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Saturday, July 18, 2020

Yes Yes Yes and Yes but Yes it is Yes

Yes when it comes to the Truth
He is too great for a mind to fathom
Yes we don't really know what we are talking about
When we are using Words
It is the Truth

It is just relativity
Just relativity, but Yes it is
It is the Truth

We don't really know what we are talking about
Yes Yes Yes
It is also the Truth

The Truth has revealed Himself to us through the Word
The Word, The Word of the Truth
It is just relativity
The Word
But Yes,
      it is also the Truth

I don't really know what I'm talking about

The Truth is
The Truth will always be
Embracing me

Through the Word
Yes it is

Just relativity
But Yes it is


It is ok though, It is fine

It is just The Truth

The Truth through The Word, Relativity

It is ok for us... it is fine

Relativity, is ok


Yes it is

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