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Monday, March 11, 2019

The Charm of Swearing words v.03

I can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm stuck and all I'm hearing right now is somebody who knows little about the other person, giving serious advice for her life.

Spewing swearing words is the cheapest but easiest way to attract attention.

Because of course, people tend to think when they hear swearing words that something dangerous is happening. And our social brain cares about dangerous stuff happening around us. When it turned out to be not dangerous it became funny, because the quick shift from danger to safe tickles us.

So it's hard to go wrong using swearing words to attract attention. The blunder / the risk may exist merely when it's usage actually offended somebody or actually caused a problem against a person or a group of people.

So it's kind of a low risk high return tool.

And when you're giving advice about somebody's life, you don't really have to have the right solution, just spew swear words about her problem, she will feel like her life is dangerous, her life is important, and she deserves to be center of attention. In the end, her life might still be screwed but, she will like you.

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