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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Focus, Property

Now why do we have personal property?

In my opinion personal property is an artificial right. No one is born with land, or gold, or whatever it is we know as personal property. Except our body such as our limbs maybe those are indeed examples of divine personal properties, maybe, honestly its too complicated for me now. But for sure things such as the ownership of land and other goods are those that are maintained by people, governments in particular.

What makes them essential is that without them the level of availability of mutual solutions would decrease. First of all personal interests must be exalted for the idea of mutual solutions would work, not group interests, personal interests. And then, for the sake of the improvement of their prosperity, people should have something to go back to and grow. That has enabled immense power of humanity to be harnessed and made things possible. Denial of that would violate mutual trusts and interests we have for each other, plus our reward based motivation to work and solve problems. 

Reward is stronger than punishment, I have the researcher app, so its there, and you can google search it and find a 2015 study in (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2765863/, July 2020) moreover, punishment would work only as far as the availability of the assets associated with the punishment. If you don't have personal ownership, you wouldn't have any assets. Even your network is a form of an asset. Well, communism tend to push your belonging to a group as an "alternative" to personal property, but it is a property because as soon as you can't rely on your network to behave a certain way for you, you would have none in it.

I just realized, network based assets should be easier to manipulate by a crazy government than some physical goods.

Ok so done with that lets jump to intellectual properties... actually this is also an artificial property, but since we have the internet we should be able to make use of it to reinforce our intellectual assets.
I propose "The Golden Sticker", so every-time there is a transaction between people, the receipt for both parties would be recorded in their profile pages. People then could assess a person whether or not they have made similar transactions with them or whether or not they have made some transactions with other people that they loved or admired. Of course people should be able to opt for hiding the stickers as well.

Now these receipts are stickers, you would have plenty of them, but this also motivates people to give back to the authors of the products they have enjoyed for free. So a motivation for royalties. Since other people would focus on those things more.

See, everyone deserve everything they want and need, everyone, but we should focus on what has been handed down to us through traditions and laws of what would work out the best, we need to be able to focus. And the recipe for such rewards are the idea of properties we are using now. And it has been working out well. But we could improve on this definitely by giving thanks to the people who are nice but under-rewarded. Of course those people are up to you to decide, some authors gave their products for free, some are for cheap, some are with decent costs but with crazy huge benefits they are still under-rewarded. It is all up to you, and that is the beautiful part, your appreciation matters... unlike communistic economy, your point of view matters in this capitalism.

So the golden sticker would enable people to scan another person's profile page for the things they appreciate, and if they found something admirable or lovable, even if they didn't know the person, it is now easier to be friends with them or make business transactions with them.

When you give thanks to your sources of solutions, or made transactions with others, both parties would give each other their stickers / their stamps like in Japanese anime, the amount or the magnitude of the stickers' rarity is self determined, people who are interested in an admirable author would learn about the values of his/her stickers and would know how rare/valuable it is when it appeared on somebody's golden sticker profile.

Using the golden sticker system, people should be able to connect with each other better, and solve each others' problems more. This is not a replacement for the current capitalism, this is an add-on. Even governments could use this system and increase their budget for the next year. Money is prove that one has helped and hasn't been helped back, as long as we made it official and conspicuous, we are in the light. 

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