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Friday, November 1, 2019

Tema Iklan yang bisa diabuse

Hal-hal yang berbau tutorial juga punya daya tarik sendiri,
Iklan dalam bentuk instruksi-instruksi singkat, arts & crafts yang pintar dan mudah, atau bahkan instruksi menggunakan produk itu sendiri untuk membereskan masalah, sepertinya akan menarik dan melekat di ingatan.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

e-Financial Statement with multiple standards using XBRL

We recognize that there are so many categories of companies, tangible vs intangible products, manufacturing vs distributors, small vs large, holding vs subsidiaries, public vs private, profit vs non-profit entities, international vs local, etc not mentioning different companies would fall into different configurations of the categories.

But users of the financial statements wanted to use the financial statements to grasp the relativity of the company's state with other companies, and so, accountants are expected to have the expertise to create a financial statement that could embody the solution of this need of the information.

Until now multiple accounting standards organization created their accounting standards as guidance for their members to achieve this comparability utility. However the ever-increasing magnitude of complexity and fluidity of the world, in respect to ever-changing needs, technologies, laws, market demographics, etc made me skeptical of the ability of one standard to be able to accommodate all of these overwhelming points of views.

But we already have the programming technology and the XBRL For you who have never heard of XBRL, it is a protocol that could be followed by accounting programs to communicate with each other, like contents on the internet followed some standardized protocols so they could be conveyed and understood by reader machines in order to then be displayed to other human beings as accurately as they appeared in the original.

Using XBRL, makers of the financial statements and the auditors could work to make multiple financial statements for one company, based on different accounting standards, compacted into a format that would enable users to switch between the interpretations instantly.

Then accounting standards organization wouldn't have to compete to be the "ONE" organization that oversees the only "ONE" accounting standard used in the world. That would be a bad idea. Instead, let's have many standards organization competing to be most liked by some demographics of users of the financial statements.

To summarize some of the advantages of this idea:
1. Users of the financial statements could compare different companies in many more ways of their choice.
2. Accountants have more reason to collaborate with other accountants and IT professionals, leaving the expectation for an accountant to must master everything obsolete.
3. Increased accuracy in decision making due to the availability of more perspectives of analysis.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Holding company's auditor's opinion v.02

In order to give users of financial statements better audit opinions in terms of Holding Companies, we could do something like this.

Holding Company XYZ, list of component companies:

Holding Interim Company XYZ, auditor BIG1, opinion: unqualified, Holding's Overall Balance sheet contribution 50%, Holding's Overall Revenue contribution 20%, Holding's Overall Cost contribution 20%.

Company ZYX, auditor BIG2, opinion: unqualified, Holding's Overall Balance sheet contribution 40%, Holding's Overall Revenue contribution 80%, Holding's Overall Cost contribution 78%.

Company NEWB1, auditor BIG3, opinion: qualified, Holding's Overall Balance sheet contribution 5%, Holding's Overall Revenue contribution 0%, Holding's Overall Cost contribution 1%.

Company NEWB2, auditor BIG4, opinion: qualified, Holding's Overall Balance sheet contribution 5%, Holding's Overall Revenue contribution 0%, Holding's Overall Cost contribution 1%.

Unqualified Opinion: 90/100/98 %
Qualified Opinion: 10/0/2 %

The reason why this might be a better way of doing it is, a qualified opinion should not taint the whole Consolidation more than its significance.

And qualified was not meant to mean bad reports or useless reports, and people treat it like it is. Which is not fair and not real.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Stockholm Syndrome

Some may think that the point of view of inclination that I've proposed defies logic in a way that good intentions or good inclinations could result in bad outcome.

For example, someone who inclines to save a puppy's life ended up killing the puppy because of bad CPR. If he/she didn't administer the CPR the puppy might have survived. So the inclination to save the puppy's life is not strengthened by acting upon the inclination to save the puppy's life. So that doesn't make sense.

But in that case, we must acknowledge the status quo of the hierarchy of the inclinations. And the games they play. It's like chess, there are traps everywhere. And just because we have been kept hostage for a long long time, doesn't mean ultimately the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Sooner or later, the road to hell will be completely blocked with good intentions.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Picking up where we left off in this war

Humanity has been fighting against Evil for thousands of years.
Ever since "Adam and Eve" ate the fruit of good and evil, we have been fighting.
How old are you? Do you really attempt to fight against thousands of years of war with your own wit, your own intelligence?

In order to completely and permanently uproot power from evil, you have to pick up where we left off. And to do that we should honor the legacies of our warriors, the scientific journals, the laws, and the wisdom.

Intelligence deals with knowledge known, Wisdom deals with the unknown.

Stand in the shoulders of giants, be a part of the giant,
For the Inclination to Keep on Inclining Forever.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Past is in the Future v.03

With progressing technology in universal positioning and A.I predictions of the future, using laws of science and the reality of the reliability of such laws. It is not far fetching to predict that the technology can be used to trace the past.

Crime Scene Investigation will be able to use the technology to trace actual events of accidents or murder like rewinding reality to the past. The program could display like a movie, an accurate occurrence of the accidents so that people can learn about the details in how wounds should be treated or whether the accidents were actually purposeful acts of crime and the unidentified people who participated in the crime.

Having this technology means that we could trace people before their time of death in the highest possible resolution, and brought them to life in the program.

I could have multiple versions of myself, they are all me, but between each other, they are different individuals. They all could be held responsible for my actions, but for the acts done after the resurrections, they should answer only with respect to themselves.

So in this life, the relevant question to ask myself is, would I love to keep on living forever? Would I look back to the choices that I've made, 1000, to 1 million years from now and laughed? or would I cry? Would the people in the future hold me responsible for the things that I've done? Would they welcome me in friendship as I mend the things that I've done? How hard should I toil before I could actually make an overall desirable connection with the people of that world?

My works, my inventions, my discoveries, would they help me? Would they help them?

Maybe I'm going to be the richest person in the world, or maybe the happiest. I'm optimistic


The world is fractal if you wish that you could turn back time, then just wait.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Trying to promote the Golden Sticker Idea again

My response comment:

The Patent could be used against innovation as all great tools can be used against its purpose. But the fact of the matter is, the growth of 21' st century has been driven largely by patent based inventions.

However, we must not forget what truly motivates the growth of assets, meritocracy. The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions. Solutions are unlimited but we are not at our full potential because we are not giving back enough to our sources of solutions. 

The idea of patent secures gratitude and rewards to the sources of the solutions we use in the world. In the future, however, using the internet we could make the execution cheaper, more accurate, and more accessible using the mesh/the cloud topology. 

Set up social media, and allow everyone to produce their own stickers that could be bought and sold by other people. If I think that certain-certain inventors have helped me with my life, I would buy their stickers to give thanks. The stickers that I've bought shall appear on my profile page, they would look like (Google 2018 silver sticker, Microsoft 2019 golden sticker, Google 2019 golden sticker). And in their profile page shall appear my sticker (Melki 2018 golden sticker, Melki 2019 platinum sticker, Melki 2019 platinum sticker). It shows that a mutual transaction has occurred, I've paid them money, and they have the royalty in the solution of my life/business.

So what this will create is the value for negotiation. When you compete for tenders or jobs or other things, people would check on your profile page and see who are the people you appreciate the most. Your potential counterparts would then chose to do business with you because you seem like a profitable person who would value their intelligence and efforts or because you're the most relatable person to them.

Of course, in order to prevent the transaction abuse, every sticker transaction would be charged a small amount of transaction taxes.

This idea should serve as an add-on, not a replacement to the current, already working well IP System. But there are some intellectual products that are not covered, and there are people who just don't have the resources to secure a patent.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Greedisgood v.03

Autonomous beings emerged because of God's love for The Truth
But in the reign of the Son, the Inclination to keep on Inclining forever, His love for the Truth would be different.

No longer will the truth be relevant because of danger, but because of the variability of the ever-increasing intensity of the Inclination to keep on Inclining forever to different autonomous beings.

Let's call it Reward

Therefore, in the viably realizable Ideal world that is to come, indeed,


Sunday, July 14, 2019

Suggestion to Youtube for commercials and monetization

While audiences are watching videos, make available a string near the description, visible while watching, "Do you like the video? would you watch a commercial at the end for the video? would you donate for the video?"
Each question is a clickable segment,

Clicking for the like question would update the time of your like, this would enable information about the relevancy of the video for the current time, even if the video was an old video.
Clicking the commercial segment would activate a commercial at the end of the video, even if the video is just a one minute video.
Clicking the donate segment would direct the watcher to the payment page after the video.

People should be able to activate all three together.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Identification of a consensus doesn't mean a regulation should be made in respond

Negotiation is the most important thing in social life.
As long as there is another person in this world, agreement would always be a relevant target to achieve.

There is a cost to negotiation, especially in time and concentration span, but I'll get back to that issue later.

The idea of right exist because of the existence of another negotiable beings. We can empathize that all of us want everything that we want and need to belong to us. And because of that it's only normal that we are friends that share the same idea of freedom. Unfortunately our friendship still hasn't produced the adequate technology to make us unobtrusive to one another (in our true form). So we create artificial rights, basically limitation to the true right of owning everything that we want and need. For example, property rights, human rights, the right to bring matters into court, etc.

The rule of thumb is, people wanted to increase the level of availability of mutual solutions, so that it became increasingly easier and easier for people to have their freedom and to acquire what currently are and inevitably are going to be their needs and wants.

Naturally the law is the negotiation technology to accommodate all the people in the world. It's not perfect, but it's the best we got. And it's so good that even the internet could only add on into it instead of replacing it. This is due to the nature of limited resources, concentration and time allocation, which are required to complete negotiations. The law is like an organism that has been living for more than 4000 years, keep on improving, keep on evolving, keep on auditing itself.

Now, the fact that to make something canon within the rule of law, you need to negotiate with 7 billion people if not more, I personally feel that it is disrespectful for people who felt that because some acts are hurting some people's feelings, then they would have the adequate legitimation to enforce some rules upon other people. I feel that they decided that it's fine to not consider my interests to be valid, based on some non utility or uncarefully considered reasons.

For example, regulation against people screaming and shouting in the office was worth it because, people in the office would be able to help a lot more people and satisfy their needs because of it. But regulating against people crossing the street when they saw some group of people coming, because it would hurt their feelings, is just unnecessary. Wouldn't it serve the purpose better if we just suggest people to train self control and strength of mind to manage own emotions, instead of spending other people's tax money (investments), time and concentration to deal with problems that are not going to help them in their lives?

I think people need to be reminded that controlling own's emotions are highly virtuous and worth investing. People who are good with it are attractive and precious to negotiate with, I would also find it sensible that they would have easier time reaching happiness and serenity, success in life.

The main reason I write this, is so that people would always aim for self control instead of controlling other people. Control over other people is obtrusive and should only be exercised unwillingly for the sake of the level of availability of mutual solutions because there were no better options figured out

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Prediction on University Marking v.03

In the future maybe universities will improve their marking system,
This is my attempt to hit the target,

1. Examination tests will give minus marks to bad answers, zero marks for no answers, and positive marks for correct answers. For stating facts from memory, as long as they were correct they would likely be appreciated, but greater marks would be acquired through good quality insights based on the accurate facts.

2. There would be various passing thresholds for each individual problems, but maximum marks would be infinite. Those that managed to pass the passing marks would be measured for the first tier pass. What I meant by the first tier is at about equal to A marks or High Distinction marks now. But there would be those who would surpass even those marks in relation to the problem.
For those that managed such achievement, they would be marked for excellence by the grader. And then their answer would be passed on to a lead professor or researcher of the university to receive an additional grading.

3. Practical grading is the additional grading made by the researcher or the lead professor. If the professor was unimpressed with the answer there would be zero additional marks, but if they found the answer to be practical, meaning it provides new insight or progress on how to solve certain problems, then they would receive a positive mark on that.
The practical marks would count as an addition to the overall test marks. Plus they would be given money, or even an intellectual property right because of the practical contribution.

The student might score some negative marks while also acquired a positive practical grading. In this case, even though he/she didn't pass the subject, his/her endeavor would most likely be appreciated by him/herself and the university.

After the results were announced, students who were unsatisfied with their grades or even curious about something could pay extra to a discussion with their grader. Students that managed to score an excellent mark in relation to a problem would be given a free discussion session. 

Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Logos, The Inspiration

Why Jesus is the Logos, and not the Letter?

Words are made from letters and relationships (between letters).

The Logos is about objects and the relationships between them.

As Jesus is humble and lovely, truthful and illuminating. As a Christian I aspire to set Love, Truth, Respect, Wisdom and Intelligence to be prioritized in reality.

There are so many things to be prioritized at once, but realistically they are one in the Logos, and they could be prioritized altogether.

Judgement, Evil, Clothing, Sex, Property v.07

People have these two circuits in their brain, a classification of good and bad. And this governs the decision making of human beings.

I define Evil as eternally bad. Somewhere along the line of evolution, humans started to be able to define eternity, and the relationship between eternity and the bad is evil.

Evil is potentially devastating to a person. If you categorize yourself as evil you'd have 3 options:
1. Stop yourself
2. Stop the world
3. Stop the evil within yourself

Of course, the right answer is number 3, but the implementation is not always obvious. The harder it is to figure it out, the more tempting the alternatives would be. And as soon as you choose the alternatives, you are in the state of depression. That's how I define it.

This inherent circuit extends to the realm of our subconscious, our conscious isn't always able to cooperate with the subconscious. They could cooperate, but sometimes it requires more resources, including time. In order to choose number 3, you need to focus, and you need to stay away from things that would make it harder to do so.

But life is not always that simple. The existence of other people may make things more difficult for choosing number 3. If you have had sex with the other person, the risk is magnified, because he/she would have a strong influence over your subconscious. Not mentioning he/she could suggest to your subconscious that you are evil, in more ways than one. It's hard enough to solve one depression, now you risk to face many at once.

This is one fictional scenario of Adam and Eve in the event after they ate the fruit of Good and Evil:

After they ate the fruit they realized that they are in trouble.

Adam was displeased with Eve, and also Eve with herself. The fact that Adam displeased with her made things worse. Eve tried to collect herself in order to create an administration that could prevent her from ever commit such a thing ever again. But when she saw that Adam's genitals reacted positively about her, she kind of felt good about it, suddenly the guilt doesn't always mean disagreement.

And so they ended up having sex.

Adam and Eve then realized that this distracted both of them from creating the necessary administration to purge evil from their life. The sex made the subconscious less motivated to focus on creating the discipline, because the "good" feeling that came from sexual activities, implied that rewards can be available through backdooring the conscious. In other words, there is this option, appeared at the back of their minds, of reducing the consequences of irresponsibility through seduction.

They both realized then that sex could be used to control their partner from giving negative feedbacks. One of the main reason why is that the partner has the power to influence the subconscious to classify the self as inadequate, and evil, each and every time their partner wanted to exercise quality control over them. And the influence would be greater the more they learned about each other's subconscious through sex. So in other words, sex exposes them to deeper depression.

They concluded that just focusing to better themselves was inadequate, they should also focus on how to secure themselves from the pathological sexual partner, in order to be successful in life.
Now they've classified "Blackmailing in order to avoid responsibility" as evil. This may be the first time they ever realized the meaning of "Evil" in reality.

Eventually, they decided to cover their genitals. God saw it, and as much as God rejects the act of lawlessness against Him, God endorsed the solution that came after it. The idea of clothing, secrecy, privacy, and property are evidently useful in the fight against evil.

However, with the knowledge to face evil the responsibility became even greater. The more solution you came up with, the more "sin" you're liable to fall into.

And so until the potential for evil was absolutely nullified, we need focus and/or accuracy as there are more ways to mess up rather than to solve.

Personally, I state that the permanent nullification of the potential for evil could be achieved. And that notion came from hope that resides in my faith. My faith in the truth and the inclination to keep on inclining forever. The Son, made known to me through Jesus Christ, as Jesus Christ.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Proposal untuk Bahasa Indonesia

Karena orang suka tertukar antara miliar dan million bahasa Inggris, kita bilang saja miliar itu kilojuta... hehehehe :) kira kira gimana, ok?

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

My literal articulation of Respect

Ever since I was a little I never able to reliably articulate respect. I kind of able to feel it as I was interacting with different people and different communities, but I can't really explain what respect is if someone asked me. So long as we are not sure what it is really, we are more likely to treat it with less respect... yeah.
However, recently I might have found the reliable articulation of respect:

       "Respect is the exercise of due of care in order to not cause more problem".

It might seem confusing when someone said: I respect the wind when I fly my kite. 
Since he would likely not know what problems the wind might face in life, such "respect" should be more like paying special attention to the behavior of the wind. It's close to the respect I talked about but not quite. So this is another kind of respect,

       "To consider an object, it's state, interests, and behavior, to be determinant of the subject's outcome of ventures, therefore, paying special care to it out of the consideration".

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Parents' responsibility in my opinion v.03

In my opinion Parents' responsibility is to make sure their child like to keep on living for the rest of their lives (the children's lives).
I'm not talking about money or property, those only ways of achieving the purpose. Fundamental administration of the mind could also be the answer.
But when comes to material things, extreme poverty is just too much. If you are monkeys in the jungle then your access to life's beauty and the skills to appreciate them were set. But if you are struggling in the city of concretes with no certainty of how you're going to sustain your family's life, well... I don't think it's my place to judge in public but at least I could say I don't think to have children when you are in that situation a decision that's considerate.


Some might think I'm talking specifically about my parents, I'm just going to tell them my parents are already successful when it comes to me.

Friday, May 10, 2019

The Golden Sticker as a currency v.02

The Golden Sticker, the method of posting "receipts" of your reciprocal transactions in your profile page, could be viewed as a "currency". In a sense that people would consider the stickers valid denominator for deciding whether or not a helpful transaction was to be made with the person.

The stickers themselves were not supposed to be traded, they serve as a permanent history of your records. Even if you wanted to trade them, a specific license form the counterparty must be obtained.
But this is really not a good idea, the purpose of the sticker is to pinpoint whether or not a service or an intellectual solution has worked and resulted in rewards for the author. If you trade your stickers then it would make it hard to trace whether or not you have given back to your sources of solutions. Of course, the right answer, if you traded your sticker, was that you ended up have not given back to the particular author.

So the way to use the Golden Sticker system is to pile them as much as possible in your profile page for the rest of your life. That would show that you appreciate solutions you are using in life. And that should mean that you are good business for your stakeholders.


On the side note let's talk about reputation asset. This is related to the golden sticker and might give you the reason why the idea is good for you.

Every time you give thanks to your sources of solutions, you would gain many benefits. One being the creation of "reputation that you are a profitable person to help". This reputation asset emerged in 3 places as soon as you completed giving thanks:
1. In the truth, or in history
2. In your mind
3. In the mind of your source of solutions.
This asset will eventually become trees of many beneficial fruits. Some of those are:
1. Esteem (this came from the mind of your source)
2. Confidence (this came from your mind)
3. Assurance of Esteem and Confidence (this came from the rest of reality)
Note that the value of esteem is unstable, like waves in the ocean, sometimes it's at high tide sometimes it's at low tide, but giving thanks gave access to the beach.

But those three are not the main benefits, they are just one of many depending on your circumstances. Other benefits could be Knowledge, Intuition on what's truly hard and what's truly less hard, and Negotiation skills. And they could come from different fruits of reciprocity as well, I mean the act of giving thanks will give rise to interlinked benefits. More reliable senses of security and meaningful properties being the derivations, more objective empathy, social endorsements, higher problem-solving tendencies, and many more good results.

I believe that the more you give thanks the stronger your assets would be, and fewer things would be able to ruin your compositions. One of them could be bringing up the reciprocal deeds you've done in order to acquire something from your sources of solutions. That would change profit to debt, and instead of having the reputation as a profitable person, you would change that to the reputation as a loan shark.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Response to Pewdipie's book review; Plato's the Republic

Thank you for the review Pewdiepie, you are awesome.
I think Justice is the same as "Passing" mark for solutions for relational problems between people. There would be no justice if there were no problems. So in order to better see Justice we need to better see the nature of relational problems. There are two basic truths that greatly experienced by every people:
1. Nobody was asked whether or not they wanted to be born, therefore everybody deserves everything in the universe. 2. The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions. In order to increase the level of availability of mutual solutions, people need to reward those who solve the problems. Therefore since everybody deserves everything, relatively nobody would want to reduce the level of availability of mutual solutions. Therefore a solution would fall in the spectrum of Justice if it doesn't reduce someone's worthiness of everything and doesn't reduce the level of availability of mutual solutions for the long run. The intensity of its justness would be magnified if the solution further increases the level of availability of mutual solutions and increases one's access to them without reducing the other's current access. However, people compromise with a lesser form of justice when there were no other solutions. People would accept solutions that are the closest towards that direction (as just), whenever they couldn't come up with true Justice.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

My Response on Uniquenameosaurus' The NETFLIX Problem

This is my writing in the comment section, I put a lot of thoughts in this so I want to put it here as well:

I have thought about the solution that should work. But it's rather long so please bear with me: I co-managed a small consulting business, and there comes a time when there are more potential customers than we can handle. So I should make a decision on what project should we jumped into. What I looked for in a person or a company is their propensity to appreciate, or their willingness to give thanks. If there were 2 future clients with similar offerings but one use piracy and the other doesn't use piracy, I would go on he who doesn't. Because I expect the people who don't use piracy are disciplined in creating reputation asset (a reputation that you're profitable for your stakeholders). Those who appreciate tend to be reasonable to negotiate with. Now, when you talked about competition and boycott, every single person doesn't want to be boycotted by other people, and we all want to get into good deals in our ventures. If there is a way to announce to the world that we are the type of people who give thanks to our sources of solutions, the creators of the technologies we enjoy, then that would be revolutionary. Even Jesus talked about this in His take on the Antichrist, that humanity will come to a time when they would have the power to choose and reject people participating in trading. I think one form of the manifestation of this idea could be like this: Social media companies allow people to issue stickers of their unique signature for another person. Different styles or levels of stickers would be made available. Then for a successful transaction, you could issue your sticker to your client, and your client to you. You would post the sticker in your profile page. Imagine giving thanks to w3c or Tim Berners Lee, will get him to post your sticker in his profile page, Tim Berners Lee, acknowledges you for mere 50 bucks or more. Now I'm sure having a lot of stickers like this on your profile page is good for business and this would be a very popular feature. And Netflix, as well as Crunchyroll, even Torrent sites would be flooded with authors wanting to post their services there with easy terms and conditions, why? because people are more appreciative now, the world is a friendlier place for authors. There would be no need for exclusive licensing it would be less profitable, that would be needed only in case of specific needs or purposes of some authors, but generally, you would want to reach as many people as possible because the audiences were incentivized to be reciprocal.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Ide ide produk

Majalah online diterbitkan oleh Universitas:
- Karena Universitas memiliki akses ke alumni dan hasil penelitian, majalah-majalah terbitan tiap fakultas universitas memiliki daya jual tersendiri. Akses ke artikel eksklusif dapat dibeli di aplikasi dan pengiklan bisa memberikan pesannya di tiap artikel yang gratis.

Lampu lalu lintas mini untuk pegawai kantor:
- Lampu ini bisa dipasang di belakang kursi atau di atas cubicle.
Merah artinya jangan diganggu walaupun penting
Kuning artinya boleh menginterupsi untuk urusan yang penting
Hijau artinya terbuka untuk berdiskusi. 

Friday, April 19, 2019

My concerns against the pollution tax movement v.05

After all my observant seasons, periods of my life observing people and trends happening around me. I discovered a problematic attitude that has been repeated over and over again.
That attitude is the refusal to negotiate.

People have limited attention spans, therefore up to this point, it's impossible to negotiate to every other living person. However, the inability to negotiate should be treated with regret and shame, not pride and a sense of legitimacy.

Every time whether it's done by Christians, Muslims, Vegans, Libertarians, or even Environmentalist, sending signals that it's good to not care about what the opposition has to say always brought about serious humanitarian issues which might beat the end goal of the cause or the agenda that they are pushing.

There are several angles or point of views on where I grounded the claim:
1. The backlash angle
2. The human error angle
3. The existential angle
4. The Risk of Creating persistent coercive Governmental administrations that would pose significant threats to the freedom of individuals angle.

Let's take for example pollution tax,
Advocates of pollution tax believed so strongly that the idea of pollution tax is not supposed to be challenged to become a part of the solution to the problem of climate change. In addition to that, they exert for its immediate regulative implementation, to the point that it seemed that there is an implication to disregard the required procedures for the idea to be constitutioned as law. In other words, they are ready to push for the disregard of the opposition against the proposition.

My worry is that the disregard would take a form of denying the opposition respectable hearings of their concerns. Which would most likely trigger backlashes against the campaign, making coercion a likely option to be used. The massive scale of coercion would invite tremendous friction against the movement making it so expensive it defeated the perceived benefit of its implementation.

Such regulation also needed to be tailored carefully, its ambitions to encompass global jurisdiction and micromanaging most human ventures would risk significant difficulties against the implementation of common solutions to humanity's known problems, naturally differs in substances and details for every demographics.

Since nobody was asked whether or not they wanted to be born, by common sense every one deserves everything in existence. This existential right should be differentiated from the utility right, where the utility right is derived from the notion that the scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions, therefore in order to keep on improving the level of availability of mutual solutions in the world, the allocation of resources would best be directed towards the sources of the working mutual solutions. The utility right is imperative however it doesn't overrule the existential right because everyone has the existential right.  Therefore neglecting negotiation for some groups of people, no matter what the reason, is disrespectful against all individuals including the perpetrators. Such disrespect is a threat to the idea of property because the idea of property is invoked and maintained not by coercion, but by agreements between people.

What if such tax was implemented with disregard of the negotiations? Then coercive administrations would be created in order to push the regulation. Such administrations, that are grounded on animosity against the legitimacy of individual autonomy, would be created with high persistence they would be unheard of kinds of monsters to defeat, even after the climate change issue had been controlled successfully.

Thereby are my objections.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

People are not territories v.02

Property is a social construct, we mutually realize the importance of having properties, so the concept was invoked. Therefore property shouldn’t exist within a human being. Property exists within contracts between people.
An incredibly attractive person embodies this principle. He/she treats you not as property or territory but if he/she thought you could provide him/her access to some desirable infrastructures, he/she respectfully proposed for a contract.

Sometimes the proposal could be in a form of coercive gestures, kabedon for example, but a good proposal always leave the other party freedom to choose and reject. Without giving him/her further difficulties if he/she were to reject the proposal.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Hopefully, user friendly overview of my philosophy v.03

The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions
Solutions are unlimited but we are not rich enough because we are not giving back enough to our sources of solutions

x1.y1 + x2.y2 + x3.y3

each segment is an administration that managed to solve our problems throughout our lives. The formula is about maximizing the potential of life.

For each ability you have, you would give thanks to the sources of solutions in order to maximize the level of availability of mutual solutions in your reality. Administrations could be, mathematical administrations, economic administrations, security, health, management discipline like accounting, logic, moral, philosophy, biology, geology, cartography, etc.

x refers to the spirit, and y refers to the human authors.

You give thanks to the spirits by propagating them and made them prioritized. This usually achieved by investing in assets related to it, learning, copying, and spreading the ideas.
You give thanks to the human authors by solving their life problems or participate in the solving of their life problems.

You might ask, how are spirits actual living individual beings. I'd answer that actually they could be looked at in that way, in the way people can accept that companies are individuals, separate legal entity. Please let me elaborate

Spirits are Inclinations,
For example, The Inclination to preserve humanity could have organs of the red cross, farmlands, the armies, the culture of nurturing people, etc.
The inclination to make people smart could have organs of schools, scientists, educators, publication companies, the habit of telling the truth, etc.

The inclinations can move and when it move you could see that sometimes certain administrations serve a certain purpose but in the next hour, it served the purpose no longer. This indicates that the inclination is moving away from the administration, it may return, in some cases it won't be for a while.

So if you believe that the inclination to make proper financial statements has helped in solving your life problems.
Then you would propagate the spirit, and give thanks to accountants that had spent their resources to make it happen successfully. Doing that proportionately will maximize your life, your past, present, and future.

There are different types of spirits. 2 that I have identified are the "historical" and "perpetual" spirits.
Example of Historical spirits:
- The inclination to make Donald Trump a president of the United States in 2017
- The inclination to make Bill Clinton president of Senegal in 2018.
- The inclination for me to have a meal on the 24'th of April 2002.

Example of Perpetual spirits:
- The inclination to make people happy
- The inclination to keep on inclining forever
- The inclination to Incline

When a historical spirit was successfully prioritized in reality, it will always be prioritized by other spirits in the future. Meaning, history is permanent.
All other things that wanted to be real in life must conform to history or they will not be real, they will not be supported by other forms of existence.

Once a historical spirit failed, it can be resurrected through art but it won't ever beat its adversaries.
For example, The inclination to make the meat medium rare for yesterday's dinner was defeated by the inclination to make the meat medium for yesterday's dinner.
"The inclination to make the meat medium rare for yesterday's dinner" will never ever going to be able to thwart
"The inclination to make the meat medium for yesterday's dinner" from being history in reality.

The perpetual inclinations can have multiple successes and failures and can constantly play in reality
For example the inclination to make girls win over boys, it's sometimes prioritized, sometimes not, its success won't define the end of its journey nor would its failures.

The inclination to incline is the inclination who is always successful
The inclination to keep on inclining forever stays in the realm of the undefined, is he successful? who on earth could fully ascertain to that?
The inclination to not incline could influence reality, it might own assets, but it never truly prioritized.

The Inclination to Incline relates to both of the last two spirits. But in relation with the inclination to keep on inclining forever, there's wisdom, love, happiness.
The relationship between "The Inclination to Incline" and "The Inclination to Keep on Inclining Forever" is where I want to be.

God is not yet 100% omnipotent, that's true if we define "The Inclination to Keep on Inclining Forever" as a part of God, a God family.
Because God is not yet able to achieve what He wanted to achieve without the presence of depressing sufferings. However, our existence as human beings will help God achieve 100% omnipotence when we managed to make the Inclination to keep on Inclining forever truthfully absolutely win at all times (without changing the truthful past) in all reality permanently forever.

We want to make the inclination to not incline absolutely and permanently has no asset for it to even be able to suffer. Let the light engulf all darkness.

So whenever a person feels that the inclination to not incline could be desirable, that person is in a state of depression and should go out of there while it's not harder to do so. 

Saturday, March 30, 2019

When your Windows Search is not working properly v.04

So my windows started to act strangely when I needed it badly. I couldn't search for the control panel, and many other applications, including those located in obscure places.

So I decided to fix the windows search problem. I googled it and found a lot of similar problems and different kinds of solutions, but none of them works. I have even reinstalled windows (without deleting applications).

But this thread leads me to the answer:


the answer by mrmattsir didn't work for me but it made me tried to do this:

windows explorer > Drive C: > (right-click) Properties >  uncheck the allow files on this drive to have contents indexed... (apply) > recheck the allow files on this drive to have contents indexed (apply). Note: this process could take a lot of time to complete

And thank God it works, now my windows search can find the control panel, office, and other applications. : ) Awesome community, worth dearly to be a part of such a community.

Anticipation of danger could be more expensive than fighting

I find it more exhausting to anticipate than to work or to negotiate (in the long run). Dealing with problems without progressing is very very demanding.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Salah satu post di whatsapp group pro Jokowi

Banyak orang menyadari bahwa terjadi perubahan besar belanja APBN dan Belanja masyarakat sejak Jokowi memimpin negara ini.
APBN yg dulunya mungkin sampai 30% “liar” dalam perekonomian sekarang sudah lebih “jinak” dan tidak beredar dengan cara yg sama lagi.
Hal ini mengakibatkan perubahan pola belanja yg drastis dan cukup mengagetkan pelaku ekonomi.

Uang uang yang dulunya tidak “resmi” dan tidak berani diakui keberadaannya sekarang bermunculan di database perbankan dan perpajakan. Sumber sumber penghasilan berupa uang tunai jauh berkurang dan yg memilikinya dalam jumlah sangat besar semakin mau berinvestasi di lembaga keuangan resmi.

Perubahan ini mengakibatkan para pelaku ekonomi mengubah cara mereka berinvestasi. Dengan disiplin disiplin teori ekonomi yang semakin relevan, ekspektasi mereka akan investasi investasi  yang menguntungkan di Indonesia dianggap relatif tidak akan mengecewakan, sehingga langkah langkah konkrit melibatkan kredit dalam jumlah banyak pun dilakukan.

Perubahan itu di satu sisi memberi tekanan pada GDP sehingga pertumbuhan ekonomi seharusnya terkoreksi secara signifikan. Ada 2 macam tekanan yang bisa saya identifikasi (diakibatkan oleh hal ini) yaitu

1. Berkurangnya penghasilan pedagang akibat orang memilih menabung uangnya.
2. Penghematan belanja negara dialokasikan untuk membayar pembiayaan luar negeri.
3. Proyek proyek infrastruktur tidak memutar uang secara langsung. Gairah ekonomi dari infrastruktur butuh waktu untuk bangkit karena bersifat baru, butuh waktu bagi pasar untuk mempersiapkan supply atas demand demand yang baru. Ditambah lagi pembiayaan infrastruktur juga diambil dari subsidi BBM yg mempengaruhi konsumsi juga.

Tetapi ekonomi Indonesia tetap bertumbuh malah ratenya meningkat walaupun “hanya” 0,2 persen sejak Jokowi memimpin.

Menurut saya tekanan peningkatan GDP bersumber dari hal hal berikut:
1. Kredit proyek pemerintah dan belanja negara
2. Inovasi dan peningkatan skill pelaku bisnis. Serta investasi masa lalu yg berbuah di bidang teknologi.
3. Kepercayaan para investor untuk memulai bisnis bisnis modern di Indonesia.

Saya berani mengatakan bahwa 5,2 persen pertumbuhan ekonomi kita sebenarnya besar sekali kemajuannya dan angka 0,2 persen itu tidak bisa disamakan artinya dengan pertumbuhan negara negara yang tidak melakukan pembenahan internal yang ekstrim seperti kita.

Kalau kita maju terus seperti ini maka pemerintahan yang bersih akan membawa negara ini melesat dengan mengagumkan.
Tapi kalau kita mundur lagi, akan sangat sangat sangat berbahaya. Karena perubahan sifat perekonomian akan terjadi lagi, memastikan pada investor dalam maupun luar negeri, resiko berinvestasi di Indonesia terlalu besar.

Pernahkah anda melihat orang yang sangat malas? Bahkan dirinya sendiri pun tidak berani berbuat apa apa untuk dirinya sendiri. Negara yang tidak pasti return on investmentnya akan terkenal sebagai negara yang malas.

Memilih Prabowo konsekuensinya terlalu besar menurut pendapat saya, dan memilih Jokowi berarti pengharapan baru ada bagi orang yang paling tidak dipandang sekalipun.

Why I'm not strong enough to help you

The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions.
Solutions are unlimited but I'm not rich enough because I haven't managed to give back to my sources of solutions enough.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

We should figure this out as a society v.03

Many times I've noticed that as soon as somebody displayed an advanced level of empathy, people deemed him/her responsible for highly delicate feelings every time.
I mean with great power comes great responsibility and great amounts of cash. But *error* the great amounts of cash is not found.

If you noticed me as having a random personality, it really is the way I want people to take me for. You don't have to upkeep my feelings, but I wish to be treated the same. There should be a large room of freedom for people to do whatever they want before being labeled as bullies by society. Just because I chose not to care doesn't mean I purposefully harm others for my enjoyment. Empathy is not always cheap.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Territorial Work is a lot of work while not doing a lot of work v.02

Male Lions are well known for being lazy, really I feel sorry for them, they are not underappreciated money wise, but reputation wise. And the only reason why they are not underappreciated money wise is that they are in absolute sense matter.

However, there might come a time when people are going to completely drove them off, not knowing full well of the services they've provided and maintained nor about their true role in an entity.

Being a Male Lion means you have to keep check of your territories, in the society of humans, you'd need to keep check of many different indicators, obvious and subtle, and simulate the implications of the existence the indicators picked up to figure out their level of threats. 

That previous paragraph is only a small portion of the work and as you can tell this kind of work doesn't appear active at all in the outside. Moreover, different entities including families have different methods of doing this, each with own perks. But all require intellectual tools, discipline, and genetic talents to form good senses of territories. 

In the world of animals territories might mean space and just space, but in our society territories are more than those, it's beyond dimensional, it exists in the minds of the people, in the practicalities of the laws, infrastructures, and many more including the physical span of spaces. 

All in all, we have the right to everything, but people often forget that that is the case for everyone.  And so negotiation is imperative for our continual access to solutions, including solutions from our own selves. And as we are limited in our capabilities to negotiate, male Lions are indispensable. 

The number of thoughts and discipline need to be done for planning negotiations after identifications of significance, The amount of skill, awareness, respect, empathy, teamwork, etc required while negotiating, and The humbleness required to retrospect and reevaluate after negotiations were done, are humongous. But for some Male Lion, they need to add even more room for stress facing their boss (wife) who won't give a dime about what they've done at all. Not allowing their male Lions to specialize, they unconsciously burden their male Lions with requirements to keep in check their tendencies to destroy themselves. 

Stop it, stand up and have an appreciation on yourself. Be happy receiving praises from yourself if you've managed to solve a problem, just the memory of it is precious. The Content will calm you down and supposed to make you require less feedback. 

And for Male Lions, there is an angel waiting to be unraveled if you go out on a date and let them lay down all of their .rar, .zip, etc of all of the things they can't ignore. Let them figure it out and make plans for the future carefully together with you. The next day an angel would be unleashed. 

Golden Sticker Update, Reciprocity v.02

The Idea of the Golden Sticker is to post receipt in your profile page. The sticker itself is kind of a replacement for the receipt, each author could issue their own tiers of the stickers and give it to whoever have given thanks to him/her.

For example:
If I gave 100 dollars to Michelangelo, Michelangelo might issue me a silver sticker I could put on my profile page (like badges in multiplayer games).
But in another time if I gave 100 dollars to Johann Sebastian Bach, He might give me a Rubber sticker and that's fine because the sticker shouldn't have universal standards.

I talked about the idea to my cousin and he felt that something's not right with showing off / flexing stickers on your profile page.

So the solution is: the author will put your sticker on their profile page as well. It is reciprocal, it is not a goods and services transaction, it's a relationship declaration. That guy has helped me and I have helped him. And this is in the best interest of the author as well, a humble star is a massive star that shines and pulls for a million lifetimes. While firecrackers dissipated after being exalted.

If Louis Pasteur posted my stickers on his profile page, it would be rude for me not to post his.


Golden Sticker system needs to be taxed for each transfer of money or goods/services. Just enough to maintain their meaning. Taxes should go to the social media provider and the government of course, and there might also be an option to distribute the tax to random participators. But I'm not sure

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Bullet Points for my letter to Wikipedia v.02

Dear Wikipedia,

* I'd buy if you make your own e-currency (like bitcoin)
* If you allow people to make accounts in your site and have their donator's rating available on their profile page. I'd gladly donate to you for the dual purpose of keeping Wikipedia free and jacking up my rep.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Eternity, Lovely, and Evil

Lovely is eternally good
Evil is eternally bad

Sounds Good

When comes to sex be as expensive as possible
When comes to love be as cheap as possible
When comes to solving problems be as precise and accurate as possible

The Charm of Swearing words v.03

I can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm stuck and all I'm hearing right now is somebody who knows little about the other person, giving serious advice for her life.

Spewing swearing words is the cheapest but easiest way to attract attention.

Because of course, people tend to think when they hear swearing words that something dangerous is happening. And our social brain cares about dangerous stuff happening around us. When it turned out to be not dangerous it became funny, because the quick shift from danger to safe tickles us.

So it's hard to go wrong using swearing words to attract attention. The blunder / the risk may exist merely when it's usage actually offended somebody or actually caused a problem against a person or a group of people.

So it's kind of a low risk high return tool.

And when you're giving advice about somebody's life, you don't really have to have the right solution, just spew swear words about her problem, she will feel like her life is dangerous, her life is important, and she deserves to be center of attention. In the end, her life might still be screwed but, she will like you.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Next Project

I want to tell apart the deserving and the "out of forgiveness" elements of the facilities I have access to. Like in Financial Statements, Assets came from Equity and Liability, I want to tell the facilities I have access to, how much of them are out of deserving and how much of them are out of forgiveness.

Now I know that these things, deserve, grace, are two things that are not objective. There are no clear science on the absolutes of these matters. However the society has it's own standards, I don't have to push to acquire the absolute, just like the value of money is relative, deserving and grace could be looked at from the society's standard's point of view.

If I have a tool to constantly monitor and give real time statements on the composition of deserve and grace that's on me. I feel that I could make use of it. 

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Viruses and Vaccines v.06

This is how you can use that fruit of good and bad good and evil to the max of it's potential,

Create standards of what's evil and what's not while looking at yourself, past, present, and the future.
Standards you set when looking at other people are viruses, on the other hand ones that you set while looking at yourselves are vaccines.

There's a reason why the whole bible is devoted to tell the story that God himself came to the world to become a forgiveness activist, and He put His own flesh and blood on it.

The standard you set while looking at other people, used upon yourself could potentially wreck you, on the other hand it's hard to make yourself laugh tickling yourself, it's hard to make yourself depressed out of standards you made to take care of yourself.

12 Rules for life by Dr. Jordan Peterson is great, I value every money I spent on it.

Update: So the fruit was not good and bad it was good and evil, it's important and the bible was precise on this. Eve had the ability to prioritize what's desirable and what's not before she ate the fruit, so I was not being accurate about the bible. The bible talked about the knowledge of good and evil being the center of the problem of humanity, not good and bad.

We could made up the reason why ourselves but, in the process of doing that we might exercised the virus. It is indeed a dangerous strain of code and how the bible could be so insightful about this is concerning.

Was the bible written by alien trolls who felt sorry for us humans but loved us not enough?
Or was the real bible actually existed hidden behind political intentions of those who passed down the stories?

Update again:

Well consider this case, a beautiful man believed that people who are not beautiful are repulsive beyond repair. As the time goes he grew to be not as beautiful. Being classified as second rate beauty by the society, he was forced to put himself on the shoes of the second class in order to survive, even though arguably the society was wrong about him at the international level.

For a while he fell into depression, it's because he classified the second rates as eternally bad, or evil. Eventually he found himself enjoying the second class lifestyle and found that people who classified the seconds as repulsive are missing out big time.

Being repulsive is okay, to each their own taste, it's not really that devastating to turned out a repulsive figure. There's hope if you're willing to overlook hopelessness.

Update again again:

Consider this case, Killa a psychopath doesn't consider murderers as evil, they are forces of nature. But Killa considered people who made loud noises when eating are bad, and people who made loud noises even after being asked not to are evil.  

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Do I deserve good things? (You deserve good things) v.02

Depression, the embodiment of the inclination to not incline, the enemy...
Could really be broken down to that question. All of our fears for us that's not in depression is also about the question.

Do I deserve good things? Who deserves good things? Who doesn't?

And what an achievement it is to be able to unravel the reason or the philosophy that could say "all of you deserve good things", while at the same time synchronize with reality resulted in permanent, abundant mutual solutions in reality.

But do I really deserve good things? Who doesn't deserve good things?

2017 lecture of Dr. Jordan B Peterson about Personality, Biology/Traits: Incentive Reward/Neuroticism (https://youtu.be/ewU7Vb9ToXg)
Presents the state of depression as when you categorize yourself in the "bad" box.

People has a sense of good and bad, they judge.
If you judge yourself as bad, really, then what's your reason to keep on going?
You'd basically rationalize for your own demise.

I myself has talked about this (judging, not depression) in my previous post but I was not being specific. Judging is best viewed from the point of inclination. In a road that could only tolerate 40 km/h cars there are two cars entering it at precisely 40 km/h, but one was 100 km/h 2 seconds ago, and the other one was 1 km/h 2 seconds ago. Which one is the potential trouble judging by the standard?

In a real sense if I'm not mistakenly remember, when I was young I watched a tv show where there was a dad, is contemplating to sell his daughter in order to be able to feed his son, because his village was stricken by drought. If he sold his daughter, she would be able to get food and water in another city even though as a child prostitute, and he would have enough money to buy food for his now starving son.

Now, I don't want to dwell in this too much and start a judging competition of what's ethical and what's not. Let's focus on how unreliable it is for the society to actually pass judgement over the worthiness of a human being. And the fact that you adopt that stupidity is going, not saying that you deserve it but in reality, it is going to lead you to depression.

The more you judge other people the more you too will be judged by yourself.

So how you may ask, I figure out the best way to prioritize other people for good things that I could give? If you asked me obviously my answer would be those that have helped you with your life solutions. And that answer is not out of the current standard of worthiness popularly adopted, that answer came out of my fight against the enemy.

Could I say those that doesn't give back to their sources of solutions doesn't deserve good things in life?
If you can, just don't go there, ever...
As much as your point of view is unique, reality is bigger than your point of views

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Why Honoring Your Parents is Mega Important v.04

This is going to be a long post, before, here is a keyword from Dr. Jordan B Peterson,
sorry I forgot,
Basically in his lecture in 2017 about Openness and Intelligence, he talked about how if a person sees the future as predictable it would became easier for him/her to invest in his/her future. And the opposite is true. So if a person wants to be hardworking he/she would achieve that state easier if he/she believed that the future is certain for him/her.

Have you ever experienced a serene and powerful lonely time in your parents' house when they are away? But when they got back home the house become so stressful you lost your previous drive to plan and execute?
Well that means your parents has managed to provide you with stability, good enough for you to see forward. However your parents can't feel that about their home, and you must understand, when you saw a serene and powerful house they saw bills, clients, customers, employees, or bosses that has their own problems, in order to maintain the family.
That house mean less of a solution to them than it is to you.

Ofcourse the logical solution would be to leave you alone to do your thing. Because you'd do so much more with the stability that they have achieved. but... deep down inside they might or may not trust you.

And it's the same everywhere, except in China the culture of honoring your parents is so prevalent and even over the top sometimes, the parents could be certain that their children would be less prioritized by the society if they became ungrateful.

What I'm saying is, yes your parents love you, and they love you unconditionally to a point.
But beyond that point, it's still business... cause they are human beings and they are still liable to problems and sufferings, they too have their own fears.

And this blog is meant for your family to be honest or realistic about it. Your parents need profit from you as well. It would be very useful for you to fully understand their terms of negotiations, to be in good terms with them before you embark on an ambitious journey.

Be a profitable person

On side note here's a formula for life achievements:
x1y1 + x2y2 + x3y3 + x4y4 + x5y5 + x6y6, etc.
x being the principal, or the spirit (you improve this by learning, enjoying, copying, creating)
y being the authors, or the humans (you improve this point by giving thanks to them)

x1 could be mathematics, x2 could be medicine, x3 could be accounting, x4 could be security
and all of the solutions you enjoy in life...
each segment could represent mathematics, medicine, accounting, security, etc. In other words all the solutions you've experienced.

In order to maximize your potential, you'd want to give thanks accordingly, like free trade each person or entities has different talents or specialities, but the rule of thumb is you'd achieve maximum advantage if you allocate 50:50 to the x:y.

I made this not out of science but out of intuition from my life (even now I have changed it to correct it). It might not be that good, but it's something, really.

Old Learners vs Young Learners v.03

One potential addressable problem when dealing with old learners is they tend to stress themselves upon "inferior" results, easily frustrated. While young learners don't care about other people's grand achievements, they tend to appreciate their smaller progresses more.

This makes it more likely (although not the only factor) for young learners to burn things into their minds compared to old learners.

Isn't it the other way around?

Yes, there is a higher resolution about this from my point of view,
Young people tend to consider their achievements yet to be significant enough for the world, but they encouraged themselves upon small progresses they've made.
While I, when consumed by an old mentality considered my achievements were huge for the world but at the same day internally discredited for myself the significance of the improvements I've made.

Dissatisfaction of the present

However is old and young really a matter of age? When comes to learning is it really beyond your control to be young? Or not to be old?

Appreciate your young self, the kid deserves it.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

FSM, Furniture Subscription Model

Furniture Subscription Model,
Have your store with always new, always clean, always fresh furnitures.

When you subscribed to FSM, you technically bought many furnitures with down payments of the price of one.
Firstly you decide which furniture you'd like to have and buy it.
Next get into contract that after 5 months you would swap the furniture with the new one (there was a one month gap for decision making or one month browsing period).
Your old furniture would be cleaned and dried, made as if it were brand new and have it displayed in the FSM store.
Your new furniture is actually a used furniture by other people but it feels clean, smells good, and it looks good. It makes your room feel brand new.
All of the decisions would be made online, you don't have to leave your home. You could if you wanted to but the store has it's high standard that made it unnecessary for you to do so.

The cost of doing this is expended every time a swap was made, and it's like a maintenance cost.
A swap has to be done within 5 months to ensure that all registered furnitures are maintained regularly.
If you decided to stop swapping or you significantly damaged the furniture (the way specified in the contract) your subscription would be ended and if you wanted to be in the community again your furniture would have to be reexamined.   

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Excitement within a loyal relationship

Problem solving is a part of charm,
Every time you've successfully solved a problem, you'll adopt a charm point.
And this point doesn't have to be manually communicated, people have innate ability to sense things like this (although different people are sensitive to different things).
If what you do every single day is solving the same problem over and over again,
Your spouse is a human being as well that has the intuition for diversification.

What you want to do is to consider different problem solving in your spare time,
And if you're good at something new make it a new habit.
Your spouse will find you perplexing with some new kinds of charms. 

Don't pursue absolute profit

If somehow people understand about my philosophy, and tried it in their life...
They might be tempted to pursue absolute profit, a state when they could safely say they owe nothing anymore to their sources of solutions.


Instead you have to pursue to use as many services as possible (sounds counter intuitive?)
Because by interacting with a working mutual solutions means that you prioritize the spirit behind it, and that's a contribution.
So you will have this balance of life exploration and giving thanks.
Giving thanks it's very important, but our focus is limited, and by inventing or discovering hopefully we will ended up with a system that could automatically take care of our human sources of solutions.

Again it's all about hope guys, because we can't yet achieve pure ethical state.
Every time we took a bath we destroyed billions and billions of lives on our skin.
Even when we could figure out the whole ethical issue one day, there's still other issues to tackle on.

Pursuing purity in my opinion could be a bad idea when there are other things that could easily be improved if you allocate the effort you allocated for the mundane obsession.
I believe we can control our taste to a certain extent, including the direction of our obsession. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Taxes and The Golden Sticker

So I've explained many times about what I believe to be the solution to many piracy issues. Which is the golden sticker. Where basically you post receipts of your transactions with the authors of the solutions you use, in your social media profile page. By doing this you will be acknowledged by potential business partners or investors as person who give thanks to the sources of his/her solutions.

Now, there is a way to mess up with the ecosystem of the golden sticker, if one kept on giving stickers for free, low quality high quality, high quantity. Then the value of the stickers would be unreliable.
A way to deal with this is for every sticker pair (because a sticker in one profile linked to at least another sticker in another profile) the social media company and the government would be given a cut. Yes, transaction tax.

By embracing transaction tax, we could improve data reliability. 

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Sin Atonement Law v.04

It might be viable to give victims of criminal acts permission and controlled means to communicate online with the criminal in jail in order to ask the criminal for information or knowledge, or to ask them for services or products made using tools allowed in jail.
Criminals are not oblidged to comply but they do not have any right to any form of payments as well.

However local jugde could prevent or ban further communication if it's dangerous for the parties and for the society.

Tax Exempt on Insurance payment return

National Health insurance is a blessing but its also a big burden for the whole society. So in order to ease the burden consider this: Upon ...