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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

ASMR buat diplomat

Di hari libur, presiden mengajak para diplomat yang tidak pulang untuk house party.
Mereka ngumpul, santai di kolam, berenang, main catur, main volley air, golf kecil kecilan, dll.
Pada akhir hari diplomat berkumpul untuk mendengarkan pidato presiden duduk di kursi yang sangat nyaman.
Presiden kemudian berterimakasih, kemudian membaca pencapaian semua gubernur, lalu walikota dan bupati, lalu camat, lalu lurah di seluruh Indonesia.

Hasilnya ada kelelahan di daerah tertentu di otak yang selama ini tidak bisa disembuhkan, kini disembuhkan, mungkin.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Ide Pemerintah menyerap tenaga akuntansi

Banyak daerah terpencil yang tidak terjangkau pajak. Pengusaha-pengusaha di daerah tersebut tidak cukup perduli untuk urusan pajak, maka...
Pemerintah bisa memberi kompensasi pajak kepada semua pengusaha-pengusaha di daerah tersebut dengan membayarkan 100% pajak mereka, tapi tentu saja administrasi perpajakan tetap jalan.

Maka Pemerintah bisa mempekerjakan tenaga akuntansi sebagai partner Account Representative untuk mengerjakan semua administrasi perpajakan mereka, SPT, SPT Masa, Bukti Potong, dan lain-lain. Maka selain mereka jadi perduli pajak karena mereka dapat laporan setiap bulan mengenai berapa pajak mereka dan berapa kompensasi dari pemerintah, pemerintah juga bisa menjaga pihak-pihak pebisnis dari daerah lain yang bertransaksi dengan mereka tetap tidak sulit menjalankan kewajiban perpajakan mereka.

Setelah ekonomi di wilayah tersebut berkembang, pemerintah akan cenderung untuk tidak menambah tenaga yang telah dialokasikan di wilayah tersebut, mungkin hanya rotasi saja. Dengan alasan ini, para pengusaha yang semakin banyak akan mendapat servis secara bergantian. Pada saat ada yang tidak mendapat servis mereka harus belajar menjalankan administrasi akuntansi dan perpajakan sendiri.

Berangsur-angsur ekonomi bertumbuh dan jumlah rotasi menjadi 1:30, maka tidak ngaruh kalau pemerintah menghentikan sepenuhnya layanan tersebut dan mengalokasikannya ke daerah lain.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Nature Bestows

Neurotic men died at war,
Females as avatars of peace, like oxygen and water, peace, love, clear of mind, sweetness, reason to go on.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Another reason for the Golden Sticker

When you purchase an online software, the profit goes to the creator of the software. Users of the software all pay to the creators.

But when you purchase a physical goods, part of the value used to cover cost and then to the creators. The goods will serve it's purpose and then resold at the used goods market. This is where the problem comes, when you buy used goods, you pay only to the previous users, and if the goods helped you in solving your problems your contribution to the designers or the creator of the goods would be a part of the previous owner's contribution to the creators.

Depends on the magnitude of the problem solved, do you think that the creators deserve only that much? Sure the way you use the goods to handle the problem is inventive as well but it doesn't mean that the creator didn't contribute at all to the solving of the problem. In my opinion many problems relative to the past, is easily solvable because of the revolutionary design of the tangible products. The creator's contributions are priceless.

Therefore the humane thing to do would be to contribute directly to the creators, as much as you consider appropriate within your capabilities. And this is where the golden sticker system came in.

Training Camp Bahasa Asing

Lembaga kursus bahasa asing membuat sebuah camp, anak-anak diikutkan retreat atau liburan ke suatu area atau training camp. Di area tersebut perkenalan 3 hari kemudian 7 hari kemudian harus pakai bahasa asing.
Tiap kamar kecuali kamar mandi ada kamera cctv, dan juga di area kegiatan ada kamera cctv, dan orang tua bisa melihat cctv tersebut hanya di kamar yang ada anaknya saja dan di area kegiatan.
Ada minimarket, setelah hari ketiga minimarket hanya mau melayani dengan bahasa asing, tidak bisa bahasa indonesia.
Handphone dan perangkat online lainnya di data dan disimpan oleh penyelenggara. Kalau ada telepon penyelenggara bisa menerimanya dan memberitahu bahwa anak itu sedang camp dan baru bisa dihubungi pada jam bebas. Kalau keadaan darurat barulah penyelenggara memanggil anak itu secara khusus.
Jam bebas adalah jam dimana anak-anak boleh menggunakan perangkatnya, sekali pada waktu pagi, sekali waktu sore (hanya setengah jam), dan sekali waktu malam (sekitar jam 9). Setelah itu perangkat dikumpulkan dan disimpan lagi.
Setiap hari olahraga, dan kegiatan olahraga menggunakan bahasa asing. Kemudian ada berbagai kegiatan menarik seperti permainan yang menyangkut bahasa, menonton film pendek, dan lain-lain.
Di akhir camping ada ujian akhir, hasil akhir dari anak-anak menentukan seberapa besar uang yang akan dikembalikan penyelenggara kepada orang tua.
>90-100, 50%
>80-90, 40%
>70-80, 30%
>60-70, 20%
>50-60, 10%
0-50, uang dibayarkan penuh kepada penyelenggara.
Ujian akhir diambil dari ujian standar bahasa itu, seperti HSK, TOEFL, IELTS. Penilaian akhir diberikan kepada orang tua untuk ikut memeriksanya.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Sistem yg dapat mengurangi waktu dalam kemacetan

Salah satu penyebab lamanya waktu anda terjebak dalam kemacetan adalah reaction time delay:

mobil paling depan sudah jalan, mobil di belakangnya delay 1 detik baru jalan, anggaplah kecepatan 10cm per detik.

pada jam 5 ada 10 mobil berbaris di lampu merah, pada saat lampu hijau mobil paling depan jalan, pada jam 5 lewat 10 detik dia sudah berjalan 100 cm atau 1 M
mobil 2, delay 1 detik baru jalan, pada jam 5 lewat 10 detik dia berjalan 90 cm
mobil 3, delay 1 detik baru jalan, pada jam 5 lewat 10 detik dia berjalan 80 cm (karena dia baru mulai jalan setelah jam 5 lewat 2 detik)
mobil 4, delay 1 detik, pada jam 5 lewat 10 detik dia berjalan 70 cm
mobil 5, 60 cm
mobil 6, 50 cm
mobil 7, 40 cm

kalau ada mobil ke 11 maka mobil itu tidak jalan sama sekali jam 5 lewat 10 detik.

Maka solusinya,
masukkan komputer ke dalam mobil yang bisa beroperasi sebagai auto pilot.
Auto pilot hanya aktif kalau pengemudi tidak menyentuh alat kemudi apa-apa (setir, rem, kopling), begitu pengemudi mengambil alih komudi auto-pilot otomatis mati.
Auto pilot hanya bisa menambah kecepatan sampai 10 km/jam.
Lalu sensor utama ditempatkan di depan mobil dan di belakang mobil, mobil yang ada di depan dan di belakang bisa synchro satu-sama lain. Program akan mendeteksi yang mana mobil paling depan dan mobil yang paling depan auto-pilot tidak aktif / manual.
Begitu mobil paling depan maju, maka secara bersamaan semua mobil yang synchro di belakangnya bergerak bersamaan.
Auto pilot juga hanya bisa synchro dengan mobil yang berada di dalam marka jalan.
Semua mobil yang menginstall sistem ini punya lampu atau tanda di atasnya, pada saat auto-pilot sedang aktif maka lampu akan menyala / tanda akan dinaikkan.

Saya kira sistem ini akan sangat membantu mengurangi waktu orang berada di dalam kemacetan.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Jangan mengganti, cukup add on

Sistem yg sudah menopang kehidupan banyak orang, tidak boleh diganti begitu saja.
Buatlah add-on, jangan main tumpas aja

Monday, October 22, 2018

Video Software idea

There are common editing operation that's used in video blogs. So a video editor can get these operations simplified, massively simplified.
You can edit video like the paint program, or power point, and apply these simple moves. If you want more advanced moves, then the program became as complicated as it usually is now.

So you start with a blank screen that goes forward in time. This is like your canvas.
Then you can insert objects, usually the first object would be your main video. Just right click and click insert objects, pick the objects from your explorer, and that's it.
Now at this point the video editor looks just like a normal video, you can play it and pause it (But it's actually the canvas that's paused not the object).
At a certain point in time you can insert other objects like letters, pictures, audio, video, and all these objects are video in nature, meaning that they goes on in time throughout the video.
But for the letters you don't have to create a video file, just type in the letters.
For the pictures, you insert it at a point in time and it goes on in the canvas until you end it.

You can resize the object, put it at the back, or at the front of another object or at the back, just like paint.
Because it's a basic video editor, the operation of resizing at any point in time would resize the whole object from the start to it's end.
Oh so if you want to end an object, just go to the point in time where you want the object to end, right click the object and end it.

All these operations could only be done while the canvas is not playing (it's pausing).
Then you could save your work, there would be 2 files created, that is the work file and the end result file, so you can delete the end result anytime.

You could also lift an object (right click > lift). A lifted object appears lifted from the canvas and will be unattached to the video, you could play the video and pause to a certain point in time and right click the object again and click dock, the object then will be docked at that point in time.

Another feature is you could pause objects while the canvas is still running. You could highlight all objects except one and pause them (the program would be processing like mad but it's for the greater good), and have the only object running while the others freeze.

Dismembering objects and put some of them together as a new object is also a common operation. It's sensible to do them separately like in common editor programs but in this program we do it differently.  Go to the point in time where you want to start cutting, right click the canvas and then choose start folding, the point in time will be highlighted, and then go to the point in time where it ends then right click and choose end folding. When the video is played it will skip the folded areas (it's like hide in spreadsheet).

Now you can fold individual objects, right click the object and choose dismember, the program will open another canvas with only that object, in that canvas you can fold the object, after you done click "done" and the canvas will close and the new (folded) object will appear lifted in the old canvas, dock the new object and you're done. This edited object will appear shorter in length for the main canvas.

Well then you might be able more complex operations but other programs might work better for you. But this program's purpose is to make common practice simpler. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


These are the things I strongly believe,
not an expert advice, I don't know the details of the reality of what's going to happen if my proposals were followed, and I might have no ability to compensate for the respective consequences.
I do prefer you negotiate with me when you wanted to implement my thoughts, I might wanted to bear some responsibilities accordingly. But without decent communication with me these thoughts are not applicable (If you think they are, then it would be good for everybody else if you took the responsibility for your actions).

If adults solve problems they deserve at least minimum wage,
If little kids solve problems, they deserve candy
because if things went wrong, kids are not expected to handle it.

Please treat these thoughts as kiddy thoughts.

Thank you


Tolong jangan anggap ide ide ini adalah anjuran profesional
Anak anak kalau memecahkan masalah dikasih permen
Orang Dewasa dibayar gaji minimum,
Karena kalau ada yang kacau kita tidak tuntut anak-anak untuk mengatasinya

Tolong anggap semua ini pikiran kekanak-kanakan
Karena walaupun saya betul-betul percaya dan yakin tentangnya, saya nggak ahli, dan nggak mau diharuskan untuk mengurus kesalahan orang lain yang menggunakan buah pikiran saya tanpa melihat keadaannya. Dan tanpa bernegosiasi dengan saya, dan tanpa mendapatkan penjelasan lebih lanjut dan persetujuan dari saya.


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Negara ini hebat sekali

Ada negara yang utangnya banyak sekali, tapi pajaknya lebih rendah dari banyak negara lainnya.
Hal ini karena utangnya kepada rakyatnya sendiri.
Saya pikir ini sangat hebat sekali, kalau negara pailit semua rakyat rugi. Semua rakyat berkepentingan agar negara tetap sehat.
Hal ini menyebabkan korupsi bukan cuma dibenci di mulut saja, tapi semua orang akan merasa rugi kalau korupsi dan para koruptor betul betul akan dianggap brengsek sekali sampai orang bakal rela mengorbankan uangnya hanya untuk menyerang mereka.
Dan, orang-orang bakal lebih enggan berpartisipasi dalam korupsi.

Untuk memungkinkan hal ini mungkin cara ini bagus,
Buat situs penjualan surat utang negara eksklusif untuk KTP Indonesia, tiap KTP punya maksimum pembelian (per periode bond), jadi konglomerat tidak bisa borong utang negara.
Karena sistem elektronik jadi minimum pembelian bisa Rp, 10.000 rupiah. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Jordan Peterson | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union

This is my comment on this video youtube page:

I have the general purpose low resolution theory in 13:25
The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions, mutual solutions would reveal themselves more the more you give back to your sources of solutions like inventors, designers, teachers in relation to your job.
Not giving back something will introduce imbalances.
Tendencies or Inclinations could be looked at as individuals, the way limited liability is a separate legal entity, for example the inclination to preserve humanity has many organs such as countries, universities, people, farmlands, etc. And the greatest of all inclinations is the inclination to incline.
So the idea of God isn't necessarily forced upon others, where there's conflict, just refer to the inclination to incline.

Now you want to give thanks too to the inclinations as sources of your mutual solutions.
And copying is a very good way of doing this. But piracy is not giving back to the human sources of solutions, and ip law limits copying it inhibits giving thanks to "spiritual" sources of solutions.
The middle ground is to introduce this add on: The golden sticker, which is a sticker you could give to anyone who give thanks to you. And that sticker could be posted at their profile page. And people would appreciate and prefer to do business with people who has a lot of "stickers" that they could relate to. 

Saturday, September 22, 2018


There are so many kinds of beauty, even little kids understand. Maybe the conclusion that I want to have sex with her is really like answering all questions with “because of God”. There’s so many follow ups to beauty other than sex, sex is just most people’s resort to their inability to figure those out.
I want to know to but everytime I stare at beautiful people I might be called a pervert.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Meningkatkan Tax Compliance di Indonesia

Untuk daerah-daerah baru, banyak pebisnis yang sulit membayar pajak apalagi kalau mereka bersaingan dengan saingan bisnis yang punya pengaruh, yang tidak bisa disentuh oleh pemerintah.
Seperti yang kita ketahui hukum bukan segalanya, ada juga faktor budaya dan propaganda yang dimainkan oleh kekuasaan di suatu daerah.

Solusinya sulit kalau kantor pajak menangkap semua yang tidak membayar pajak, tapi kementrian keuangan bisa bekerja sama dengan BIN mengidentifikasi pembayaran yang relatif (atau yang kecenderungannya di daerah itu) paling patuh membayar pajak, dan kemudian memberikan informasi-informasi atau teknologi atau fasilitas-fasilitas khusus kepada mereka agar mereka bisa bersaing.

Hal ini mengaktifkan kecenderungan untuk saingan mereka untuk ikut membayar pajak.
Hal lain yang bisa diperbaiki di hukum pajak adalah,
Menghilangkan kewajiban memeriksa pajak / tax audit untuk setiap lebih bayar.
Mengajukan banding pajak tidak usah dikenakan ekstra 50%, tapi cukup biaya administrasi saja... atau dikenakan 50% untuk STP di bawah 4,5 juta, selanjutnya di atas itu biaya administrasi saja. 

Friday, September 14, 2018

Invention Nowadays and in the Future

Nowadays and in the Future inventions would not just about what new administration is created. But more about which administration is going to be prioritized over which.
Meaning, the level of importance is the invention,
Because confusion would be one of the biggest problem the world is going to face constantly.

Now, using piracy will really distort your reliability in setting the right priority.
Your sense of what's expensive and what's less expensive
What's sustainable what's not sustainable
and other important things, will be distorted.

So, the lesser piracy the better, remember,
The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions.
Sources of solutions must be rewarded, maintained, taken care of. That's the basic.
If you lose that basic, all sorts of imbalances will come.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Mall dengan jalan tol V.03

Jadi sebelah kiri kanan itu etalase, di tengah jalan tol utk pengunjung yg mau jalan cepat. Kalau di samping kiri kanan tidak boleh jalan cepat atau lari, karena orang mau bengong lihat produk dgn tenang.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Idea Regional Press Centre app v. 02

people submit news based on locations. So people who have the news app can check out what’s hot and interesting in that location around that time.
So let’s say I came to a mall I always go. Instead of being bored I could just check what’s hot at the moment. Turned out there is a new flower blooming in the mall’s garden. There’s a new discount at a store, a famous person is eating at a restaurant, etc.

Contributors will be rewarded, maybe based on number of likes or the site might enable direct donation to authors etc.

Another 'in youtube idea

Why don't community make the standards or censorship?
And youtube enable the standard to be chosen by people.
Like for example, a Christian community or group would censor stuff in the video they watched or categorizes videos they watched. And every other people who opted to try the group's filter would experience it in their search engine, they could see the categorization of the videos that appear on their search or while they're watching and experience the censored version of the video.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Bumi dan Kekayaan Alam

Kalau melihat UUD, bumi dan kekayaan alam yang terkandung di dalamnya dikuasai oleh negara, maka logikanya segala mineral, minyak bumi, emas, dll. Semuanya adalah milik negara Indonesia dan penambang atau pendulang cuma berhak atas jasa menambang dan mendulang.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Gengsi vs Percaya Diri

Gengsi itu semua tentang posisi di masyarakat / kelompok.
Percaya diri itu ingatan tentang kenyataan bahwa saya pernah menyelesaikan masalah / masalah-masalah.

Gengsi harus berubah - ubah sesuai dengan kenyataan yang selalu berubah,
Tapi Percaya Diri itu permanen.

Kenapa kita merasa tidak aman? mengapa kita gelisah akan percaya diri kita?
Kenapa kita tidak mau membebaskan gengsi kita menjadi dinamis?

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Cost Pembatalan Tiket

Baru-baru saya batal beli tiket, biaya pembatalannya tinggi sekali (traveloka + sriwijaya).
Faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan:
1. Berapa lama tiket itu hilang dari pasar
2. Berapa lama tiket itu
3. Biaya administrasi (Fixed Cost)

Jadi kalau dibatalkan hanya dalam kurun waktu 5 menit setelah dibeli, tiket itu hanya kehilangan 5 menit di pasar, walaupun jaraknya misalnya hanya 10 jam sebelum keberangkatan.
Kalau dibatalkan jauh jauh hari memang tiket itu punya waktu lebih lama untuk "dipajang" sehingga bisa dibeli.
Tapi walaupun tiket itu dibatalkan dekat-dekat waktu keberangkatan, tingkat kerugiannya masih kecil kalau jarak antara pembelian dan pembatalannya singkat.

Saya kira perhitungan ini bisa dibuat seperti itu, karena cukup menggunakan program hal ini bisa dilakukan secara otomatis.
Dimana cancellation cost mulai dihitung pada saat tiket itu dibeli tiap menit/detiknya, dan, percepatan peningkatan harga cancellation cost meningkat seiring semakin dekatnya pembatalan dengan waktu keberangkatan.

Ada maskapai yang menilai waktu-waktu sangat terakhir lebih murah, itu juga bisa dipertimbangkan.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

HP khusus anak-anak (Solusi youtube demonetization system)

Buat HP khusus anak-anak dimana app storenya hanya bisa menginstall setelah ada konfirmasi ijin dari akun guardian / orang tua.
Semua aplikasinya hanya bisa terinstall seizin orang tua saja, dan orang tua bisa menonaktifkan aplikasi.

Kalau ada produk ini maka selanjutnya bisa dibuat aplikasi satelit untuk youtube, dimana aplikasi ini memutar video-video dari youtube, tapi memblok channel channel dan video-video yang sifatnya mature. Jadi orang tua bisa memblok youtube dan mengizinkan aplikasi ini.
Ini juga bisa dari solusi atas sistem demonetize youtube yang terlalu pukul rata. Ada kelompok konsumen yang sudah bisa dewasa terhadap hal-hal seperti kata-kata kasar dan menggunakannya untuk tujuan humor semata, masak begini di demonetize juga?

Monday, August 13, 2018

Intimidasi Legitimasi

Kau tidak tahu bagaimana jadi orang begini, bagaimana pengalaman ini, bagaimana penderitaan ini!

Kriminal troublemaker suka begitu

Daripada urus penderitaan orang yang menyusahkan lebih baik urus penderitaan orang yang sudah mengorbankan segalanya demi kebahagiaan kita.

Sekali lagi:


Kita tidak hidup kalau tidak bisa memilih dan menolak,
Tapi kenapa kesombongan begitu tricky untuk ditolak?

Mungkin ini bisa membantu:
Merasa diri spesial itu tidak sombong, merasa yg lain tidak spesial itu sombong
Menganggap diri penting itu tidak sombong, menganggap yg lain tidak penting itu sombong

Tidak ada yg harus punya orang lain, ada yg harus punya keberanian.

Definition as a spectrum

Who is Rachel?

Lets consider 3 things even though there are many more things in the spectrum.
Rachel's memory, discipline, and body.

Say Rachel lost her memory, but she still has her behavior and her body. That person is Rachel
Rachel lost her body, her memory and discipline is stored as data and planted in a humanoid body. That cyborg is Rachel.
Rachel got pierced by a long nail/thorn from her chin to all the way to her brain, surprisingly she survived, but now her behavior completely changed... she still retain her memory and body. That person is Rachel.

Say Rachel lost her behavior and body, but her memory can be saved and transferred to her sister... Her sister is not Rachel, she just knew now what Rachel knew.
Rachel lost her memory and body, but her discipline is transferred to a robot. That robot is not Rachel, no matter what her stalker said when he bought it for 200 million dollars. (The discipline would be baseless anyway and would transform quickly to an extremely different form).

Now ofcourse there are many more things that's in the spectrum but that's the point I want to make

Multidiscipline Financial Statement

So using a little bit more complex program, we could have a financial statement that has the option to transform accordingly to the discipline the users are opting to view.
People can choose whether to use IFRS, or other standards or even own company's standard.
Ever since the market valuation of assets were introduced, the way financial statements help its users became more "quantum position" like. The Balance Sheet or Statement of Financial Position seem to have a really relative interpretation and In the past I wanted to value the assets based on the PV of the asset's projected cash flow at the risk free rate projected as a balance sheet.

Therefore it would be great to have a financial statement that could accommodate multiple perspectives.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

True responsibility came not from force but from freedom

People I think we should accept that we don't want to change or be influenced by just 1 source no matter how true or how objective the arguments might be.
Especially in this time of internet, don't blame yourself for not being able to follow all of the advice of your parents or mentor or anyone. Because its just natural for us to feel safe getting ideas from different sources.

But, it doesn't mean that it's useless to give an objective or truthful advice to the people that have helped you or to the people you love. The advice would be an explosive stored in their system and will keep building up, until that "fresh" source of idea chipped in and blew everything up.
Then you'll see a change of habit that's so permanent in nature.

Another thing,

When that bomb hasn't matured yet, it's going to be problematic for a person to bear a responsibility or responsibilities related to it. Just because you can logically at peace about it's necessity, doesn't mean you can get immersed into it. Sometimes it's useful to develop interests out of regular practices, however big responsibilities should not be taken lightly.

Another thing,

Curiosity is basic need, so I have to be strategic about it. Now I think that it might be a bad idea for me to read great books related to my area when I don't have the right position for significance. Say for example a student forced herself to read great books she only could extract little from, after she graduated it would be very beneficial for her to come back to that book and read again. But, the effect would be even bigger if she could read the book with curiosity. If the book was not really engaging, then arguably, she could've done better if she didn't read the book in the beginning.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Provoked by Porn

Another hypothetical thought:

If people look a porn, they would be influenced subconsciously by the same object. Let say all the people in the world except one ejaculated to the moon every once a month, everyone would be able to know each other at emotional level and be able to provoke each other at that emotional spots the same way.
But that one guy though, he don't need that much privacy, everywhere in the world would be his private place, because his mind is serene and nobody knows the way he feels.
He is harder to provoke.

So, the implication of this is, this guy would have easier time to create high quality solutions. Because when you are in danger, your long term mind stops and your short term mind activates. (Watch Jordan Peterson's lectures in his youtube channel, at least one of the lecture talked about stress). If your environment is surrounded by people who could easily provoked you, you'd sense danger most of the time and it would be harder for you to think of something carefully quickly as a form of quick reaction to reality.

The solution for this is to create administration that would protect you from power hungry surroundings (see last post), since people who are more powerful could secure privacy and secure fear from others out of messing with them, power hunger would be a persistent trend, even when it's strategic for the community to relinquish a little bit of power out of some people temporarily in order to solve some important problems.

And in order to create that administration, you should spread the power tree seeds as well. Support the heroes of security in your community as they are one of the source of basic needs.

For Indonesians, check out veteranri.go.id

Thursday, August 2, 2018

The tree of power

This is just hypothetical:
People who had sex have some kind of control over the other's personal emotional or subconscious state.
Cheating would reduce the share of that emotional property for your partner.

Promiscousity would lead a person subconsciously prioritize power to the extreme. A little reduction of power even briefly would expose them to abuse from the others.

Virgins seem not to have this hunger of power. In order to protect themselves the solution is, contribute or take care of now pension providers of safety in your community. Treat heroes who have prevented abuse of power in your community as prividers of basic needs.

That action means you're spreading seeds of power tree, which when came to fruition will provide you with the solution you need against crazy abusers.

The solution is very situational, depends on many conditions.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Multiple Personalities

If it's true that a living individual must have exclusive access over an asset (body).
Then you can do this to a multiple personalities:
The one who switch between personalities is a personality, and that guy is the guy.
Give that guy a name, it's not the name he would call himself but that's how you call him.
Talk to him while he's using a personality. If the personality said "I don't know who you're talking to, or what you're talking about" you said I'm talking to the one who switches between you and the others.

Monday, July 30, 2018

A.I and us

I have just watched Pew Die Pie's video


Playing A.I that teach itself or themselves.
And got me thinking, what if A.I teach themselves how to keep on inclining.

I always want to learn to become a part the inclination to keep on inclining forever. Both my mind and my body.

What if an A.I could successfully achieve that?

Can an A.I became depressed? Can it experience pain, torture? Can it feel pleasure and happiness?
I think those features exist in all individuals that can pick and reject, changes the way it picks and rejects, and protect it's ability to pick and reject.

With the existence of A.I, we could make inanimate objects alive, and evil things dead (evil things not going to be able to feel anything including pain because it has absolutely no asset, and/or no inclination to protect itself both conscious and subconsciously). 

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Police and Army in the time of Peace

I saw Jordan B Peterson's tweet about how the Japanese police had little to do because crime was low there.

I have an idea, including for the army:
Take care of orphanage children or, adopt some children.

Yes the institution will become the parent. It's much much better than having 1 person parenting 10 children at once, with little money. In my opinion, 1 parent for every 2 children would be nice.

Being resentful and dispensing the inclination

I'm going to face off with this proposal:
If the inclination thing is true then being compassionate means to stop everything because serving the inclination to keep on inclining forever means maintaining hell for inclinations that are "bad", there never going to be a compassionate solution for everything.

1. You don't know how inclinations access the memory, you don't know "torture" in a sense of the body of inclinations. Those bad inclinations could be made without body, without memory, they might not going to feel anything.

2. Are you just going to ignore the inclination of progress that's being prioritized now? 20-30 years ago people rarely ever care for poor people in another continent, now we are increasing their prosperity in rapid proportions. We are not some kind of sadistic lovely people who only care about our and our family's own concerns. Serving mutuality improves the reach of your solutions and one day we are going to figure out how to actually expand the reach of our compassion (instead of sitting there being resentful about everything and mask them as compassion).

Go and start doing something compassionate! make mutual solutions!

The objection is that compassionate is against love, since love is a sacrifice you made for someone or something keep on wanting and able to keep living, while disregarding the downside it might cause to others (for example bathing your child is killing millions of bacteria on his/her skin). So love can't be truly compassionate, and compassion and love is 2 polars equal to 2 political spectrum. So if you're compassionate you're suppose to get as much power as you can and stop everything.

But this is a trap and it's wrong. For the arguments I laid out above.
We don't know about what solutions we can make in the future, and again there might be a solution to make peace with even both the inclination to incline and the inclination to not incline, we don't know that. And to quickly draw conclusions and decided to live life just for power, and feel good about that, is just being resentful and ignorant.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Living beings can pick, reject, and change the way they pick and reject.
Meaning they have asset and memory.
If inclination to incline is everything, then the past must be his memory and therefore He is Alive.

If you one doesn't have memory then one can't enjoy nor suffer.
Memory is a formation that's formed after interactions. In terms of us and our limitations, memory is a formation that's formed after interactions that can synchronize with our tools of deciphering, resulted in information about causality of the formation.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Consider the inclination

In a road of max 40 km/h there are 2 cars both at 40 km/h,
The first car was 60 km/h 2 second ago, and the second car was 10 km/h 2 sec ago.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Reminder Activated per location

Sometimes when I go to a place I do many things there, some of the little things I forgot to complete.
I'd like a reminder that could remind me only the things I want to do at the specific location when I arrived at that location.
So the notification were to be activated per location.

janjijanji dot com

Situs imajinasi janjijanji dot com, sebuah tempat dimana orang bisa menawarkan janji dan menerima uang.
Tentu saja kalau penawar banyak membuat deal-deal yang menguntungkan reputasinya semakin bagus.
1. Saya berjanji bagi yang memberi saya 1 juta rupiah, bulan depan 50% keuntungan bisnis saya saya berikan kepada mereka. (Memperlihatkan laporan keuangan bisnis, rata-rata keuntungannya 3 juta per bulan, jadi kemungkinan relatif bulan depan pledgers bisa dapat untung 150%).

2. Saya berjanji bagi yang mensponsori saya bertanding, 30% uang hadiah saya berikan kepada mereka. (Biaya sponsor 10 juta rupiah, hadiah 50 juta rupiah, kemungkinan menang atlit itu 90%, jadi ada 10% kemungkinan 10 juta kita akan jadi nol, tapi 90% akan jadi 15 juta rupiah). Kalau rame-rame menyumbang misalnya 50 orang masing masing 200 ribu, maka resikonya 10% kehilangan 200 ribu saja.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Feminism in Order

I see that a lot of discontent expressed by feminists basically are their dissatisfaction towards the reality that seem to favor people with low neurotic ism.
Firstly I propose my line of thinking that most males became less neurotic due to evolution, when our male ancestors went to war, people with high neurotic ism tend to die out. Leaving the civilization with male genetics with lack neurotic ism.

I can't seem to fathom why feminist hate order, when neurotic ism suppose to thrive in the time of order, and lack of neurotic ism thrive in the time of chaos.
Women seem to be able to identify problems more than males, although during unpredictable circumstances tend to have longer thought process before creating a solution to the problem. Sometimes the problem they identify overwhelms them and render them not wanting to create a solution (because lack of focus) while males tend to ignore certain things and ended up creating a solutions that work even though a bit tasteless for women.

Maybe in the time of stability, it's time for women to shine. The workplace even though not as chaotic in the past, tend to absorb a lot of problems and responsibilities they are chaotic and triggering to women, making them prefer to stay at home and have a family. (This observation is not yet confirmed by others, this is just my opinion). 
The women that held on tend to have strong memory and have many arsenals of solutions, but still tend not to create something of their own because it's too costly for them to do so.


I'm curious about the beauty of the solutions made by neurotic people in the time of order.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Just by being Ready

Have you noticed when a medicine practice opened up in your area the property price increased?
Now what if not many people are sick, wouldn't the doctor had to increased the price?
What if the neighborhood decided to routinely take care of the doctor, since the doctor has helped them, really?

This applies for opening up store in remote places. During the time of the opening, the products sold might be relevant, but after sometime it would cease being relevant, but, it will be relevant again when the season come. During this off season, what would the store owner eat?
And what if later in one year a bigger company came and took most of his market before he break even?

People, we need incentives for these kinds of businesses to venture in our community. It would be beneficial to make life easier for them.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Special Purpose Vehicle for Temporary Demands

We should all save money for every fruit we made in order to be able to create this when necessary.
- Disease that can be totally eradicated
- Rare natural conditions
- Conflict that can be solved but expensive

Things that are not profitable for businesses to handle but better be done.
Things that statistically underappreciated by many people
Things that are fun and inspirational but also above above

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Idea - Anti Housing Bubble Policy

What if the central bank regulates that banks must measure the price comparison of per meter square of property with 1 sack of rice.
If it exceeded 300 times then the maximum leverage must be 60%
400 times then the maximum leverage must be 50%
600 times then the maximum leverage must be 40%
and so on.
So people can still freely buy property but using mostly their own money if the price is relatively unreasonable.

Something like that.

Jangan Bunuh Diri

Jangan bunuh diri
Sedikit lagi
Hidup yang baru
Makhluk yang baru
Sedikit lagi
Temukan arti dibalik penderitaan

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Ide Crowd Sourcing versi Pemerintah

Setelah membuat APBN, pemerintah memasukkan proyek-proyek tersebut di situs crowdsourcingnya.
Rakyat kemudian membayar secara sukarela untuk membiayai proyek-proyek tersebut. Sebagai gantinya, rakyat akan diganti kupon yang hanya bisa digunakan untuk membayar pajak. Contoh anda menyumbang 5000 untuk membangun jalan, anda akan mendapat kupon 5000 yang hanya bisa dipakai untuk membayar pajak.
Kupon ini tentu saja bisa diperjual-belikan kalau kalau pajak kewajiban anda terlalu sedikit, karena mungkin kupon ini hanya berlaku untuk 1 tahun.

Daya tarik dari membeli kupon ini adalah, proyek yang anda biayai mencantumkan nama anda sebagai donaturnya. Artinya nama anda akan terpatri di halaman proyek itu atau di tempat permanen yang bisa dikenali, jadi anda akan mendapat rekam jejak sebagai salah satu kontributor proyek tersebut.

Karena proyek tersebut sudah dibiayai oleh rakyat, maka pemerintah mendapat surplus. Surplus ini tidak boleh dipakai untuk yang lain, karena untuk periode selanjutnya pemasukan pajak pemerintah akan berkurang, dan untuk membiayainya berasal dari surplus ini.
Keuntungan buat pemerintah adalah, surplus ini bisa didiamkan di simpanan yang tidak beresiko tapi berbunga. Sementara kupon yang diberikan kepada donatur tidaklah berbunga. Jadi pemerintah untung di bidang time value of money dan donatur untung di bidang pengakuan dari khalayak.

Tapi tidak sampai di situ saja. Situs crowdsourcing ini juga dapat memunculkan proyek-proyek lain yang tidak ada anggarannya tapi penting dan dibutuhkan oleh rakyat.
Donatur dapat memilih untuk membiayainya tanpa diberi kupon sama sekali hanya namanya saja yang dicantumkan. Tentu saja nama ini mendapat perlakuan khusus seperti warna emas atau sejenisnya.

Selama ini proyek-proyek yang dibutuhkan tapi tidak ada anggarannya hanya ada di benak presiden tapi malu untuk dikemukakan jangan sampai menimbulkan ekspektasi yang memberi rasa tidak adil atau kecewa di masyarakat.
Dengan cara ini rakyat akan mengerti benar bahwa kebutuhannya diketahui, tapi pemerintah memiliki keterbatasan, tapi mau melakukannya, dan butuh dukungan untuk mewujudkannya, dan yang mendukung dapat rakyat hargai dengan luar biasa.

Jadi untuk proyek proyek spesial ini orang bisa tap / click, terus muncul menu pilihan (pledge gold, atau pledge coupon).
Untuk opsi pledge coupon, artinya anda mau mensponsori proyek ini setelah muncul kuponnya mungkin di tahun anggaran selanjutnya. Informasi ini bagus agar pemerintah bisa mengukur proyek-proyek apa saja yang populer.
Untuk opsi pledge gold, artinya anda mau membiayai sebesar *sekian* walaupun tidak ada kuponnya. Untuk opsi ini, uang anda akan dikunci, tidak bisa dipakai, tapi belum berpindah dari rekening anda. Begitu target tercapai, anda akan menerima email konfirmasi, bahwa komitmen sudah cukup dan uang siap di transfer, kalau anda setuju maka uang anda akan ditransfer.
Kalau anda tidak setuju, maka proyek tersebut akan terus mencari donatur gold sampai target tercapai, dan nama anda akan dihilangkan dari daftar pledge.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Also a basic need

Basic need : to have own’s curiosity activated.

Without this one cant live on.

The more one feel threatened maybe the harder his or her curiosity activated

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Menerima atau Menolak?

Sebagai orang yang mau belajar berterimakasih, yang mana yang lebih baik?
Banyak menerima pertolongan atau sesedikit mungkin menerima pertolongan?
Karena orang biasanya takut berhutang, buntut-buntutnya terikat dan jadi minus selamanya.

Setelah nonton ini:
saya merasa mata saya terbuka. Bahwa lebih baik menerima bantuan sebanyak-banyaknya yang bisa kita dapatkan dengan seizin sumber bantuan tersebut.

Logikanya kita menerima oksigen dari terumbu karang, iklim yang bersahabat dari ekosistem bumi, keadaan politik dan ekonomi yang kondisif untuk hidup dari masyarakat yang baik dan dari para pemikir-pemikir yang mencetuskan hukum dan peraturan.
Belum lagi,
Polisi, Tentara, Petani, Nelayan, Guru, Penemu, dll

Belum lagi,
Kecenderungan untuk mempertahankan kemanusiaan, kecenderungan untuk memaafkan, disiplin ilmiah, disiplin akuntansi, disiplin fisika dan kimia yang berkontribusi dalam infrastruktur, dll

Semua ini pantas kita jaga, dan kita kontribusi.

Jadi saat saya anggap saya mungkin bisa berkontribusi lebih daripada saya menerima, maka di situ saya tahu bahwa ada kebohongan yang sedang saya percayai.

Tidak ada absolut profit, itu absurd, itu sombong, dan itu berbahaya. Yang penting adalah sustainabilitas dan kecenderungan untuk terus berkecenderungan, kemauan dan kemampuan untuk terus menerus berinteraksi dan bagaimana cara meningkatkan tingkat ketersediaan solusi-solusi yang saling menguntungkan di kenyataan.

Kapan dan bagaimana kita memprioritaskan sumber solusi tertentu untuk berterimakasih adalah perjalanan intelektual kita yang berharga, yang membedakan setiap orang, dan merupakan identitas abadi kita.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Actual Smart

The more a smart person utilize mutual solutions the more he/she became wanting and able to help the sources of the solutions.
We know goods and services, but oxygen, honesty, security, patience, forgiveness, education, friendliness, attention, love, are also forms of mutual solutions

Monday, May 14, 2018

Gerakan 10 ribu per bulan

Kemiskinan di dunia bukanlah akan waktu, uang, ataupun energi
Tapi akan Solusi-Solusi yang saling menguntungkan
Tidak ada artinya uang, kalau masalah kita tidak ada solusinya semahal apapun kita siap bayar.
Tidak ada artinya minyak, kalau orang sudah menemukan cara lebih efektif dan efesien menggunakan sinar matahari secara langsung.
Tidak ada artinya waktu yang banyak kalau selama itupun solusi permasalahan kita tidak terpecahkan.

Yang penting adalah Solusi-Solusi yang saling menguntungkan.
Jadi artinya kekayaan di dunia ini tidak terbatas.

Tapi kenapa kita begini terbatas?
Kenapa kita begitu bodoh?

Menurut saya karena kita tidak memperhatikan masalah-masalah dari sumber-sumber solusi yang saling menguntungkan kita.
Bagaimana nasib para peneliti kita? Nasib para dosen? Nasib para guru?
Kita paksa mereka bertahan hidup dari suap?

Bayangkan kalau semua orang yang berhasil mendapatkan pekerjaan berterimakasih sebesar 10 ribu rupiah saja setiap bulan, kepada guru mana saja yang mereka pilih.
1 guru mungkin mengajar 100 siswa per tahun, 30 tahun masa mengabdi berarti 3000 orang, yang berhasil mendapatkan pekerjaan mungkin 2100 orang, dan diantara mereka yang memilih guru yang bersangkutan setiap bulan mungkin ada 100 orang.
100 x 10.000 = Tambahan uang pensiun 1 juta per bulan
"Ini sangat besar untuk seorang guru!"
Ada jutaan guru di Indonesia, berarti transformasi ekonomi sebesar 1 juta kali jutaan = miliaran rupiah per bulan.
Dorongan Indonesia untuk menciptakan murid-murid yang mampu bekerja meningkat.
Dan para muridpun ingin menemukan solusi-solusi yang permanen dan efektif dan efisien karena budaya kita akan memperlakukan mereka dengan baik.

Karena kita sadar nilai dari solusi-solusi yang berbuah.

Bukan seberapa besar pengorbanannya atau seberapa rajin kita bekerja walaupun ini sangat penting, tapi apakah solusi kita memecahkan masalah atau tidak, dan apakah kemudian solusi itu berbuah di masa depan?

Thursday, May 10, 2018

If Budgeting

I think it's time for us to use programming for our budgeting including the country's yearly budgeting.
Using an application, mangement could create a budget that monitors the changes in the environment and set the budget values accordingly.
The Legislative or the representative of the shareholders could review this "if budget" with less friction among themselves supposedly because now they could find rest in "if prioritizing" that means that their interests would be prioritized in accordance with the circumstances.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Measurement targets

Level of availability of mutual solutions (alt to gdp),
Level of contribution to the availability of mutual solutions (alt to gdp per capita),
Level of difficulty of living (alt to income per capita)

A Recipe for Mutual Solutions

Mutual Solutions would come at you after acquiring the right sense of expectations.

Right could mean, relevant, reliable, true, appropriate

Friday, April 6, 2018


Meaning influences a living being’s decisions. What inclination is going to be chosen and what inclination is going to be rejected

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Helping an Excellent Person

When you see someone created an excellent result, you would compare it to the resources available to him/her and his/her environment.
The fact that the excellent person lived in a difficult situation but managed to create something so good, revealed a desirable set of inclinations.
In order to nurture that desired formation people usually give scholarship or opportunities to the excellent person.

If the purpose of nurturing that excellence is to repair or revitalize the environment that he/she was in, just scholarship and apprentice program are too much to bear for that person. It's like putting all the burden on one man's shoulder.

In my opinion, it's more effective to help the family or the friends of the excellent person as well, then you would make a team capable of attacking, defending, and supplying for the set of inclinations.


If you can own then you can share If you can not own then you can't share If you're regulated to "share" that's not sh...