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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Berlalu lintas di Makassar

Tadi saya berkendara mobil keluar dari tanjung bunga ke pantai losari, pada saat belok kiri tiba tiba ada pedagang kaki lima jalan melawan arus di hadapan saya. Saya cepat berenti, tapi keadaan lalu lintas ramai, si pedagang kaki lima sulit untuk jalan lagi, saya juga sulit untuk melampaui dia. Kalau seperti ini saya bisa bisa menunggu lama sampai jalur kananku kosong baru saya bisa belok dan pergi... tapi di sebelah kananku ada pengemudi mobil yang jago, dia langsung tahu apa yang terjadi dan memutuskan untuk berhenti seketika.

Keputusannya begitu cepat padahal dia dekat saja di samping belakang kanan. Dia bisa saja jalan terus, tapi dia meninggalkan ruang yang luas buat saya belok. Kalau dia memutuskan untuk jalan terus, mobil-mobil dari tanjung bunga (di belakang saya) harus menunggu lama sampai kanan saya kosong dulu, saya belok, pedagang kaki lima lewat, baru pengemudi di belakang saya bisa lanjut berbelok ke kiri (keluar tanjung bunga cuma bisa belok kiri ke pantai losari).

Tapi karena dia bertindak cepat, saya bisa segera jalan dan melampaui si pedagang kaki lima. Pengemudi yang jago.

Beberapa hari yang lalu juga saya berjalan kaki di perempatan kakaktua landak. Itu adalah perempatan dimana arus kendaraan berasal dari tiga sisi, dan sisi ke-4nya adalah jalan satu arah yang menerima arus kendaraan. Tempat itu cukup penting dan ramai, cukup rawan macet karena di sisi-sisi jalan sumber kendaraan yang berhadapan yang satu adalah jalan 2 arah, dan yang satunya lagi adalah jalan satu arah. Dan di dua sisi yang berhadapan tersebut "belok kiri langsung". Lampu lalu lintasnya diatur agar hanya satu sisi yang hijau, setiap kali, jadi sisi yang berhadapan tetap harus saling menunggu, tidak hijau bersamaan.

Waktu itu ada mati lampu, dan lampu lalu lintas di kedua sisi yang tidak berhadapan mati. Mungkin semua lampu mati tapi saya cuma lihat di dua sisi yang saya lewati. Hebatnya, para pengemudi dapat mengatur diri sampai tidak macet. Mereka saling giliran lewat beberapa mobil setiap kalinya.

Di makassar ada pengemudi-pengemudi yang pintar-pintar dan tingkat keperduliannya tinggi. Banyak yang dapat dipelajari saat jalan-jalan di Makassar.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Campuran Super v.02

Wow saya menemukan campuran yang enak: Roti keju Holland bakery + Biskuit Khong Guan yang agak melempem... mmmmmm ododoe ododoe. Coba saja...

Thanks Om John and Tante Fanny sudah membelikan roti dan pudding Holland. Thanks.

Omku seorang pedagang di pasar sentral lantai dasar... sekarang para pemulung mengambil metal-metal di gedung pasar sentral (makassar mall) lantai atas. Sangat berbahaya, jangan sampai gedungnya runtuh.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Digital Middlemen's role questioned v.03

In terms of the Economy of help I tend to answer these questions:

1. Who are the end users of digital markets:
- Share market: Investors who bought shares to gain control and want to help to improve the operation of the company. Or investors who bought shares to hold them, enjoy their dividends, improve the company's power to own assets, etc.
- Currency market: Investors who bought currencies to use them in trading, or for other purposes like anticipating fluctuations.

2. Who are the digital middlemen?
- Both markets: those that bought shares and/or currencies only to sell it again at higher price.

Now my further question is, what help do those middlemen provided? Wouldn't it be cheaper for the end users to just buy straight from another end user? This is digital markets where its easy to meet each other.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Examining Your Inclination and making terms

In life we've developed administrations to support ourselves, we've learned and prepared to create some new administrations in response to what life brought to us.
Some people's administrations are in support with another but at the same time the administrations also contradict against others.

There would be people who are fighting against each other every single time. There are people who happens to get attacked from the same angle all the time.

Say for illustration, people tend to discourage Mr. Smith all the time, some not necessarily knew Mr. Smith before... but their words are discouraging against Mr. Smith accidently. These things seemed to happen to Mr. Smith all the time.
When you meet with Mr. Smith you also feel the inclination to discourage him.

Now as a self controlled human being, we have the power not to be dragged away by some inclination without our consent. We have to realize that in life sometimes we adopted some bad administration not on purpose, and in time these administration could manifest and ruin our work without us noticing it.

In case of Mr. Smith, we need to learn more about him... as soon as we identify that these things keep on happening to Him... we must introspect ourselves how come we too experience the inclination to make things difficult for Mr. Smith.

Say to yourself, I control myself.

A little background about what I'm talking about. I think spirits do exist, spirits are inclination.
Spirits are alive because inclinations initiate interactions, and our came about were initiated by inclinations.
Our spirit is the inclination to keep ourselves happening, or the inclination to keep ourselves becoming part of interactions forever.

There are two main alliances in the world that is love and anti-love.
Love the inliclination to keep on experiencing interactions forever. And the anti-love are inclinations not in the same direction with Love.
Another way to put it is the inclination to incline vs the inclination not to incline.

(If you asked which alliance do "the inclination to keep on inclining to not loving forever"... then that's a part of LIE and that's still the enemy of Love).

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Golden Sticker continued v.02

This is my previous post

Now I want to talk about the assurance organizations.

Lets say or imagine (note again that this is not happening this way in real life) that microsoft used the services of adobe, intel, oracle, and mpegla. All of these companies issued sticker for microsoft, some issued bronze, some silver, and there's a golden sticker. However Microsoft don't want to give out to people too much about the whereabouts of their spending. So all of these companies unite together and created an agency which they called the "tech" agency.
Tech agency then safehold the stickers from adobe, intel, oracle, and mpegla... and issue a platinum sticker to microsoft... the sticker looked like "TECH PLATINUM 2011" which then be posted in Microsoft's profile in facebook and/or google plus.

You could have many agencies like this, you could have Green agencies for nature's conservation foundations. You could have Agriculture agencies which issued stickers to people who paid or maintained or invested in their members. These agencies would examine whether or not there were actual transactions happening.
The purpose is to give light and some kind of social power to people, to choose to only trade or deal with people who maintained their sources of solutions. Because mutual solutions need to be maintained, they didn't just fell on our lap, we ought to search for them and maintain them. That's reality.

Taman Bermain TBOM v.02

Di taman bermain TBOM dilarang memberikan uang kepada orang lain.

Anda dapat bermain catur, monopoli, panco, lomba sepeda statis, dsb
Untuk setiap jenis permainan yang mau berpartisipasi membayar 5000 per hari, dan pada akhir hari yang menang paling banyak di bidang tersebut akan diberikan hadiah (tapi tidak berupa uang).

Bertanding dengan orang yang sama maksimal 2 kali saja.
Kalau mau bermain lagi boleh, tapi menangnya tidak dihitung.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Habit of Rewarding to the Sources of Solutions

In my observation, there are some instances when people give rewards to others:
1. When the others have provided a solution or some solutions for the giver.
2. When the others have a solution or some solutions that's wanted or needed
3. When the others have no or little desirable solutions but they block or could block desirable or needed solutions from being accessed.

So there are 2 reasons why people provide rewards:
1. Because the others have provided help
2. Because the others could block away desireable or needed help.

A farmer has a lot of food, but if the price is too low, he/she could block away your access to food.
A software programmer created a powerful program, but if the price is too low, he/she might not be able to block others' access to his/her program because it could just be copied and spread by some others.

Now, for our future, let's create a habit of giving thanks not because one could block away our access to solutions... but because one had helped us with his/her solution/s.
Let's not encourage people to specialize in blocking away solutions, but in creating and sharing solutions.

One way of doing this is by creating a system that could track the solutions that are being used or have been used by us... and then seek to reward the providers of solutions. If we've paid to some, then I guess it should be fine, but let's seek those that haven't received any help from us then help them when we could.

Nature is also providers of our solutions... the trees have made possible running fresh water and O2 and anti floods. Let's reward the trees by investing in their conservation.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sekolah Intensif Tes

Satu sesi belajar mengajar dibagi tiga:

1. Waktu perkenalan
2. Waktu tes
3. Waktu fokus

Waktu perkenalan 45 menit, guru menjelaskan materi pelajaran
Waktu tes 15 menit, guru memberi tes atas materi tersebut
Waktu fokus 30 menit,
para siswa yang nilainya 85% ke bawah tinggal di kelas untuk belajar lagi
para siswa yang nilainya 85% ke atas bebas memutuskan untuk tetap ikut, atau keluar main atau ke perpustakaan atau ke lab komputer.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Banks need ethical adjustments v.03

Before lending people money, banks need to have consent from their customers first, for using their money to lend other people.
The problem nowadays is that people are not giving permission to banks to use their money to lend to others. So they have all the right to pull their money out of the banks.
And if there were events that requires many to pull their money out banks will be devastated, the whole economy will be devastated.

As long as if banks could get people to promise that they wouldn't take out their money too early... everything would be ok. Nowadays its not like that, 3 months 6 months 1 year deposits are not going to cut it. It have to be an official, black and white, promise that the money is going to be used for such and such purposes... then things are going to be cool.

For those who disagree, they wouldn't be given any interest money, and instead still being charged for saving costs.

Update: I found this video on youtube http://melkipop.blogspot.com/2011/10/paulmckeever-on-banking-system.html. This idea is not just me.

The way banking system should work:
Make 2 types of accounts:
1. Deposits that have been consented to be used in lending
2. Deposits that are not.

Conditions for type 1:
Withdrawal could be made only when and as much as the credit payments. Or if there were other type (1) account that amounts would cover the respective... which in my opinion would not be of rare cases.

Banks could also make chips or partial cuts of participation to the deposits as part of credits.

I think this system may have already been implemented by some credit unions.

Bank run by the military

Basically safe deposits are put inside the military barracks. And then they charge us for keeping our money safe. They won't lend it to anybody, the only money they could lend is their own money, money that came out of charging us.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Better rewarding system using the point of view of spirits. v.02

When you learn about spirits or tendencies, you'd figure out that different areas
different locations or sites, has different spirits that ruled there.

By knowing about this, you'd figure out where do the tendencies of killing resides,
the tendencies to steal, the tendencies to lie, the tendencies to corrupt. Even when
you don't know who are the people that are going to be used by the tendencies.
And imo its less efficient to look for the "evil people", because spirits could just make
another form of administrations, one way or the other.

Now when you could measure or meter the level of likeliness of these tendencies would manifest,
and compare the results with reality. You'd notice that there might be some differences.
These differences could be due to administrations used to surpress these spirits.
Therefore we don't need no hero in urgent circumstances saving the day, just to identify
who to give thanks to...
By looking at the difference, we'd figure out that there are administrations
surpressing these bad tendencies, and those who maintain these administrations
are the real hero for fighting the tendencies before they manifest.

For example:
This is just my estimation doesn't have to be accurate, its just an illustration:
After earthquake some people in a rural area lost their homes, these people would became more prone to illness.
But after a couple of weeks these people are not experiencing as much illness as expected.
We don't need to see the practice, in theory, we already know that there are administration
being practiced to support their health. Rather than sending too much medicine, we could invest
in this administration more.
Apparently their culture realy prioritize washing hands before they eat, so even if they were
very hungry, they'd walk hundreds of meter to wash their hands first.
In this case we'd knew that administrations that were supporting the culture need extra help.
Since they are loosing their homes and infrastructures, they need new ways to maintain this culture otherwise
it would fade away.
Now, rather than supplying more medicines, donators rather supply more on emergency plumbing solutions.
And it would also be better to donate more money to elders and parents and teachers who have maintained this culture in the community.
This way childrens, including teens would look up to these role models and
the tendency to illness would be surpressed even more effective and efficiently.

(I realize the next paragraph might contain weird ideas)
Again I say, spirits will find one way or the other to manifest, so if people are not getting ill now,
people still must anticipate more on accidents that involves biochemical, or health issues. Because if my theory is reliable... the risk of having illness is still big.
Why is it still big? my reasoning is... that spirits could think. Yes, inclinations are initiators of interactions, therefore they are alive...
The spirit thinks... yes i said it... it thinks... in terms of the inclination towards illness, it might consider earthquakes are its moments to manifests. If the spirit failed to manifest during environments usually are friendly to it, it would receive less and less support from other spirits. Meaning, less and less administrations would be made in support of it. And, in the end it will became less practiced in reality. I realized something else, I'm sorry... http://melkisblog.blogspot.com/2011/10/my-mistake-about-evil.html, I hope this still could help to deliver this last point about being careful. As when we support something, we should always anticipate counter forces against our new administrations... it will definately emerges, it will. It doesn't came from the old spirit wanting to survive, but it came from whatever it is that's not in participation with whatever it is the administration that we're doing.

Its important to make sure before we create any administrations to build them in align with existing Lovely administrations, otherwise the good intentions would just going to turn out to be evil.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Why I hate sense of urgency

If you're working on something, an asset, and you want to make the asset work... you'd be facing interruptions from sense of urgencies.

They all demanded to be prioritized. And in the end how would you finish your asset?

I could pray for new solutions, sometimes you can use that sense of urgencies to your advantage, ofcourse lawfully, mutually. But then such solutions might be not so straight forward to get.

For haters of sense of urgency v.03

I'm one of you... I choose to end it from taking place in reality. Its there in reality, and its not supposed to be. If we make people smart, if we support love, we'd be able to get rid of it forever.

I hate it that much.

But adopters of the sense of urgencies are people, and I don't hate them, not always. I believe that people are sources of solutions.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Organized vs Unorganized bad v.03

Organized destructive groups are very bad, undesirable, and should not be supported. But unorganized bad is worse.
Nuclear bombs only came out of organized war, this is very very repulsive to the sense of safety, but because of massive nuclear powers exist in this world, people are reluctant to go to war more.

The path towards good, is order.

Stay in the law, not only in the law's instruction but in the law's purposes or tendencies. In fact the tendency is the part that's supposed to be prioritized.

Direct derivative of the main tendency

Currently we already have very very very many inclinations in the world:
- Inclination to sleep
- Inclination to be awake
- Inclination to stay healthy
- Inclination to make profit


The main inclinations that supports all and supported by many is the inclination to incline.
There are also important inclinations such as, Inclination to initiate interactions, Inclination to keep on experiencing interactions forever,

Without inclinations there would be no initiation of interactions.

But within all inclinations there is contra inclination, for example the inclination to spend money and the inclination to save money, Inclination to be happy and the inclination to be unhappy.

For the world to work to keep on experiencing interactions forever, those inclinations need to figure out ways to prioritize each other right. Prioritizing is when contradicting inclinations were used together to support another inclination. What I mean is, for example you prefer to eat meat than not to eat meat, but you also prefer to be healthy, so you use administrations derived from both inclination to eat meat and the inclination to not eat meat... to support the inclination to stay healthy.

So to be in order is very important and to not be in order is unsupportive of the inclination to keep on experiencing interactions forever.

So the direct derivative of the inclination to keep on experiencing interactions forever is the inclination to be in order.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Within the law people maintain their boundaries becoming part of a solutions to each other. But people who don't grasp this concept, easily became agitated when not accepted as close friends.

We don't have to be close or have a direct project with everybody...

Sometimes I wonder, people who are upset with me when I didn't include them in what I'm doing... could be the kind of people who only excel in taking advantage out of people, they only good to their close friends but people who are not are considered as preys. This way of thinking might cause them insecurities when being in casual or non intimate areas.

Well, don't be insecure cause I want to be in the law.

Please help Makassar's Pasar Sentral v.03


This link is to the updated version of my previous post. Its just in this blog

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Point of view of Tendencies

Everything has tendencies, and the reason why the world is regulated by laws, the reason of existence... is that there are tendencies that initiated everything.
What do I mean by tendencies?
Inclinations, desire if you're alive, tendencies... spirits...

By looking at tendencies, you'd discover a new form of existence fractally. For tendencies that apply in small objects, applied also in large distant objects.
If you map the same tendencies, look for it, you'll figure out how big the tendency is, how influential he is, and probably how old is he/she.
Living things initiate interactions... and tendencies are the ultimate initiators in reality.

About inflation

Check out a post in my other blog, melkipop which mostly has links to sources that I like.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Measuring Wealth v.02

Degree or Level of relevance of available administrations.
Level of entropy.

And then who's the measurer? Under what base or perspective?

Demand them to pay the dividends please

Stock market could provide you quick money as alternative to dividends, but if the company kept on not paying dividends... they would have to depend on rumours to make people buy their stocks.

People should demand companies to pay their dividends, this is to reduce rumours that will potentially cause some people bought stocks too expensively. Win-win not win loose... peace.

Information Lag in money

If the reserve Bank of Indonesia were to devalue our money, people should be able to immidiately increase their price. Thats the only fair deal. Just like stock splits, every shareholders should have their stocks splits.

In real world, there is information lag of the value of money amongst people. This policy would sacrifice victims in the economy. Which I loathe because the economy of markets are all about win-win solutions, instead of the economy of wars which is about win-loose.

Raise your prices... access what you deserve... lower prices if the access got easier, but if it doesn't don't lower your prices. Maintain balance, maintain availability of solutions for reality.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What help you give when you buy shares v.09

Some people they came to the stock market to learn, to do, but what is it that we actually do in the stock market? How do we contribute to the level of availability of mutual solutions in the reality?

The stock market helps the management to have less demands to pay dividends. Shareholders wouldn't scream for dividends if they could have their stocks bought at higher price. When you bought stocks you'd improve a company's ability to reinvest in growth. If the company's products were very helpful, like quality cements or food, or medicines, you'd potentially contribute to the future quality and quantities and prices improvements. But if the management didn't know how to grow properly, ofcourse its better that they just pay the dividends.

So the objective increase in prices should only be based on the net profit, beyond that is too much. This is secondary market, the extra money people pay, extra as in more than the amounts of dividends supposed to be paid by the company + the appropriate price of ownership, won't surely benefit the company, but more to the previous investors. Before paying the extra price, ask the question "How much do I want to profit the previous investors?"

If you could understand Bahasa Indonesia, please see my other posts related to this:
Reputable market in Indonesia, Reputable market in Indonesia continued.

(I think its dangerous to give money beyond the purpose of helping as the purpose of money is to say that the holder has performed help and hasn't been helped back. So if you give money to somebody, should only be in cases where the person has helped you... or where the person is important to you if other people helped the person that would meant helping you. Otherwise you'd send a message to the world that its ok to access help without helping back... and this is evil, dangerous, and should be isolated.

But in case of charity, by helping poor people you're sending a message to reality that those who are in distress have more to hope... we are all humans and we are all liable to have poor moments, helping poor people is in itself automatically maintaining accesses to solutions.)

Friday, September 30, 2011

Website for view of customer demographics and their contributions

To reduce the act of stealing, piracy, or consuming goods and services without fulfilling maintenance obligations. I've proposed that every providers of goods and services should issue stickers as prove that enjoyers of their products have paid something in return.
Those that have a lot of goods and services but don't have at about equal amounts of stickers would look suspicious and would easily be under public's scrutiny.

I propose an idea for every providers of goods and services to have a website where they list their consumers. With permission, you could list consumers from every region, not necessarily their personally identifiable informations, but just overviews of the magnitude of goods and services that the providers had provided for certain demographics and the magnitude of payments or maintenance that the consumers had paid to the providers.

Using these datas people could see whether or not certain demographies that are using and enjoying some goods and services had given something back, or have maintained, their sources of solutions.

I believe in the future, this is how people establish confidence. As the world is merging at higher and higher rate and magnitude. People are going to want the fast and easy way to identify which demographics do they want to have something to do with, and which don't they want to have anything to do with.

The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy but of mutual solutions. And for all mutual solutions, took maintenance to keep them available.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Spekulasi analisa

Dollar naik, saham-saham turun, bisa saja ini berarti banyak yang menganggap investasi yang lama itu palsu... APa yang akan terjadi?

Sistem pembayaran pajak Kampanye

Pemerintah punya banyak proyek:
- Pembangunan jalan
- Kesehatan masyarakat
- Pembayaran utang
- Penelitian pangan
- Lain-lain

Bagaimana kalau pemerintah memberi akses pada pembayar pajak untuk bisa memilih ke mana uang pajaknya mengalir. Jadi kita bisa membayar pajak tertarget pada proyek proyek yang kompeten yang punya sejarah beres. Kalau uang disalurkan ke proyek-proyek yang tidak beres rasanya sia-sia.

Jadi dinas-dinas, departemen-departemen berusaha sebesar besarnya untuk berkampanye, menyajikan laporan yang terpercaya, untuk menarik investasi.

Pemerintah dapat mensosialisasikan nama-nama dan besar jumlah yang dialokasikan oleh seseorang. Daftar tersebut dapat ditransparansikan di website pajak. Tapi tentu saja semua orang berhak untuk tidak mencantumkan namanya.


One way, to realize this is to issue a prepaid tax document. Why would the government issue such promise?

Lets say there's a natural disaster, the government need some extra money to repair the damages. People who provided the extra money or extra help, would be given the prepaid tax document, so the next time he/she had to pay tax, he/she could use the document to cover some of the taxes.

In case the payment amounts were beyond the payer's tax obligation for the year... the prepaid tax document should be made so that it could be traded with other people. Whover holds the document could use it to pay their taxes in due time.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Golden Sticker v.07

So I have this idea to facilitate the culture of "giving back to the sources of solutions". The whole society should realize the importance of nurturing access to solutions. We've learned from global warming, that using solutions without giving back or nurturing the source of solutions would close or scarce the accesses of solutions for us in the future.
Realizing this the society need to put on the spot, or question those who enjoy or use a lot of solutions, but doesn't have any receipts or any prove that he/she/it had performed some sort of maintenance or had paid back the source of solutions.

When we buy something, we always could ask for a receipt. Now pirates don't get any receipts from software companies or from record companies. However people couldn't just come around and ask pirates to show them receipts... instead providers of solutions or conservation officials could issue stickers as prove of payments, or donations have been paid by receivers of the stickers.

When people saw a person has these stickers they'd figure that some kind of "maintenance" have been performed by the person for his/her sources of solutions. Knowing that, people would prefer to have transactions with the person or to help him/her.

Further problem would be, if one wants to keep confidential where do their solutions came from. In this case, could be set up an organization that specialize in assurance. This organization would receive statements from providers of solutions, or conservation officials that the users had paid or donate to them. The organization would then issue a sticker recognized by the public as prove of "performed maintenance". So basically the sticker says "this entity has carefully paid back to its sources of solutions."

In the end I encourage all to activate, magnify, and propagate this culture of "giving back to the sources of solutions" because our scarcity is not of time nor energy, but of mutual solutions. By doing so, hopefully we could have better and more accesses to mutual solutions in the near future.



Sunday, September 18, 2011

Please Help Pasar Sentral v.02

Pasar Sentral is Makassar's most famous site for traditional market, although modern stores also trade here. But not a long time ago, the central market building was burned down forcing 2000 more traders left their daily business place.
The government could only do little to restore the situation. Now traders are doing businesses in emergency locations, set up without government coordination. Now the government decided to relieve more of their committment to help the traders, because the traders have set up their own emergency stand...

Some people, please help us. The traders need a decent place, I don't know how they managed to relieve their toilet needs, the emergency site has no electricity, its very hot in Makassar, its dusty, and its so packed. We are in the middle of a draught.

Update 11th of October 2011

This is where store owners have to pee, I've tried to do so, the smell of urine was very strong... its very repulsive... please help. In the next 2 months more, they will have to move because the mall is going to be rebuilt by the authorities. Everything's going to be tore down, there's uncertainty on how reliable the procedure's going to be, and whether the relocation procedure would be done carefully.

Help Pasar Sentral, help the traders, help the jobs.

They pissed in between the sticks.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The blunder of current debt system v.08

Why its ok to adjust debt principals to inflation

Because the scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy, and our scarcity is not of money, but of solutions that support each other.
Money represents that the person who has it deserve help because he/she had helped before and hasn't been helped back.
When you borrow money, the lender deserve help from you not money. When inflation devalue the exchanging power of the money, the borrower should still deserve from you same magnitude of help not money. Otherwise would be a win loose scenario not win win.

Market mentality is win win, we want to live in peace not war, because there's only one reality, and the scarcity of everybody is not of time nor energy, but of mutual solutions.

The new system could be:

- Lender lend 100.000, since he/she had provided liquidity, he/she had provided extra help and deserved to be helped back. Let's say by 1000

- Borrower agreed to pay back 100.000, sometime in the future and this amount would be adjusted to the inflation rate. And he paid 1000 to the lender upfront.

- if Borrower could not return the 100.000 after inflation on time, it mean that the lender had provided more help, more liquidity, borrower then should pay extra... lets say by 50 after inflation. So if the borrower only payed back 80.000 after inflation, 50 of the 80.000 would be used to pay the service, he would still have to pay back 20.000 + 50 after inflation (and inflation) in the future.

This could be one way of doing it better.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Bioskop Berjalan

Beberapa aset-aset yang penting:

Tenda hitam,
Proyektor resolusi tinggi,
Lisensi untuk memutar film dari pemiliknya (bisa didapatkan melalui e-mail)
Film - film cuplikan / film-film pendek dari sekolah film setempat,
Iklan-Iklan dari sponsor untuk diputar pada awal.
Izin penggunaan lapangan dari lurah/camat.
Karcis untuk administrasi / pembukuan.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lanjutan Post yang lalu v.05

Untuk membantu menciptakan reputable market di Indonesia, programer bisa membuat untuk sebuah badan rating, yang memiliki program yang memonitor setiap saham dan historynya secara real time. Program tersebut kemudian mengatribusikan poin kepada setiap SID (identitas pelaku pasar) yang teridentifikasi, dimana poin negatif diberikan kepada pelaku pasar yang nilai per persentase kepemilikan perusahaan-perusahaan yang pernah dia beli sekarang lebih rendah daripada nilai sewaktu dia membeli dulu, dan vice versa.
nilai per persentase kepemilikian perusahaan didapat dari:
1. Total dividen yang sudah dibayarkan kepada pemilik 1 persen perusahaan.
2. Harga untuk mendapatkan 1 persen kepemilikan.
IPO tanggal 13 Juni 2010, sekarang tanggal 13 Juni 2011
Urutan: tgl, Akumulasi dividen yang telah dibayarkan, harga per 1 persen kepemilikan, nilai per 1 persen kepemilikan.

13/6, 0, 12, 12
01/1, 2, 11, 13
02/4, 3, 13, 16
13/6, 3, 12, 15

Si Atot membeli di tanggal 01/1, selisihnya sekarang adalah +2, sedangkan Si Bagus juga membeli pada tanggal 01/1 jadi kredibilitas Bagus sama dengan Atot. Pak Cahyo membeli dari Bagus pada tanggal 02/4, jadi selisihnya sekarang adalah -1. Kredibilitas Pak Cahyo -1 sedangkan kredibilitas Atot dan Bagus adalah +2, walaupun saham Bagus sudah dibeli tapi tetap diperhitungkan kredibilitasnya sampai sekarang.

Jadi walaupun sudah berlalu lama, yang penting adalah pada saat pembelian, apakah untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, atau untuk spekulasi.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Reputable Market for Indonesia

Indonesia tidak dipungkiri lagi sangat diminati oleh investor asing. Tapi juga harus diakui sejarah dividen yang berhasil kita bayarkan dibandingkan dengan besarnya investasi yang akan diinjeksikan belum represent / belum mewakili.
Hype akan investasi ke Indonesia menurut saya lebih didorong oleh meledaknya pertumbuhan China Korea, dan krisis ekonomi negara-negara barat.

Sekarang kita berada dalam tes, tes yang besar, apakah Indonesia benar-benar mampu untuk tidak mengecewakan para investor. Apakah Indonesia mampu berkontribusi untuk menolong Investor-investor dalam kehidupan mereka, apakah di Indonesia ada/bisa mendatangkan solusi dan elemen-elemen solusi atas permasalahan-permasalahan para investor? Ini belum tau.

Kalau sampai para spekulan menggunakan momentum ini untuk jauh meningkatkan harga saham di pasar secondary Indonesia, dan banyak-banyak Investor yang tertipu. Walaupun Indonesia mampu membayar dividen yang decent, atau yang wajar, para investor tetap akan kecewa karena ekspektasi awal mereka yang sudah digoreng. Hal ini menurut saya dapat merusak kepercayaan dan kemudian beresiko membuat kita menghadapi masalah keterpurukan dan isolasi hubungan antar pelaku bisnis.

Kita harus bisa merating para pelaku-pelaku transaksi di pasar. Mereka yang menjual saham diharapkan agar dapat mempertaruhkan reputasi mereka, bahwa mereka membeli karena mereka secara intelektual menganalisa bahwa benar saham-saham tersebut pantas dibeli. Mentalitas win/loose bukanlah mentalitas pasar, tapi mentalitas perang, mentalitas itu mungkin telah membawa krisis ekonomi berkepanjangan kepada dunia. Para programmer Indonesia mungkin dapat membuat program yang mengatribusikan rating kepada para pelaku pasar, sehingga transaksi dengan para pelaku-pelaku pasar yang beresiko tinggi dapat dihindari.

Kalau para pelaku pasar dapat membuat pernyataan setiap kali membeli saham, bahwa mereka benar-benar membeli dengan anggapan bahwa dividen yang akan didapatkan itu sepadan dengan harga belinya... maka setiap kali ada koreksi pasar, badan rating dapat menilai, siapa-siapa saja yang terlibat dalam peningkatan harga saham tersebut dan mengatribusikan resiko/rating kepada mereka. Mereka tidak harus sengaja, tapi kenyataannya secara obyektif mereka itu beresiko.


Lets be successful by empowering people not disempowering people.
Lets improve others' ability and desire to help each other in this one reality.

Our scarcity is not of time nor energy but of solutions, the scarcity of the world is of mutual solution.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Another Basic Human need

Besides food, shelter, clothes, another human need I think is to make changes to the world.

My theory is that life is nature's solution in transporting its laws, and to create new laws, to enable interactions after interactions to keep on happening / executable.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Marilah kita mengurangi dan menghilangkan kebergunaan dari intimidasi.

See my post in my other blog

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Piracy and Organized violence

In my opinion, the use of piracy contributes strongly to organized violence. If people don't use piracy, their gatherings would be of more constructive nature. People who don't use piracy want to make use of their expensive access as productive as possible to obtain return of investment.
But pirated solutions are solutions that is very very cheap due to distributors and consumers don't really give back appropriately to the creators of the solutions. Their gatherings would tend to had no sense of importance, and would more likely used to spill their immidiate emotions.
United and channeled, would only brought about disasters.

Free Software and Open source is different from piracy, the authors of such softwares are generous authors. This brings a sense of warmth and gratitude into the community. It gave the sense that the system is good, and its trying to help the people. This would encourage participation into the integrated mutual solutions. 

I love my toilet v.02

Essential to my favorite cilivilizations are awesome sanitation and trash management systems. Toilets are lovely

Monday, August 8, 2011

Travelling to Sulawesi Selatan v.03

If you want to go and visit the province where I live... check out wira tour.

I recommend to visit the beautiful Bira beach, a very refreshing place to go...
And not far you can visit my city Makassar where we have many delicious dishes that we are proud of... and also historical sites from colonial times, we were colonialized by the Netherlands.
After you can go to Tana Toraja traditional settlement to see the famous torajan burial ceremony.

Probably its better to visit them in the opposite order.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Boring vs Lovely

Living beings must classify which is lovely and which is not. Otherwise that creature had no personality, which means that it's not alive.
Therefore, I'm going to try my best to always say to myself at least, about what's lovely... even though it might be boring, but hopefully doing so could improve my quality of life.

Friday, August 5, 2011

One thing I'm looking for v.02

Is a reliable essay about,
The influence of habitual violation of intellectual properties to the way of thinking, attitude, and behaviors of commerce practitioners.

Youtube's terms no. 5 part D v.05

If you read youtube's terms and conditions no. 5 part D, you'd know that Youtube doesn't want to take responsibilities for offences or damages made by third parties posting videos in their site.
I think that there should be considerable demand for the service Youtube and other existing video hosting sites couldn't provide.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Experts v.10

Humans made mistakes, mistakes brought new perspective, and HIV viruses are so hard to handle because they kept on making mistakes. I think we all want to make mistakes, it's something we need to do in life.

Time exist due to irreversibility, therefore, our intuition of time is all about total interactions in the universe being always happening, irreversible, and therefore always new. In my opinion, we make mistakes because we Love ourselves, and we want to stay relevant.

The Law maybe slow to update, and sometimes the law wants us to do the same thing over and over again. But as long as the law serves for the need of all people, including for those who are poor and lonely... We could rest assure that the Law will keep on being adjusted and updated accordingly to time. Being in the law could provide for us more "spaces for variances" that are relevant and safe for us rather than doing violations that would instead disempower the providers of solutions in our community and later will even destroy more "spaces for variances" available for us.

Experts are those who could identify "spaces for variances" many people hardly could, "Spaces for variances" that are mutual or lovely.

Lets integrate everyone's help, let's direct time as creatures of love.


MutualSolutions ftw

Learning v.02

Love is the tendency to keep on experiencing interactions forever.

Learning is about being able to truthfully classify what's lovely and what's not lovely. Adopting how to do, how not to do, when to do, when not to do.

To improve participation in integrated working mutual solutions in this one reality, we need to reliably speed up the process of learning for everybody. To improve the ability and the tendency or desire of everybody to help everybody... to Love. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mutual solutions for the win v.03

Current form of intellectual property law is quite hard to grasp for many people especially in developing countries, and for teenagers as well. However the culture of giving back to the sources of solutions must exist in every successful society.

I propose to educate people using the explanation of "giving back to the sources of solutions". But firstly I want to protest that those who managed to create an invention and made profit out of them, also need to give back to their sources of solutions... by paying for the conservation of mother nature's mutual solutions.

Mutual solutions absolutely doesn't mean let some to be victims or prey of others... mutual solution must mean birth control and engineering of new bodies, that could contain our mind, memory and personalities, that doesn't feed on disempowering of other living beings (living beings are those that could create their own personality, which is classification of what's lovely and what's not lovely), but fed on the airflow, or the sunlight, gravity, or fruits.

Mutual solutions for the win.

Update 10th of August:
I'm a Christian, and for this past few days I ended up reading passages about food 3 times in the new testatement. Honestly, I got scared... three verses and they all talk about the same thing, that we could eat all the foods on earth, including meat. So, I just going to be a human and use my faith to scrap my statement above that implies 'living beings are not lovely to be eaten'. I'm going to wait and learn more.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Good Commercials are Awesome

Nutri Sari commercial, displaying Papuan dance and Ambonese's clothings...  really make me feel good. Watched in IndoVision.
They danced in a beautiful beach, clear blue sky, clear blue water, white sand... feels really good watching the merge... it blended so well like a the taste of an exeptional gourmet food.

Commercial makers are cool. They even contribute to reduce friction of the economy.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Focus Mentality v.04

1. Empowering all people, we want to improve others' ability to solve problems, to improve everyone's ability to help, instead of reducing.

2. All problems are everybody's problem, we live in one reality, and we all are providers of solutions. Your problem is not my problem attitude is not good.

3. Prioritize to create solutions that support all solutions, mutual solutions.

Money is the root of all evil, these words might be true... as money is a guarantee that the holder has performed some help but hasn't been helped yet. Money is a status, and for the love of the status, one might overlook the consideration;
Whether or not his/her actions contributes to, or in participation with, integrated working mutual solutions.

We live in one reality, your problem is my problem too, by obeying the law, we hope to actually contribute to the solving of everyone's problems.

Love is the tendency to keep on experiencing interactions forever. Instead of loving money, lets love Love, and Love one another.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Help me

Help me they kept on putting MSG into my food. I've told them no, but they won't stop. Why am I being treated like this?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Creators of Demands v.08

Monopoly is a popular issue here in Indonesia, as after hollywood ban its products from entering Indonesia, suddenly now Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is in the theathers, another movie is also in but I forgot what it was... anyway, the importer of the Harry Potter movie, Omega Film is on the spot for having almost all the market share of Hollywood movie watchers.

The law in Indonesia is not monopoly friendly... movie importers are not allowed to form coallission with each other to control price, to have collusions with theater companies to block other importers. 

In my opinion, monopoly could be allowed as a form of reward for those who created demands in a society. Who made popular hollywood movies in Indonesia? I think they deserve rewards from the industry.

There should be an audit to know who created the demand, and there should be a law on how the rewards would be distributed. I agree with current law, I don't want lack of importers cause higher dependency to those coallisions. I don't want our society to favor mafia form of administration, as it is counter productive, and stifles creative spirits from being appreciated if they didn't support the interest of the mafia. I think creative spirits should support mutual solutions for all people, for the country, not just for the mafia, as we live in one world.
However, there should be an audit to know whether or not existing or would be existing demands are good for sustainable lifestyle, for sustainable solutions, in a community... or if not, the new products demanded should be able to replace old existing solutions in solving important problems.

I hate the idea of tyranny, I think the law should be an integrated solutions that prioritze to solve all the people's important problems, not just for tyrants and their families. I think the law that supports the life of little people promotes hope, that they too someday would be able to be providers of help for others (independently). I hope that the unity of all people as providers of solutions, not as masters and slaves, will lead to lovely lifestyle for all.

Retirement House for Police and Army

I asked a policeman whether or not there are retirement houses for their retirees, and he said no. This might be an opportunity. By having one managed by our group, we might be able to reduce frictions against our trying to be in the law.

Over innovating? v.03

Over innovation only occurs when you address problems that's not relevant. Relevance in terms of love (the tendency to keep on experiencing interactions forever).

Investment for research and development is always good, as long as you address the problem right. Know your problem, then there would be no such thing as over innovation.

Ofcourse, some specialized discipline want to associate the term "innovations" only for products made by them. This is wrong, even people from less expensive discipline could one time be more relevant than those who paid a lot for some specialized education. Know your problem, then you'll know what kind of  R&D to be prioritized.

Those who decided to specialize out of cockyness and/or necessities, not out of  their intuition, would most likely be loud and all politics. Those who had quite a bit of debt would also be loud, rigid, and scared when their services were postponed. Doesn't mean that they own innovation.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

One way to reduce traffic jam in developing cities v.03

One factor of traffic jam in major cities in Indonesia is due to lack of participation with the law. This is probably because there are still quite a bit of us who didn't go through all the administration required for our driver's license. If local governments would allocate their budget to conduct an update test for all driver's license holders that have had their licenses for more than 4 years, this could really change things around.

Honestly if you drive here, people often use their immidiate instinct/intuition to solve traffic situations. Which is why in my city the rate of reported traffic violation is very high, compared to other violations:  http://makassarkota.go.id/download -> http://makassarkota.go.id/download/makassar_dalam_angka_2007.pdf -> page 209. Although I could argue that the rates may be declining over the years.

If you see page 210, you'll see that in 2006 hundreds of people lost their lives due to traffic accidents in the province of Sulawesi Selatan, where the city of Makassar is in.

The trend of acquiring driver's license "shortcutly" should not be kept. This would likely lead to more and more traffic problems in the future. You can say that we are having a monorail so it's still ok. Monorail would bring in more pedestrians into the heart of the city, the demand of mobility would increase due to increases in more diversified use of territories, for business and for residence. Therefore rather than expanding more and more streets, and took away ever highly needed pedestrian's space, why not encourage people to use the rule? 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

For the Future v.04

The world is supposed to head towards:

- More and more influencing others' behaviors with their awareness and permission first.
- Less and less influencing others' behaviors discretely.

For now:

- People should not intentionally influence anothers' behavior in hide from their awareness and without asking for their permissions first.
- People should not lie to influence behaviors
- People should learn more to identify subtle messages, sent by those who want to change or influence their behaviors.
- People should learn more on how to barrier ourselves from illegal influences but still be able to access relevant informations.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Animal Politics v.11

The scarcity of the world is not of time of energy but of mutual solutions
Love is the tendency to keep on experiencing interactions forever
Time exist due to irreversibility of interactions, our intuition of time is that total interactions is always happening, irreversible, and always new.

I have been treated as immigrant all my life. I'm a 25 years old Indonesian citizen with Chinese blood in me and have lived in Australia for college. As much as I hate racist people, in my opinion some people have abused the defensive tools against racism and have mislabeled people for wrong reasons.

We all know how dangerous alien species is for every ecosystem. Love within a system is very important, and it has been maintained for as long as the age of the ecosystem itself. Just because immigrants could survive within an environment, doesn't mean that the immigrants have appropriately merged into the system, have properly support love and became part of a solution/solutions that work for the system not against. New people need to know the solutions of the system and so the problem that they're facing. And yes, sometimes its better to require some people to prove that they could and would contribute first and got accepted, before being given full access to the integrated solutions.

But native people also could destroy their own solutions. 

Using piracy is always problematic, no matter where you came from. All need to realize, piracy is all about not paying to the creators of solutions, its all about not giving back properly. People sometimes forget that there are those create the solutions, and there are those who share the solutions. Both deserved to be rewarded respectively... and most of the time, those who created the solutions most of the time should sacrifice more than those who just simply share.

In the end, if people would use experts to audit people's positions, the solutions that they have created, that they have shared, and that they have supported. If people would objectively measure people's understanding of cultures and laws, and have or have not they are positioned safely in the system... whether they could and would became part of the solutions in the society or not, there's no need in stereotyping, and treating others badly unjustly, only because of suspicions.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Peringatan Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan

Jalan Percetakan Negara 23, Jakarta 10560 Indonesia
Telephone : 62-21 – 4244688, Fax. : 62-21 - 4250764
Nomor: KH.
Tanggal : 14 Juli 2009
Menindaklanjuti hasil pengawasan terhadap kantong plastik kresek, Badan POM RI
perlu mengeluarkan peringatan kepada publik sebagai berikut:
1. Kantong plastik kresek berwarna terutama hitam kebanyakan merupakan
produk daur ulang yang sering digunakan untuk mewadahi makanan.
2. Dalam proses daur ulang tersebut riwayat penggunaan sebelumnya tidak
diketahui, apakah bekas wadah pestisida, limbah rumah sakit, kotoran hewan
atau manusia, limbah logam berat, dll. Dalam proses tersebut juga
ditambahkan berbagai bahan kimia yang menambah dampak bahayanya
bagi kesehatan.
3. Jangan menggunakan kantong plastik kresek daur ulang tersebut untuk
4. Bagi masyarakat yang ingin mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut dapat
menghubungi Unit Layanan Pengaduan Konsumen Badan POM RI dengan
nomor telepon 021-4263333 dan 021-32199000 atau e-mail
langsung makanan siap santap.ulpk@pom.go.id
ulpkbadanpom@yahoo.com atau melihat di website Badan POM,
5. Demikian peringatan ini disampaikan untuk disebarluaskan

Friday, July 15, 2011

Something might be wrong with me v.05

Why is it that the government can't just print money and share it to underdeveloped, more isolated, rural areas... so that people would go there and trade stuff.

What are the implications?


Another whywhywhy policy of mine:

Patents for individual's hair designs:

Why won't governments create this easy and straight forward procedure for barbers to be able to quickly perform patent registrations for each and every individuals of their customers' hair do...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

My Criticism to general news

I honestly bored at watching news... too much problems, but little solutions were told. I know that it's dangerous to not identify problems existing in the society, but why stuck there? There must be a lot of success story out there why not tell it to the public?

Its time to move forward, not just stop at problems but also include the solutions in the news. Lack of solution in the news only makes exclusivism more painful. Life solution only available at organization but little in the public's mind.

I think it's dangerous for the society.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Recruitment Criteria in my opinion

In my opinion the future of recruitment criteria in this age of onslaught of informations would be:

It's not a matter of knowing or not knowing, not a matter of access to information, but a matter of priority. Does or doesn't the candidate prioritize the right thing?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Becak Konsinyasi

Seperti tukang es krim, becak juga kalau tidak lagi bawa penumpang, bisa menyalakan lagu-lagu tradisional, dan menjual cd-cd.

Perusahaan rekaman memberi becak becak cd-cd mereka, setiap periode, cd-cd tersebut diminta kembali dan uangnya. Tukang becak kemudian diberikan bagian dari keuntungan penjualan.

Tapi permasalahannya sekarang, pemutar cd yang tahan goncangan. Karena kalau main pemutar mp3, mungkin perusahaan rekaman belum mau.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Kekayaan Alam Semesta

Kemiskinan di dunia ini bukanlah waktu ataupun energi, tapi kemiskinan akan solusi.

Solusi = Administrasi = Prosedur penyelesaian masalah

Untuk mengalokasikan dana kepada para pembuat solusi, pemerintah meresmikan hukum-hukum Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HaKI). Dimana salah satunya adalah hukum hak cipta (copyright) UU no 19 tahun 2002, untuk mengalokasikan dana kepada pembuat solusi bagaimana menyatukan rasa, dan bersepakat, sehingga semangat kerja manusia yang besar itu, bukan dibenturkan, tapi saling menopang.

Dengan menaati hukum secara umum, niscaya nilai uang akan terus meningkat. Dengan menaati hukum kekayaan intelektual, niscaya kita semua akan menjadi semakin kaya.

Semakin banyak penyedia solusi yang mutual semakin baik, selama tidak ada yang membuat solusi untuk merusak solusi orang lain. Inilah masalah yang membutuhkan solusi juga.

Karena itu betapa pentingnya hukum HaKI.

Makassar: Central Market was on Fire v.02

Makassar's "Pasar Sentral" or freely translated "Central Market" was on fire today. God have helped my uncle and kept his store safe. Thank you God.

But the fire took away most of the stand inside the center building, fire trucks came and went for hours... I was driving away and back in the middle of the day, around 11:30, and they still busy performing their procedures, and still so until the end of working hour.

My intuition, they would've done by now, hopefully. I came there at lunch hour, and everybody have evacuated from the building, consoling each other... I heard "at least this is better than tsunamis" and "thankfully no victims" so I heard.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Teaching idea

So in each class I would randomly ask questions about the subject... probably history or biology or geography... and then students who could answer them would be given full points of the day.
The rest must do homeworks.

Next meeting I would again made such quiz, but I would also ask 2 questions from the homework, to particular kids who got it right. Whoever could not answer the question, would get their points lowered respectively, and would instantly must do homeworks of that day.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ajaib Tuhan Yesus

Setelah bercerita tentang Yesus, saya akhirnya menemukan solusi yang saya cari untuk urusan penampilan iklan di zebra cross.
Yaitu menggunakan 1 orang yang menyanyi dan dan 1 orang yang menari (you know what I mean).

Yang menyanyi menghitung timing, tidak apa apa.

Parking Lot + Art Center?

I don't know whether its good or not, to have an art expo, or street performer center, performing 24 x 7 if they want. Which is also a parking lot, a modern parking lot.

So this parking lot, would have a general access, and also a member access. Members got reserved the good spots ofcourse.

When management successfully created multiple parking spots, they could link all of these lots together, with special tunnels. These tunnels are for members only and for eventual high payers.


I want the art center, imagine people dancing, music everywhere, people some sellers walking around selling drinks. Sponsorships sometimes would help open space expos.


So this space might be built on top of regular streets. First of they build crossing bridges, and then on top of those bridges, glass buildings, so people below could look up... (watch out skirters). And then it would have access to vehicles who want to park.

This is going to be a skyscrapery stuff.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cara membaca Terms and Conditions dgn lebih teliti

Baca terms and conditions 5 kali:

1. Dalam konteks apa yang provider berikan (progive)
2. Dalam konteks apa yang provider tidak berikan (prodtgive)
3. Dalam konteks apa yang provider minta (proasked)
4. Dalam konteks apa yang provider tidak minta, dan/atau tolak (prodtasked)

5. Membaca keseluruhan bersama-sama

Saya juga tidak menyelesaikan semua langkah, ini idealnya, tapi mencobanya telah membantu dalam mengerti terms and conditionsnya windows. Kalau sudah windows punya saja membantu, apalagi yang lain... lol (mustinya).

Friday, June 17, 2011

Restoran aroma

Restoran menggunakan tirai untuk menutup sekitar meja makan, sehingga pengunjung dapat suasana yang privat.
Kemudian ada exhaust fan yang terhubung dengan area tertentu di dapur pada "ruang makan" tersebut. Dari dapur koki dapat membakar aroma-aroma yang dapat menambah cita rasa/pengalaman makan. Bau tercium lebih sempurna karena berada di dalam tirai.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Rewarding system draft v.02

1. Figure out what kind of person the employee is, someone who wants or needs constant rewarding? or someone who wants something specific or something "else".

2. Reward him/her accordingly.

In my theory this should always works well, not rewarding your employee would mean to motivate him/her with threats, which is not mutual.

For the first type, you figure out what could exite the person that is not too expensive, and constantly give him/her that when he perform something, even though that something is not too big, because the reward is also not too big.

For the second type, reward the guy when he/she has achieved the significance, but, when the guy didn't achieve reward him/her with small prizes instead, because even though he/she didn't achieve the big goal, but he/she has performed or completed some small steps he/she doesn't realize needs rewarding. This is important in my theory because subconsciously the person might felt that the system is not profitable for him/her and would refuse to participate whenever there's another task like the previous one.

So, the first type of person, would eventually become the second type whenever he/she became bored with the rewards, but there's also a chance that he/she would stay the same just asked for different reward.

The target is, to make the employees want to give their unlocked potentials, achieving substantially at the shortest share of time as possible, made possible by appealing to their subconscious system of rewards.

so for the first type of guy, you reward him/her before finishing the job.
for the second type, don't reward him/her before, only after finishing the job.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Motivation and Purpose

Why do motivation and purpose related so much? In my opinion our brain has a way of rewarding itself after doing certain work. If you don't have purpose, your brain will reward you even after you perform a small task.

After the rewarding, we would want to step back and relax to get ready for another job. Its not a bad thing, but if it occured after very small things, what a long way to go to accomplish big things.

Motivation is very important in the workplace, because it sets you purposes. It shaped the culture of postponed rewards. So it doesn't take you away from your rewards, but it postponed them until you get to the purpose.

The problem with motivation is, the risk of not being properly rewarded after you accomplish your goal. So it took professionals to give the format so that the storage of rewards wouldn't leaked out and caused insatisfaction after achieving.

Friday, June 10, 2011

University Degrees for Teams

Is there a degree for a team out there?
So a group of people were given the bachelors or masters instead of an individual. I think the degree would be as reliable, and cheap to earn for each individuals especially for Indonesians.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Community Garden -- Kebun Komunitas

Untuk meningkatkan tingkat kehijauan, setiap komunitas dapat bersama merawat sebuah kebun dimana sayur sayuran dan buah-buahan yang berasal dari pohon yang rindang ditanam.
Anggotanya tidak harus tetangga yang tinggal berdekatan, tapi bisa juga satu marga atau keluarga.

Lokasi kebunnya bisa berada di atas ruko ruko / atap ruko ruko dimana dipasang tangga, sehingga orang bisa naik tanpa harus memasuki rumah. Atau tangga di dalam ruangan yang bisa diakses oleh yang lain tanpa mengakses ruangan lain.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Privacy Policy of This blog v.07

Bahasa Indonesia:
Setiap situs yang anda kunjungi dapat mengambil informasi tentang anda.
Secara hukum anda berhak untuk mengatur bagaimana informasi anda dipergunakan, kalau tidak mau diberi cookie atau dibaca cookienya, anda dapat menonaktifkan fitur cookie dari settingan dari browser anda.
Tips IE: Tools > Internet options > Privacy > advanced > pilih prompt
cookie adalah file kecil yang digunakan untuk mengambil informasi dari komputer anda, biasanya berupa IP address, asal negara, dan dari situs mana anda dirujuk
Kalau anda menggunakan custom search google, dan/atau mengclick salah satu iklan dari hasil pencarian anda, atau dari adsense di blog ini, ada kemungkinan pihak ketiga (google, atau yang diizinkan oleh google) akan menanamkan kuki (cookie) dan membaca cookie yang ada di browser anda.

Ada juga kemungkinan informasi-informasi tentang lokasi anda, ip address anda, tentang komputer anda, di ambil dan digunakan oleh google atau pihak-pihak ketiga tersebut.
Untuk informasi lebih tentang cookie, lihat di http://www.google.com/intl/id/privacy/ads/

Whenever you access a website there are chances that they would gather some informations about you during the time of your visit and after.
As owner of the information you have the right to control their distribution and use.
Tips IE: Tools > Internet options > Privacy > advanced > choose prompts
to control incoming traffics of cookies to your browser
Cookie is a small file used by sites to pull informations from your computer. Such informations usually are your IP address, country of origins, and referring sites.

I have enabled the google adsearch on my blog, as well as adsense, it will provide you search results from my webpages. Upon using the system, you would be exposed to the chance that some third parties might plant cookies in your browser and/or they'd be looking into your browser for existing cookies.
There's also chances that google and third parties authorized by google might collect informations about you from your computer. Such datas could be IP address, location details about your computer, details about your computer, etc.
Please refer to http://www.google.com/intl/id/privacy/ads/ for further information.


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