

That means, sins cloud judgements. And since all humans except Jesus are sinful, they no longer have the ability to achieve true Justice. Only Jesus could. Other than Jesus, all are vested interested, even within their subconscious, to not be truly Just. We all are insane in the membrane

Now where is Jesus? He is alive and is about to return... but He is not here yet. 

So now what do we do?

The answer is: well we should do our best, but, keep in mind what we did to Jesus. 

In other words, without Jesus as the ultimate Judge, there is no hope for true Justice among ourselves.
(Edit v.06: Maybe it could be interpreted as the standard could be found in Christianity, but to execute the proper Judgement Procedure you actually need Jesus Christ Himself).

But since Jesus is alive and is about to return, we have to keep at it and do our best. But it is unjust for a person to always be "unworthy" based on our judgement. It is unjust to expect a person to always judge accurately... because it is impossible. It is wise to anticipate for bad judgements, It is wise to check up for your mental health (because evil tend to escalate), It is wise to audit and to give the benefit of the doubt. It is wise to forgive.

People might be guilty but we should not strip people off of the presumption of innocence. You could assume someone to be guilty or not guilty simultaneously, you could assume someone to be not guilty, but to assume only guilty is not wise... (actually being not guilty only should also mean not wise, but that's like butterfly effect level of truth, so, relatively speaking, I don't know actually). 


So the second coming of Jesus means, the ultimate enlightenment. 

The form of that, for me as a Christian is the literal second coming of Christ. 

But... (Oh my God)... 

But... It has been proven time and time again, to not do anything because of just "believing in the Bible" is a form of arrogance (of the interpretation of the Bible). And God hates arrogance.

(Edit v.06:

The Literal Second Coming of Christ is not a hopeless remark. If humanity managed to accurately measure accurate positioning and allocation of resources, accurate fair transactions among beings, the execution could be a problem still. I think this is where a perfect being would fit in. 

A Judge whose mind is free from noises and whose consciousness is flawless, should be needed to pull off the last blow, the end of evil.) 

Lastly a shameless plug of my motto: 

The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions. Solutions are unlimited but we are so limited because we are not giving back enough to our sources of solutions. 

Giving thanks in a form of goods and services or money, is a good way to counter evil, especially if done properly. We need the second coming of Christ to do that perfectly, so, just keep trying until you get it (relatively) right. 

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