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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Socialism? No v.02

Absolute profit is impossible, yes I still get by to that. It means that no matter how much you have solved other people's problems, you would never "deserve" more than what others "deserve" from you. This also considering inclinations as individuals.

This seemed to be contrary to my other proposed notion that "Everybody deserve everything", well it is actually not... because zero is not profit. But let me elaborate more on that:
The Idea of justice is that everybody deserve everything they want and need, but since we are limited in terms of solutions, justice is also improvements towards there. Why everybody deserve everything? One strong reason for that is that we are not born out of our own decision, we are dragged into existence not on our own will, therefore it is only fair that we should like it.

Ok, I have posts that have elaborated some of the issues with the idea in this blog, please check them out if you will but now lets explore further on why socialism is a no.

Since it is only just that we ought to sustainably increase the level of availability of mutual solutions for as many guys as possible, we should regulate ourselves to disregard our interest for the best of our "country" or "community" or "group"... right? absolutely NO, because the basis of justice is personal interests.

See we are consuming beings, that means that we are good. We will not be satisfied, we want more and more things and more... this is incredibly good, because we would have to take care of our world in order for us to be able to enjoy ourselves optimally forever. Also, it means that we are innately able to understand each other mutually, we are each others' nakama in this sekai.

But the problem is, who gets to decide what would increase the level of availability of mutual solutions the most? And in difficult cases, whose interests were to be sacrificed for the sake of other interests? It is not easy and it is not the same for different conditions, but for sure there can not be only one/few point of view/s that would prevail/s all the time.

The Truth is the protocol that everything follows, that there is only one singular past. This is beyond colossal level of synchronization, this is divine. Everything is Everything, you can't stick on one hierarchy all the time, there can never be enough point of views in the face of the Truth.

The Indonesians have so good articulation on how to start on facing this reality: Pancasila
1. Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa
(my personal translation: Singular Godness)
Everyone is in this together, everyone is in the same protocol, everyone should work together to fulfill our destiny, everyone is family.

2. Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab
(my personal translation: Humanity that is just and civilized)
We want to be orderly by the standard of human beings

3. Persatuan Indonesia
(my personal translation: Unity)
United Indonesia

4. Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan, perwakilan
(my personal translation: The Idea of "Country" that is lead by Wisdom in inclusive negotiations, through representations)
We want a country that is lead by Wisdom that is realistic and acknowledges the relevance of different point of views and the necessity of efficiency so the representation.

5. Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia
(my personal translation: Social Justice for all Indonesians)
We want the people to be treated justly in their social life.
(This was at about 70 years ago when Pancasila was born, so this "Social Justice" is not like that painful "Social Justice" we are seeing now. Psst pssst: give people their chance for proper response).

So at the 4'th Sila you see that Wisdom is there for us to respect. You don't just decide for others that your way of doing it would always be right, or maybe not you but some elitists. Either way socialism is all about the bourgeoisie game, but it is played using poor people as their human shields. That is why communist countries always failed their economy, I mean that is one of the myriad reasons why, that is the arrogance of a few point of views wanting to stay in power all the time.

But why is my articulation of what is just different from socialism? Even though I proposed that there are no absolute profit, and just by existing people deserve everything... The difference is in the increase of level of availability of mutual solutions. I relatively don't underestimate as much the utility of personal aspirations to be realized, the difference of innate assets within people, and the relevance of different interests for the development of prosperity. In fact, I think that people are innately good if they are wise, because we are greedy, we all are.

There are a lot more relevant things, beautifully took play in this concept, but there are so much of them to manage... I'll resort to silence for now. 

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