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Thursday, December 17, 2020

My Ultimate v.03

This is the question, is prioritizing Justice always in align with prioritizing the Truth?

I found the yes answer, and it is going to be quite a bit of an answer, 

Firstly you could observe truthfully an event like when a person is telling a lie, you could observe truthfully when a person decided not to say anything, you could observe truthfully when a person is saying the truth. The Truth is more than your speech. 

However the Truth has the room to grow, 

From my point of view, the Truth is the protocol that everything follows, that there is only one true past. So when you believed in lies, that wrong perception of yours would be a gift or a fragrant present for the Truth when they are being truthfully corrected. However, since there is also momentum for wrongness, (one wrong leads to another in one way or the other) so believing in lies is dangerous and it is unattractive for those who are predetermined to dislike some of the particular problems associated with it. 

But Faith indeed is the reason for universal war. Humans and Spirits they are attracted to faith and fighting over it. The Truth wants you to believe in Him, and the anti-truth wants you to not. For "inanimate" objects, the manifestation of it is the quantum state. For observation would determine one's truthful positions or roles, while the quantum state enriches the exploration.

We know that the Truth leads to more questions, ideas, and ambitions... the discovery of the Truth creates more spaces for the Truth to explore. When one is being agnostic, one is being neutrally attractive, meaning generally attractive, popular sense of attractiveness. Well that is if I'm right. But, just keeping the question on without trying to solve it will attract reasons to believe in lies, lies could be believed subconsciously, and when that side of you were exposed... its likely to be ugly. Incompetence also comes with it. 

So in relation to Justice, Justice wants to make everyone able to access whatever it is that they wanted and needed whenever they do. Justice wants to make sure the availability of what is desirable and useful all the way in the future, forever. 

Sometimes telling lies could prevent deadly, crippling events. When situations unfold, people wouldn't always have the intelligence to figure out the truthful solutions at the moment. Personally, when tragedies were avoided they were all steps towards Justice. But the preservation of lies prevents truthful problem solving in the long run. 

For that the Truth is the winner and for the sake of sustainability, the need for lies will be solved. I'm not just saying that for the sake of blind ideological fanaticism or virtue signaling, but because that is the proper, the responsible state of problem solved. I wish I will always be like that 100%

The true solving of problems requires truthful assessments. And from that angle I answered that ultimately, the prioritization of Justice is in align with the prioritization of the Truth.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

If I were to make money v.07

I like to watch CNBC, Bloomberg, RT, Yahoo, IDX for financial news and talks. Not that do that often, I should do that more often but when I wanted such information those are my go to channels. With RT in particular Keiser Report, they encourage the usage of bitcoin and they trash the fiat money (regular money). 

So I always said that money represents that the holder has helped and hasn't been helped back, or it should mean that. In this time of difficulty, some governments decided to take expansive policies, handing stimulus or giving out cash to people. From a point of view the policy is a relief for a lot of worries, however it is at the cost of the value of money. The same way if gold kept on being discovered or even created in a lab, then people would've wanted more of it in exchange for the same amounts of products/services they provide.

Bitcoin however, from what I concluded watching the Keiser Report, is not as liable to the degeneration of value as the fiat money, I don't want to give false information as to why, there are people out there who have dwelled more into this deeper than I, but bitcoin has increasingly become more interesting as an alternative currency as oppose to gold. 

Bitcoin itself is mined, why it became money is just out of thin air. Gold is like that, Fiat is like that as well. The generation of currencies has not been tied to solutions even though they ended up practically tied to solutions in day to day activities of the economy, for most people. So from there I think there's a room for improvement.

There is a room for improvement for the way we generate currency; conservatively the basic proper creation of money is when individuals issued promissory notes for their solver of problems. The notes act as guarantee to whoever later returned the note, that he/she would be provided with such and such amounts of goods and/or services. So I would start from there, that money should be able to complete a circle and be expired. 

I'm not a revolution type of guy, I'm an add-on type. I don't think replacing what is currently being (massively) used, using invasive regulatory means is good. But if before issuing money, you could specify the transaction that would expire it, that should reinforce the value of it enormously. Not mentioning the legitimization or the validation you could have in printing more and more of it, if you do it right. 
(If I were to make an example with this tiny glasses of mine, I would just going to stifle the creativity.)

Now I want to focus on the issue of deflation. Because if a currency were to experience deflation, then (if you've been in the Paul Krugman's masterclass you would know), people would be inclined to hold their spending, and as people hold off their spending, producers will think twice before producing, investors will not be investing, and the economy would stagnate. The reason, they expected that the value of their "money" would keep on increasing in the future. So they kept it as oppose to work it. 

In turn the consensus is this; a little bit of inflation is a good thing as it encourages people to go out and do stuff, it excites the economy as it incentivizes people to care about each other more.

For a long while I have been proposing this golden sticker idea, If you have the Golden Sticker system implemented, then the people would be incentivized to accumulate them, and to care for each other, and to appreciate each other. Psychologically that is a natural human being's reward mechanism, I say it is archetypal, and it is powerful. I say if you got this "Add-on" applied, you shouldn't have to worry about deflation anymore, and sometimes you could have deflation ever once in a while without worrying that people would stop contributing to the economy. Deflation itself should not be vilified especially if it comes as a result of innovation. In an innovative world, there would be strong pressure for deflation as new technologies drove prices down. I like it.  

In the end whether at macro level as a country or at cellular level as a part of a human body, the economy is not about the money, it's about solutions. It's not about the golden sticker, it's about the level of availability of mutual solutions in reality. 

What is the utility in having ever increasing value of your personal money when it actually means that the economy is in the process of undermining the efforts of the producers? What is the meaning of having a lot of non-renewables as reserves, if there were no vibrant economy to enjoy them. What is the meaning of being able to produce money in the economy, if they were not about problem solving? If they were not for the increase of the level of availability of mutual solutions in reality?

Dude, Justice is always number one

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Positive and Negative Motivations

Firstly, I feel bad for posting the "Question is" post, so maybe this post' quality is going to be different than the others because its a "make amends" kind of post or "dodgy", but what else should I do?

So, there is the negative type of motivation, like that in the "Question is" post, 2 posts before this, and of course there is the positive type of motivation. Positive types are those that have been motoring the economy mainly. If you see policies that were made for the productivity of the economy, it is always about political stability and the availability of various kinds of resources. And above all that, Justice, the core of every policies. 

You might not be motivated if the place where people say you should go offered you none of your needs... but you would still help people more and more if you'd acquire money. Because with money, people would help you out in return. 

You might not be experiencing the negative type of motivation if you are comfortable at your current economic state.  But Greed is Good, is real. And wouldn't we prefer that to the negative types?

So, regarding money, we know that money is the product of the government. If the economy of the country is threatened, it is always the better idea to protect the money (the value of money) if you're living on top of it. But even more base than that is Justice, what is the strength of the economy if there were no Justice, what is a country without individual independence? Hell


In the state of modesty we are somewhat more protected from depression. I don't know why, maybe because of the sense of solidarity with a lot of other people. It took a very bad traumatic experiences to produce the tastelessness of life aftertaste. On the other hand, if you're rich... just mere boredom could produce for you the tastelessness of life. And that's suicidal. 

I know the cure for that, which is giving thanks to the people that have helped you. When you accepted or adopted the idea that there's capital in everything that is good. You'd reach out to the contributors and you'll find, how much more that you could do for your life... oops how much more that you could do for their life, same thing. And that would rejuvenate your sense of meaning. 

Life is about problems and solutions, Justice is about problems and solutions, Money is about problems and solutions, Depression too is about problems and solutions. You might think that your life means nothing, but by just being there, you've contributed to Justice. How? by being a human being. Human beings are creatures of just, we are here in order to just. Evil people stops adhering to Justice, but the existence of others will Just them. It is in my interest for you to be alive.


I read or watched somewhere that negative persuasions are more effective than the positive ones for adults, and I think to myself what an unfortunate reality. But then let us asked, what is the cost of invoking these negative persuasions? Because what you do to others will influence your serotonin system. Even if positive motivations are "less effective" but it is actually cheaper. It is cheaper in the way that it is less impactful to our long run, it may not be less impractical, but it is definitely more scalable for time's sake. 

When we are talking about public policies or the law, culture, and religion... negative persuasions have been prescribed as emergency measures by the most of them. Why is it that in practice we accept those as regular life? We would never end our sorrows if we kept on living like that. 

So the best public policies that would accommodate everyone's life are be thankful, be joyful, be greedy, be diversified, be just, be critical, be Truthful, be yourself, be the solver of problems, be Love, be alive.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

To Excite Spending

In the time of the pandemic, a lot of people saved up their money and this might increase the dragging down of the economy, as businesses' sales will decrease and prices will also decrease below decent sustainable level of profitability. 

So when people spend their money, identifiable by the transfer of VAT or PPN in Indonesia, the central bank and the banking system could acknowledge them. Something like:

"Thank you, your spending has contributed to the recovery of the economy"

Notifications like that should feel good, and maybe another facility like loyalty stamps, after certain amounts and/or frequencies of spending, the bank account would receive a badge. The badge facilitates the holder with the possibility of cheaper credit rates, or cheaper down payments rates. (So maybe don't instantly, universally lower the interest rates. Pick and choose, incentivize). 

Maybe the loyalty stamps could apply for tax rates, or discounts at government owned businesses. And also for certain goods/services provided by the debtors of the bank, etc.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Question is v.03

I was thinking about two different temperaments and how it is a bit complicated to figure out policies or set ups that should be implemented in the career world for them. 

The Serenity types vs The Intimate types

The Serenity types' pinnacle of life would be to not worry about things, such as poverty. The Intimate types would want to be remembered, cherished, and cared, maybe even revered to. 

Having these two types together would have these implications...

If you want to keep the serene people modest, you would ignore them as much as you can while they are modest. Then their motivation to become richer and more powerful would be significantly less. 

If you want to keep the intimate people modest, while they are modest you cared about them, glorify their modesty, and keep giving them attention... then they'll lose a large drive to become richer. 

Another way of achieving the same would be,

To keep the rich and powerful people of the serene occupied, and to leave the rich and powerful people of the intimate alone. Then people would lose even more reason to become richer. 

So if you want to achieve the opposite, do the opposite of those things. Sure, but notice that if you wanted to create a universal system for both, it is not straight-forward. On one hand, if you are rich and powerful you could pay or spend for your intellectually intimate needs, on the other hand you might feel a bit unfair that the serene types need not to spend anything to stay rich and powerful and enjoying their lives. 

The reality is, due to one reason or the other, jealousy is a real force and the rich and powerful serenes always, always spend more for their serenity. This might seem fair, but actually, if you left out the jealousy and you leave the serene people alone all the time, they would face a bigger monster which is the reluctance to change with time, to innovate. So we don't need jealousy to "Correct God" or whatever it is. 

Money would be used to buy attention and reverence, it would also be used to buy serenity. For attention the media is official, but for serenity, what? It is always illegal. Now if you treat an innocent people as a thief, he would have to learn the ways of the so called thieves to survive in the community. If you stigmatized certain characteristics of people as characteristics of bad people, blanket judgement, it would be harder for them to found their way to contribute in the light. When would they ever going to gain their well deserving role in the light, if they kept on being forced to live in the dark?

Well darkness is not always all bad, but, when would people ever going to move forward?

Ok now, what is the answer to official tributes to Serenity? 

Reputation management technology such as "The Golden Sticker" could be the answer. Or a patreon/kickstarter type of sites where people could use their money to finance official projects, to finance veterans and heroes such as COVID medical front liners. 

The Question is... what if like most people... sometimes you are intimate, and sometimes you are a loner? Then missing one of the element of the solution would be detrimental as a whole right?


Damn, hallo me when I'm a dictator right? 

Be artificiality scarcing up the world for poor people and sh#t. Be hating on rich people. 

How did I became, when did this came to be? I've been inhaling too much toxin maybe, I'm Sorry 

This is hateful, I was hating so don't take this to heart. Please T_T I'm Sorry

Saturday, October 24, 2020


Starting with Logic, Logic is interwoven with the Truth. Through the truth manifests Logic and through Logic manifests the Truth. 

When comes to Logic we talk about what's true and what is not. One and Zero in programming, 1 0

That is currently how I see it, so...

The truth is the protocol that everything follows that there's only one true past. What is true in the truth? True in this sense is that there's only one past that is true. What is true within the true truth? 
That there is only one true past. What is true within the true of the true Truth?
ONE True Past... the Truth.

Therefore our sense of the truth relies on the existence of extra protocols, or the hierarchy of protocols, and the existence of the wrong order, which is the wrong protocols, or the not protocols. 

Hence the manifestation of Accuracy in Logic. 

Could there be the inclination to keep on inclining to not incline forever? Should be, but it is not in presence... it is NOT in presence.  

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Is this Lucid dreaming? v.04

So I tried something and it worked a bit, to experience dreaming while I'm awake.

What I did was... sometimes when you're doing nothing in your bed, you closed your eyes, you saw a little glimpse of image. I think we all have that, a pre-dream. So I remembered that image and while still closing my eyes, I keep on picturing it, zooming in, or moving it around so that I could see it from a different angle, zooming in, zooming in. And then let it go... don't try to control what happened, don't audit, or criticize, just experience... and that's when I saw things that's dreamy. Different environments, different objects, weird physics, random locations at a time. 

So when you focus, you don't focus like focusing on work. You use every focus you have but that... So to make it happen, try it when you have nothing else to worry about or interested about thinking. Just feel like sleeping, that's it. And as soon as the picture/object appeared, remember it. 

Edit: ok so do whatever you want, the word don't just makes it worse. Whatever, whatever, explore, feel, go


Sunday, October 11, 2020

Branching Power v.02

Power have different types, those that I could identify are: Force and Barrier. 

Force, is the kind of power to reduce the government's potential for income tax from the target... jk I mean, it is for reducing the target's Economic potentials and advantages. 

Barrier, its property or "safe space" where the power is used to prevent debilitating influences from hindering one's growth

Converting one to substitute for another is costly, so if you want to focus on force you'd sacrifice the quality of your barrier. Its going to take more power to build it up again to the same quality as before, even if the target was reduced to nothing. And there would be other exposures as well according to the situation. 

A barrier is reinforced by positive results of negotiations. Instead of focusing on force, it would be more resource efficient to improve your proficiency in using negotiation technologies such as the law, the media, the internet, etc. 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Leap Up v.04

You know, I think small towns or village areas have this potential:

Big advanced cities such as New York, Tokyo, Sydney, Seoul, etc are built over mistakes. They are products of evolution. But the formula they have now isn't incorporating those past mistakes anymore. So if you build your community, your businesses, your town over those formulas... you would get all the advancements with little dealing with all the mistakes. I'm saying it should be possible within 10 or 20 years to have that quality of a city if people started from scratch. 

Obviously the clear example of this are what the Chinese people managed to accomplish. They grew at incredible rate for this past 20 years, recreated their whole country into an advanced economy. That's because they've utilized the good and not having to deal with all the bad. 

However, if you do this and you've reached the full potential of the formula. Then you got to deal with new mistakes. Now you are at the forefront of the civilization without any example to follow. And it seems like, you're not going to be used to this. 

However, the biggest mistake of all civilization is, not giving thanks. As soon as we invented money and trading with it, it is all growth from there on. That is because authors of physical products and services got rewarded. If you give thanks with money, or products and services, the downward moments of inertia of mistakes would be cushioned. And we still have huge room for improvement in terms of this. 

These are some of the rooms:

Education, Research, Art, Faith. (Faith as in the unification of purpose through speech or ideas that is truly beneficial and works out in reality/manjur). 

Things such as these perpetually generates fuel for the economy. And if we rewarded these posts, it is as if having a supply line ready for the battlefield. I'm faithful that doing this would be the step of leap over the next steps of our evolution. 

Friday, October 2, 2020

Let's simplify the law for the people v.05

I wonder why some countries with frequent use of drugs is wealthy like the Netherlands and some others are not as wealthy. Do all illegal drugs really has debilitating effects on people's mental health or some aren't?

But this is I'm sure, that if you created laws that were frequently violated by the people, in other words, you put the people in the position that's always against the written law. Then this is a case of conflicting or contradicting infrastructures of the relationships between people. 

People would always have this mindset that one should be disregarded over the other, written laws or customs. I mean if the customs were really bad then the written laws should win, if the written laws were bad, yes there are some, then customs should win. It is easy when it is obvious, but when it is not... its like telling/treating a kid who has gay (oldschool and newschool gay) tendencies that he was not a good person. 

Now, the more people are being put in that situation, where there are no clearance of their stand by the standard of the people of the universe... the more they'll keep experiencing this disconnected feeling. Not only that, also the feeling of being vilified. I remember Dr. Jordan B Peterson talked about people at the bottom of the dominance hierarchy tend to always be in a state of uneasiness, always be prepared to run or hide. From a point of view, this would definitely mean that they are less likely to invest in the long term. And this is the kind of state of mind that you would put in the minds of the people if you neglected the progress of the written laws.  

The Law is for the people, and it is meant to further our life to the better. And because of some people always want to gatekeeping others from abundance, the law is being gatekept from its true potential. Let's make the written laws more user friendly for the people :)

Monday, September 28, 2020

Everything that is good v.05

This is what Paul said, 

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.


And the famous: 

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.


Charity is actually AGAPE, Love

    - affection, good will, love, benevolence, brotherly love

    - love feasts

(https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/Lexicon/Lexicon.cfm?strongs=G26&t=KJV, outline of biblical usage, September 2020)

So it is well known among Christians, all this bleak ass prophecy in the bible, about how the antichrist is going to kill all the good people on earth (maybe it means on land). But we Christians tend to always do this: In order to preserve our "doctrine" we sacrificed the truth or the pursuit of the realization of an actual better life. 

Lets not do this. Just because we have to anticipate for the worst, doesn't mean we couldn't hope for the best. 

If we could avoid all of the bad things from happening, which I don't see any reason why we wouldn't be able to, then let us go for it.

My attempt to make up a poetry and interpret it myself v.06

I think the death and resurrection and the ascension and the promise to return of Jesus Christ is a poetry:

What is Justice:
I say Justice is when everybody gets what they needed and wanted. No one asked to be born in this world so it is only fair that we all like it. 

What is Evil:
Evil is the potential for misallocation of resources. It is the opposite of Justice.

Why Evil?
Scarcity is the result of Evil, according to my interpretation of the bible. The Garden of Eden is a place of abundance, and after humanity sinned, scarcity arose.  

Humans ate the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. 

We became able to understand what is not fair, what would be problematic in the future, what would be painful for us and so for other people/creatures, how to increase the scarcity of some resources for others, how to rank people politically - who deserves less, and who deserves more. Nakedness is vulnerability to be judged and be lowered in rank by others. 

Upon our understanding, came our liability to side with evil. If we could identify that we made something bad, or mistakes, we have the temptation to doubled down on our mistakes. 

Lets say I stole my sister's peanut, I'm busy so I don't want to deal with her objections... So I lied and I said I don't know who ate your peanut. Now there's an inertia here, say she asked further about where I was or why I smell like peanut or else, its the classic escalation of lies scenario. 

Even if I got away with it, I would have the inclination to repeat it in the future because of the dopamine. 

Lets say later the older I am, the more I have sinned, and now I have stolen many different stuffs and got away with it. The people who found out about my sin I found out about theirs too and we "protected" each other. This is more serious than you think, because now our group will have a system that would preserve many different kinds of "sins" altogether. And the longer this system is on, the more we are proficient in running it. 

But of course this system is not compatible with justice, and all it would do, all it would escalate is the resistance to fairness. So we know what lack of fairness would brought out to our environment... scarcity. The longer this system were preserved, the worse and worse the force against abundance would be. 

So that's the fall of humanity, dragging down together with them, the abundance of their world. 

The Sneak of God:

In order to restore justice, humans have to judge. They have to purge sins among themselves. 

What the Judgement against Jesus event is trying to say is:

Jesus is sinless, and those that were against Him were against Him because of Sin. Because Jesus' purity would just always going to be a problem for their position. 

That means, sins cloud judgements. And since all humans except Jesus are sinful, they no longer have the ability to achieve true Justice. Only Jesus could. Other than Jesus, all are vested interested, even within their subconscious, to not be truly Just. We all are insane in the membrane

Now where is Jesus? He is alive and is about to return... but He is not here yet. 

So now what do we do?

The answer is: well we should do our best, but, keep in mind what we did to Jesus. 

In other words, without Jesus as the ultimate Judge, there is no hope for true Justice among ourselves.
(Edit v.06: Maybe it could be interpreted as the standard could be found in Christianity, but to execute the proper Judgement Procedure you actually need Jesus Christ Himself).

But since Jesus is alive and is about to return, we have to keep at it and do our best. But it is unjust for a person to always be "unworthy" based on our judgement. It is unjust to expect a person to always judge accurately... because it is impossible. It is wise to anticipate for bad judgements, It is wise to check up for your mental health (because evil tend to escalate), It is wise to audit and to give the benefit of the doubt. It is wise to forgive.

People might be guilty but we should not strip people off of the presumption of innocence. You could assume someone to be guilty or not guilty simultaneously, you could assume someone to be not guilty, but to assume only guilty is not wise... (actually being not guilty only should also mean not wise, but that's like butterfly effect level of truth, so, relatively speaking, I don't know actually). 


So the second coming of Jesus means, the ultimate enlightenment. 

The form of that, for me as a Christian is the literal second coming of Christ. 

But... (Oh my God)... 

But... It has been proven time and time again, to not do anything because of just "believing in the Bible" is a form of arrogance (of the interpretation of the Bible). And God hates arrogance.

(Edit v.06:

The Literal Second Coming of Christ is not a hopeless remark. If humanity managed to accurately measure accurate positioning and allocation of resources, accurate fair transactions among beings, the execution could be a problem still. I think this is where a perfect being would fit in. 

A Judge whose mind is free from noises and whose consciousness is flawless, should be needed to pull off the last blow, the end of evil.) 

Lastly a shameless plug of my motto: 

The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions. Solutions are unlimited but we are so limited because we are not giving back enough to our sources of solutions. 

Giving thanks in a form of goods and services or money, is a good way to counter evil, especially if done properly. We need the second coming of Christ to do that perfectly, so, just keep trying until you get it (relatively) right. 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Sacrilegious v.08

Now I shouldn't be talking about this if it weren't a trend challenging proposition. 

And I will talk about this only under the premise to challenge a trend, my personal feelings in regards to my personal relationships should not be conveyed.

Some people made remarks to hurt other people using the innuendo of the meaning of their words. But there are other types of expression that is being bullied as a spirit, that is spontaneity. 

Some people create works of art or stories based on what is interesting in their mind and feelings at the time. Turned out some of those elements may have came from watching the sufferings of their friend or other people. Now does that mean that he disregarded the feelings of the friend upon the publication of the work? Yes, if his friend definitely worries about innuendoes all the time or maybe in another case was in a neurotic state of mind. Yes he disregarded it but does it mean that he meant all the mean things that might be derived from it in all various of ways? NO. 

And this is the problem with the world that is drunk with over-glorification of innuendos. They regulate speech, using madness. When I do something, and concentrated in it, and found it to be compelling, I wouldn't be focusing on other things... I wouldn't always be mean even when I'm a mean person in nature. And that's why what is official is what is official, consciousness regulated the manifestation of your feelings, innuendoes don't represent the position a person take over another and should not be deemed as such. 

Of-course in relation of things that are truly traumatic at a time, disregard to someone's feelings could mean crossing the line. But crossing the line in terms of what? Ignorance? or Maliciousness? We have to use our intelligence (actually, we have to clearly converse with the person). 


Now this got me made a meaning out of the "Satan tempting David to count the numbers" event depicted in the bible. There's a point of view that said that God was in it with the temptation and a point of view that it was Satan. Both are legit in the bible. But what I want to talk about is the Satan part. 

Refer to the Romance of The Three Kingdoms, Imagine Liu Bei called Sima Yi to asked about Zhuge Liang's infantry formations... Zhuge Liang would be like: "But that's the enemy my Lord"

So, the Israelites when they go to war, numbers have always been something that they play around with. It is not the utmost priority. In history, Gideon also was shown that God doesn't worry about numbers. And in my opinion, it is the Israelites' army's style to exploit the enemy's reliance on numbers to win against them. 

So when David counted, he was acting to use the numbers as an indicator of winning chances... which means incorporating the enemy's weakness into their morale. It is incompatible. 

And I wouldn't want to do that. 

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Words like Math Symbols v.04

I get it now, I get it now why I always feel like I'm a relatable person, not much different than others (but people seem to think that I'm weird). 

Even my friends, I'm sure they knew that my processing power in terms of common stuffs are... allright. 

But I could keep up with things such as thoughts, poetry, songs, in ways that other people would find to be kind of impressive sometimes. It is because the lightness of the words that is in my mind. 

These words are not tied to meanings such as innuendos like in the minds of other people. 

These words are light, and meanings stable and assured and consistent. I could play with them like a math equation pretty easily. Because their meanings have little interference if it were to be moved around in the realm of suppositions. 

I'm sure I'm a Genius, but my field has not yet been found (by me). If you think I'm kind of impressive with words... you could try my style, you would be surprised how easy it actually is. 

I recently found that I could do Innuendos too in the level of people who are used to it could. But since this is how my life has come to, I don't think that lifestyle is good for me. Please don't be offended if there were words that I should've known to be sensitive... I just don't and I don't want to get used to it. I even want to train myself to lose those nexus in order to improve myself. 

Have fun


Actually, I think again about this, and this came up:

Positive things drag negative things slow, negative things drag Positive things down. So if you are proficient with something, including innuendos I'm not trashing you (the negative innuendos were the things that were so annoying and such a dead weight)

If you're a psychopath and you're proficient in negative things, and your age is high. Maybe I could offer you this consideration:

Positive things will keep on bearing fruit, while negative things eventually will be done away with. 

Maybe during your hard positive journey you could stumble upon something great, when I stumbled upon the point of view of inclinations and the problem with piracy, my life went upside down... I threw a lot of things away, and most things that I developed after, are pleasant to me until now. Maybe you'll stumble upon something even greater who knows. Its going to be heavy but... Its going to be worth it I say.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

When the words you say won't mean what it means anymore v.03

So here you are a high IQ big brain all knowing all quick witted the beast master of the world of innuendos. You are so good you are too classy to just have 1 meaning in your words ever, it would always mean 10 or 20 other compact and fractal meanings that would make everyone around you bow down in the destruction of their unworthy self esteem. 

Now, unfortunately because of that... everything you said even everything you didn't had been used against you. And you, cornered, had nowhere to go but to destroy your own ego. 

But, no... you doubled down... banding up with people who had nothing to do with your life you became the most feared warlordnnuendos of your neighborhood.

Now, no one dare to say anything when you are around, cause of Miranda. Miranda the most powerful Goddess of all is on your side. (Except at the court of law but that's the only place your neighborhood is not).

Now, what's life, what's the meaning of their words, their "comforting" words, their "ass licking", what's the meaning of your words, even you are not sure what anymore. You know, you let the people with the most pleasant idea decide what it means. Yeah Yeah Yeah, that's what it actually means. 

And so that's who you are, powerful, meaningful, an AVATAR of your group. But who are you? as an Individual who are you? Who are you?


An Inspiration to this post, the words don't represent. But some feelings it gives me I used it. 

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Suggestion when dealing with the "Field" of Innuendo's or Hints or "Official Avoidance" Discussions v.03

1. Do it for fun

2. There is no contract/agreement in it, is there a hypothetical husband... or hypothetical wife? If there were, was it an actual marriage?

3. Don't be so quick to get offended. When things get serious, seek verification first. This world is not clear, so no one should be obliged to be tied to their "supposed" hints. No one including the bullies. Many times it is going to be misunderstandings anyway. So back to no.1

4. Don't fight in it. You'll ruin it for everybody. 

5. Everyone can choose to participate or not to participate. You'd know a toxic community when they use innuendos for everything that is important. This is a sign for trying to avoid being clear most of the time. So already this is a red flag. No matter what, written law wants to be your friend. It is there, it is public domain, it is always available for everyone. People who always want to avoid that realm are trying to not be about it. 

Again no. 3, realize that some people made unintentional "hints" when concentrating on other things. When they are in an argument, they would be concentrating on the issue at hand, and during serious times in the world of clearness, we better disregard all innuendos. 


Another thing, if you abuse this type of talking, you potentially will ruin your relationship in the future no matter how good you are doing currently. For example when you are in the same company with your friend, he/she could annoy you in a way that no one else would be able to counter balance or control. So you are giving power to whoever, to get into your inner circle anytime. Avoid doing this if you can at all times. 

Unfortunately now, we don't have means yet to stop people from doing this in public. I think we should, for the sake of the serenity of the people's mind, which at current times is sensitive in aggregate. And what is dire about this situation is, the quick way to restore alliance is to find enemies. So for the sake of peace in their world of unofficialness they would have a stronger tendency to gang up against a common enemy. 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Stockholm Syndrome Pelaku Budaya v.04

Orang jahat kode kode untuk membuli orang... Semua orang musti belajar kode kode jangan sampai tidak sengaja membuat kode seperti orang jahat itu (peduli amat itu menghina bahasa dan keadilan)

Orang jahat cuma mau bersikap baik dihadapan intimidasi... Semua orang harus belajar bergaya tampang depresif dan penuh stres, biar cater to the pain sama orang2 jahat

Orang jahat suka belok kiri walaupun melanggar lampu merah... Semua orang musti kasi tanda dari jauh jauh kalau mau lurus di sebelah kiri. 

Orang jahat ambil jalur motor di sebelah kiri... Semua orang yang di jalur mobil kiri musti weser, pip pip, dan siap dicaci dimaki dari belakang kalau mau belok kiri karena dianggap berhenti di jalur kanan di depan lampu merah. 

Sekarang, kita merasa diri kita sangar dan punya taring, karena hidup di tempat kita susah. Tapi jujur lebih kayak kita membiarkan budaya kita didikte sama orang-orang jahat


Sekarang coba kita ingat ingat sejarah kemanusiaan. Model begini cuma meminta darah manusia, bukannya kita jijik tapi kita tanam pelihara dan sirami. 

Baal dan Quatzequatel begitu rampantnya (mewabahnya) di populasi orang, sampai sampai One True God harus pamer bahwa dia juga bisa seperti monster, dengan meminta darah Ishak atau Ismael dari Abraham, cuma bedanya dia tidak. Karena One True God maha pinter, Dia bisa mencapai keinginannya tanpa perlu darah anak anak kalau Dia mau, gak seperti Baal dan Quatzequatel yang otaknya nda sampai kesana. 

Apa hubungannya?

Manalah orang orang jaman dulu gak sadar bahwa Baal/Quatzequatel itu khayalan belaka? Cuma saking nggak ada hujannya mereka butuh outlet curhat... saya sudah nda perduli lagi akan segala-galanya, yang penting hujan... jadilah dewa kesuburan atau dewa hujan macam peminta darah anak-anak dan manusia seperti itu. 

Para pendukung Hitler, manalah dalam hatinya tidak tahu bahwa kebijakan-kebijakan Hitler itu malicious dan melawan kemanusiaan. Tapi butuh outlet curhat... 

Yang kayak begitu sudah kita belajar dari sejarah, cuma meminta darah... 

Hargai Psikolog dan Psikiater, curhat memang penting, makanya berharga. 


Mungkin anda akan bingung mau kasih seseorang hadiah apa untuk hari peringatan sesuatu... coba andaikan kamu hadiahi dia konsultasi dengan psikolog/psikiater... kalau menurutnya hal itu adalah penghinaan, berarti hadiahmu itu tepat sekali dan sesuatu yang dia butuhkan. 
Love is not spoiling, Love is caring. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The devastation of Inequality

In an unequal society, it is harder to be significant. Your best attempts often minusculed by the achievements of the ultra-industrious and the hyper intellectuals. 

Hard to be meaningful, hard to find purpose, hard to be someone. 

But the answer to this is actually: Give Thanks

Who cares about the giants, they are forces of nature... just kidding. But the real giants of your life is the contributors of your life. And if you could do something for them, solve some of their problems. You don't have to be the biggest, or the most unique, or the scariest even. You've achieved meaningfulness and you are a legend.

https://youtu.be/CtWirGxV7Q8, Sept 2020



Dreams and Gaming v.05

I watched a Big Think video where Prof Michio Kaku talked about dreams. From that video I concluded that our auditing system were shut off during dreams. 

Here's the video, Accessed September 2020:


Dream is the time we explore our mind without accuracy. We'd just explore and we would be wrong, as well as we would be right. It is an experience of a super reality that pushes the boundaries of our suppositions. 

The results of this exploration are feelings. The feelings we get from dreams can contribute to real life especially when it started to fall into the likeness of the dreams. 

So when we felt certain things about reality, jolts of anxiety, excitements, or some kind of familiar feelings, we would instigate extra considerations into the situation. Were there actually hidden opportunities? or a hidden danger? What kind of feelings I could potentially experience having this feeling about the current situation? 

So dreams could contribute to our concerns.

There are psychologists disciplined in the interpretation of dreams, dreams could represent certain inarticulated propositions about your reality. 

Upon dreaming, I encountered characters that have been living in my mind. These characters were those who were there as representations of my biological segments, and those who were there as representations of real life people and things.

Dreams are real

So since the byproducts of dreams are feelings, these new feelings could create new nexus between already existing nexus of the mind. Making it easier for me to relate to the features of reality. 


Gaming on the other hand is similar and the opposite altogether. Gaming could help us build habits. The artificial habits are so compact they could enhance our chances to go further and deeper into reality, unlocking newer experiences in the given amount of time. 

Dreams help us notice things and Games help us pick and choose what to ignore.

The poetry of it is,
experiences of the subconscious enhances awareness,
experiences of consciousness brought it to the realm of unawareness. 


The interplay between them seemed to serve a purpose, that is to experience new contexts out of life. Contexts reinforces our memory and our memory is our life. 

Newness is like a brain nutrition. 

Aerodynamic Economy V - v.03

So a form of this has actually manifested in reality... it is the system of law. 

First we have the declaration of independence, and then the basic constitutions, the constitutions and then the bills, and so on. Supported by culture, ethics, contracts/negotiations, discussions or communications, art-forms, etc. 


Actually after I think about it, this is it... this is the answer to the whole aerodynamic thing I was thinking about. This is the best manifestation of it. And I'm glad that I have acquired another point of view why this makes sense. Thank you God :)

Aerodynamic Economy IV, the audit

 [Mat 7:16 KJV] 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Now a solid form means there are barrier to transformations for the system and the members of the system. And somehow there is a reason why, audit is not conducted all day everyday. Not only audit is an expensive venture, well actually audit is an expensive venture is the reason, but audit can be expensive in many different ways. 

In terms of time, energy (psychological and physical), formation wise or readiness, money, expertise, opportunities, reputational stakes, etc. 

But the Truth is the utmost priority of everything, and lies are dangerous. So we have to audit. 

The Matthew 7:16 standard is my favorite. If we want to know whether or not our front-liners  still moving towards the total supremacy of the Inclination to keep on Inclining Forever, forever all the way forward... and not going the other way, we should measure their level of depression using that standard. Of the results they've produced, do they spark joy still, or not? Are their Inclinations include those that would want to stop everything (everything as in existence)? Are their inclinations include those that would want to kill themselves. 

Self training might involve muscle harming, and working might involve inflicting strains upon themselves. I think that is healthy, so again I'm not really clear of the completeness of this idea but for sure I'm all for the Truth. And that is the upmost priority for sure. 

You could be delusional and happy, but things like it would brought about certain destruction, purposeless destruction. So suffering is good, if it is for a purpose, and being inspired means enjoying purposeful disintegration.  

Aerodynamic Economy III v.02

I was wrong about the Child and the Responsibility and the Producer of Dreams.

I associated responsibility with negative emotions. I should stop doing that.

The Child is the one that is so wise and smart, they are able to sustain themselves only with positive emotions truthfully.

The criteria is not about producing dreams, it is about living the dream. And the way they are doing this should not be restricted to the amount of profit they could amass. But it lies in how they use it

Aerodynamic Economy II

 So if these solids were companies, then the one at the front is the producer of dreams. The company should be the least ruled by negative emotions. 

Now, in order to arrange the companies as a ship, you don't force them to be unhappy or happy. It is not about the same identity, it is about the same position. So in a dimension it is aerodynamic, but in another dimension it is organic. 

What I mean by that is, our body replaces its substance constantly. So the body as an identity is about the formation, not about the particular members. 

But don't get me wrong, I don't want to replace the law or morality, again I'm all about add-on not revolution. 

So Individualism is the best, it is not about dismissing the individuals, but it is about ranking up the individuals based on their depression level (inversely). 

So when one's depressed, he should work for the back end companies, once he/she had achieved serenity and positivism, he/she should be pushed forward. 

The middle part of the vessel is where the most companies are, most of us are not the most depressed nor are we the most inspired. But if we managed to figure out how to sustain the inspiration, we should be compared with other inspiring companies and be placed in accordance with our ability to sustain our good spirits. 

Now what does it mean about being at the front, and being at the back? Is it about the allocation of resources? 

The thing is it is complex, and my comprehension is incomplete. But kind of... being at the front means determining the protocols of the solid. Or if you understand the word Kiblat in Bahasa Indonesia, (Kiblat is like the direction of the Ka'bah), companies would construct their solutions in priority of the sake of the front. So their solutions could be competitive, but they should not obstruct the solutions made by the ones at the front. 

Aerodynamic Economy v.02

Gas state > Particles without connections. They could move towards the same direction and produce force but they are not bound to one another

Liquid state > Particles with multiple ways of relating to one another, and the more they are dynamic the less the viscosity, the less they are changing the way the connect with each other the more they are gooey. 

Solid State > Particles with singular way of connecting to each other, most of the time, and most of the time they are in the state of connection with each other. 

If I suppose evil being forces of friction for the progress of the economy... we might find aerodynamic state useful. But disclaimer beforehand I don't feel like saying this because it could contrast my ego. 

To be aerodynamic you have to be solid. 

Maybe only the outer part the inside might not necessarily entirely solid... right? (oh I'm so annoyed with this thought)  

And you have to be like a pyramid, or pointy. 

But this pyramid is not like a tomb, it is like a ship, so the front is the area who is supposed to be at the most near to the ultimate goal. Be it a child, with the least amount of responsibilities... and as the vessel diverged, the child would be supported by more and more responsibilities. And for sure the mid part would be where the most people are, and the back side would be the people with the highest level of depression. 

With this formation, we might experience the least amount of evil relative to before. 


The front means the leader, while the back means being led. 

In a pyramid the top means domination, it is not that. Being at the front means, exuding happiness for everybody else. Firstly the 3 people behind him/her, and then the people behind them, then the people behind them, step by step. 

The fuel is giving thanks, 

Now why is it that the people at the back can't move forward though I don't know, that's why I don't like this. Really it bothers me... so I'm on it.


Here's an inspiration behind this post 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Demons of your comfort zone

 In recent times, I have go about doing things that tire myself significantly. Something that other people wouldn't even acknowledge. And what I got from it is silly actually, 

Don't bite more than you can chew. 

The world is fractal, your comfort zone is where you could sense the segments of the fractal and audit it, triangulate it at least. And in here, here is where you kill the demons. Because evil is fractal as well, destroying bad things at your zone meaning dealing damage for the whole thing in all fractals. 

The stupidest thing we could do is to go out of our comfort zone, and expected that we would do well for sure. What would likely happen are, wasted opportunities to deal more damage to bad things of our part.  

Don't get me wrong, going out of your comfort zone is important and it is wonderful, I encourage everybody to do so. But when you do, don't forget this:

Your understanding is better than before? Maybe, (plausible if you're sure about it). You've understood it? No. 



Then there's the issue of ever changing environment/reality. Naturally if you're not actively make connections with what is relevant, then your supposed comfort zone would slip away. So again, please explore out of your comfort zone, and enjoy the experience. But have discernment about your skills and wisdom. 

In the story of Adam and Eve, when humans eat the fruit of good and evil, they acquired the ability to judge good and evil, to just justice, but with this came all kinds of misfortunes and hardships. Judging is very expensive, don't throw your pearls to swines. Pick your battles 

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Why Privacy Policy is huge v.05

Big sites gather our data and they could use our information to influence behaviors of a demographic. For example making some information less available in search for people who are critical to the government in order to reduce their tendencies to be critical. 

I think people could ask for sites to provide reports of their data aggregations as corporate social responsibility or like financial statements, because that's our data too

To demonstrate my point, let us check out netflix' privacy policy... Check out the part "Matched Identifier Communications", in there we could see that not only companies gather visitors' information, they also made sense of them combined with our data from other sites. I mean there are some limitations to what extent they could do this, but still it means that if someone in the company intended to break the law, the consequences are potentially personally harmful for us. 

Check out Netflix' terms and conditions no.7

I quote partially: "Further, where permitted under the applicable law, unless both you and Netflix agree otherwise, the court may not consolidate...

I don't like the way they say the court may not consolidate... what if the court wanted to? They said where permitted under the applicable law, but "the court MAY NOT..." now this is an oxymoron for one, and next you and me don't get to say the court may or may not anything. This come across to me as arrogance. 

This kind of attitude I find to be concerning, as it could be a sign of people not taking the court at the utmost priority it demanded to be prioritized. That is my personal opinion. And, based on that subjective opinion I'm uneasy on their integrity, treating my data with respect, justice/fairness. 

But things like this are inevitable, because they could use the data at their own secrecy without our watching. And there's very little we could do about that. So I propose for the reveal of information. 

We ought to be able to ask for certain results of our data aggregation. I think it is fair. All of us as stakeholders are able to up the stakes and request for our data collectively and how they made sense of it. We should ask, whether or not they wanted to provide it to us (the results) is their right. But all of our data are ours too. 


Imagine these scenarios:

Husband suddenly got offered private detectives and divorce lawyers advertisements in their social media. Apparently the A.I of the social media identified that the wife has had an affair. 

A group of privacy enthusiasts requested for their watching patterns from youtube. They figured out that within their demographic apparently kids channels are popular in the afternoon, and gaming channel is popular in the night. They found out that they prefer sports watches rather than james bond watches, and the most beautiful type of women for them is actually women with long necks. 

Wouldn't that be interesting outcomes to consider?


I'd like you guys to consider this video:


In this video, Mr. Leonard French a youtuber that makes law contents, talks about data leaks within Uber and how they deal with the situation. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

My Frustration on Female Behaviors v.03

I recently focused on why am I frustrated with women so much, 

I used to went to an ex all female school where there was just 6 of us boys and 40 something of girls in class all the way from the first to the sixth grade. And then I got exposed to more and more masculine "world". I definitely feel that both have traits that should complement each other. 

But it seems to me that most female are disciplined in not being a utilitarian. Like a seed, deliberately planted in all women to curb practicality. It is as if the people they hang out with will hammer down the nail of utilitarianism if they sensed that there was one. The Indonesian word I love to use is kemanjuran. It seems like they deliberately not prioritizing kemanjuran like a universal "statement". 

Now I feel it in my bones that if they would just cut it, if they would just stop it, they would become exponentially superior to men in many many solution types. But I don't know why, they just won't... they just won't work with me. 

I know that they might think that instant practicality is reckless, and by embracing "feelings" you'd figure out more layers of complexities to the problem... but... instead of investing heavily in articulation... they'd just shoot down people who want to be efficient as heartless or a jerk. 

I think it'd be totally worth it, investing in articulation. Those complex feelings do have merits, but you have to acknowledge that the world is the way it is, it would not change itself simply because you put your own selves in harm's way. And that is why people tend to ignore certain details and resorted to quick practicality. 

If you accustomed yourselves in articulation, at first it might made you looked stupid and sounded stupid, and you're going to invite lots of criticism, harsh ones (and that's good, that's not evil, that is what you want). But if you kept at it, you'll become better and faster. And then you should be able, in my opinion, to notice different things... not always that, you've noticed them, but now you'd be able to express them efficiently and effectively. You might even articulated it so quick, you could keep it to yourself in the finished form, I mean without having to pour it out. And wouldn't that live be so much more fun for you?

And dudes, stop lying to women. Be real with them, I recently just watched a video how a man is happy to see her wife. And women be "that's an expression of a man who thinks he's the luckiest man in the world", who says that? What guy says that? leave him. You don't want a man who thinks he's the luckiest man in the world for having you, you want a man that thinks "I'm going to face a lot of problem because of this woman, and that's fine". If a man says to you "I'm the luckiest man in the world" he wants your sugar and then leave without recycling (bahasa Indonesia: habis manis sepah dibuang). 

Obviously that's just my opinion... and not all men... but I need not say that, because men are men. 

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Third Update, Elements of the equation v.02

If we want to pinpoint the accurate prices of each goods and services, we would want to figure out the direction of the economic progress. Therefore we would want to know the path or the terrain as the location. 

What I could say is that if you take all the expectations of the participators of the economy, merged them accountably, then you would get the path. After you get the path then you could pinpoint where you are or where your economy's are in relative to the path. The path itself is constantly morphing following the second law. 

But put the morph to the side for now. 

There are 2 types of expectations: The Conscious and The Subconscious. 

You get the subconscious by answering the question, what is the best state of your psyche and your physical body could be? Where are your psyche and your physical currently situated? And this applies to everybody. So, when you get that... merge them all... you'd be able to position the economy's subconscious state.

Then, the conscious part... this is the warzone and the gaming zone, this where everything is happening. But basically, all of your expectations about life and where you are right now. OMG I'm being a Freud right now :). Anyway, so you get that, maybe you'd want to freeze the time to make it simpler, then you merged them all... then you'd have position the economy's conscious state. 

But this is important, we have to acknowledge heaven. So Heaven is The Supremacy of The Inclination to Keep On Inclining Forever, Forever, all the way forward. Just so that we wouldn't disorient ourselves. 

Now if you've acquired the position, the path, and the goal. You'd be able to articulate the speed. And then using your knowledge of the size of the economy, you might be able to get to the weight of the economy, or the other way around, or with other means... I don't know yet, but if could get to those, you should be able to confirm the momentum of the economy then. 

And yes, artificially manipulating the conscious expectation would just going to mess with the economy instead of supporting it. See closed countries such as those and those... see them from the glasses of relativity, its even more concerning. So don't please don't! 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Justice is the field that must be played by all people. As long as there are more than one person in this world, Justice is king. In economy, or medicine, or accounting, you don't have to be an expert, and that's in everyone's best interest. But in terms of Justice, we can't. Justice is complex, I'm not saying that everyone must be a lawyer, I'm also not saying that everyone can be perfect when it comes to Justice... What I'm saying is everyone is expected to be just no matter what. 

And that's what's unique about Justice, if you don't prioritize Justice that's arrogance. So it is the best for me not to back you up when you fall because of arrogance. Helping arrogance would not do any good for the person nor for other people. No matter what the service he/she has done to the world, when things go down because of the arrogance, you'd only do harm in helping him/her out. 

So I've said this, don't expect me to back you up for your own demise. I'm out

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Second Update, The Garden of Eden v.04

So when Adam and Eve ate the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, they then discovered nakedness. 
This is my assumption:
By covering up, they increase the rareness of their reward, sex is a form of reward. 
Increasing rarity doesn't always mean less, it could even mean more. Especially sex

People have been increasing the rarity of their help ever since the beginning. But while they are doing so, the risk of misallocation arise. As the judgement of whats deserving fell in the hands of men

This is wrong... its about shame not about rarity

First Update v.05

Evil is like this, your body allocates resources to the part that has been working. If you've ran 1000 meters then resources would be allocated to your legs
Muscles will grow so it also would use a lot of resources. 
Evil is like those resources went to your arms instead of your legs. So the potential to misallocate, and once there is a misallocation it will propagate further misallocations... so yeah the potential to misallocate. 

But its complicated, because the economy is not about the amount of works, but the quality of the solutions. 
We got to go to the issue of why problem solvers need to be allocated resources and, by how much

But before that lets go back 1 step and note that it is the misallocation of resources, instead of the absense of resources. So evil is not the facilitated by the magnitude of the rewards available, but the misallocation of it.
It is true I think, but from the point of view of the whole economy, playing around with availability would always be misallocations (you can't artificially reduce rewards for a group of people... as soon as there is a misallocation it will give rise to evil in one way of the other, in one form or the other, whether it is within the group or outside the group).

Ok back to where we left off:
1. Evil will give rise to further evil, that's why misallocation is more threatening than lackness
2. There is an economic momentum, so pretending or artificially alter the nexus of reciprocity to mimic lackness will not balance out to negate evil. 

The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions, solutions are unlimited but we are so limited because we are not giving back enough to our sources of solutions

Friday, July 31, 2020

I'm Optimistic v.02

In my previous post, I'm talking about finding that "standard for the appropriate magnitudes of rewards" would be the next singularity... I think this is not just standard, this has a "Constant" element to it. 

Personally, I believe that this is true, but I have no proof yet:
"Evil is a real concept (an absolute concept) and the Magnitude of Evil is measurable"
"Consequences of Evil could be dispersed or managed"
"Lowering one's expectations of rewards can not reduce the total magnitude of evil invoked, it will just disperse/bend the focus"

and from the previous post "Evil is inevitably invoked by lack of reciprocity"

I'm optimistic that this could be discovered empirically

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Love of Money, Gini Ratio v.02

If you look at the research done about relationship of crime and the Gini Ratio, Gini Ratio being the rate of income inequality within a region, it is positively correlated. So if there were a lot of disparities in income, crime rate is higher, equal amounts of income, lower. 

On one hand you want to reward the people who have performed well, on the other hand you also want to keep the crimes low. Some people, a religion in particular proposed a solution that people shouldn't show off their wealth. This has a strong reasoning, however it is kind of sad and demeaning of humanity how people are so unable to deal with this, it is a bad thing to be luxurious ever once in a while (but it seems to me that it is the Truth). 

The Love of Money is the root of all evil, Jesus said. And it goes both ways, the service receptor loved money so much they refused to reward, the service provider loved money so much they refused to cease from being bitter about not getting the amounts they expected to get.

We, the Asian Oriental community, tend to point fingers at people who negotiate and asking for more money, people who are dissatisfied with their rewards. And this is also a working solution. Lower the expectations, and so, lower the evil. 

Is there a way, or is there an empirically accurate way of setting the standard on the rewards? Too many factors to consider different point of views are all relevant. The rarity, the sustainability of the benefits, the strategical positioning of the solutions, the hard work put, the damages or consequences of having the problem not solved otherwise... 

Look, I hate the fact that actually I'm the problem here... I'm the one who breed dissatisfaction among some people about the rewards they deserve. 

But really, putting the expectation down is the solution instead of actually rewarding them?  

To continue the previous 2 paragraphs:
The state of the environment, I mean to illustrate, when the COVID outbreak is rampant, it is not reasonable to set high expectations... a lot of point of views are relevant and that's why individual negotiations instead of centralized price fixing is encouraged. 

But damn, if we solve this problem... everything will definitely be much better. This is the next singularity

Wild but maybe true v.02

I think, it would be viable to research this notion:
"The development of evil is directly caused by lack of reciprocity"

So whenever there was a person who have solved problems not getting paid or rewarded. You'd be certain that evil is growing in that environment. 
Corruption, depression, lies, maliciousness, unproductive contentions. 

So if this were true, society could reliably shift some of the responsibilities from the perpetrators.
I know its sounds despicable and lazy, to me too, but if this is true that the growth of evil is certain, inevitable whenever there's a lack of reciprocity in the air. 
Then more appropriate measures could be made... not necessarily monetary or materialistic commodity wise, but also escape wise.


Imagine this scenario, ok... 

A priest and a nun in a village, often take care of people, giving them food and medicine. 
One day they ran out, and one of them got sick. 
Then instead of spreading the word of God in the community, the Priest then started to conjure some Christian mysticism... 
The Village then got excited and started to brought fruits, vegetables, and other resources for the superficial expectations. 
Then it got escalated, one myth to another, some people in the village tried to conjure up their own version for their own interests, the Priest can't say nothing against it. Hell, he got into the act for extra benefits. 
Now the village is a scary village where outsiders who saw from third party point of view what was happening, were threatened with all kinds of intimidation. 
Then violent services became relevant, traders would start to form some family based gangs. But then... the gang was rewarded little... 
The Gang went rouge, starting to ask for "protection" money here and there, hence the formation of other gangs...

The Priest... started to conjure out battle blessings and charge for money. The money then used to bribe the strongest people to "protect" the church. 
And so on and so on.... 

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Yes Yes Yes and Yes but Yes it is Yes

Yes when it comes to the Truth
He is too great for a mind to fathom
Yes we don't really know what we are talking about
When we are using Words
It is the Truth

It is just relativity
Just relativity, but Yes it is
It is the Truth

We don't really know what we are talking about
Yes Yes Yes
It is also the Truth

The Truth has revealed Himself to us through the Word
The Word, The Word of the Truth
It is just relativity
The Word
But Yes,
      it is also the Truth

I don't really know what I'm talking about

The Truth is
The Truth will always be
Embracing me

Through the Word
Yes it is

Just relativity
But Yes it is


It is ok though, It is fine

It is just The Truth

The Truth through The Word, Relativity

It is ok for us... it is fine

Relativity, is ok


Yes it is

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Focus, Property

Now why do we have personal property?

In my opinion personal property is an artificial right. No one is born with land, or gold, or whatever it is we know as personal property. Except our body such as our limbs maybe those are indeed examples of divine personal properties, maybe, honestly its too complicated for me now. But for sure things such as the ownership of land and other goods are those that are maintained by people, governments in particular.

What makes them essential is that without them the level of availability of mutual solutions would decrease. First of all personal interests must be exalted for the idea of mutual solutions would work, not group interests, personal interests. And then, for the sake of the improvement of their prosperity, people should have something to go back to and grow. That has enabled immense power of humanity to be harnessed and made things possible. Denial of that would violate mutual trusts and interests we have for each other, plus our reward based motivation to work and solve problems. 

Reward is stronger than punishment, I have the researcher app, so its there, and you can google search it and find a 2015 study in (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2765863/, July 2020) moreover, punishment would work only as far as the availability of the assets associated with the punishment. If you don't have personal ownership, you wouldn't have any assets. Even your network is a form of an asset. Well, communism tend to push your belonging to a group as an "alternative" to personal property, but it is a property because as soon as you can't rely on your network to behave a certain way for you, you would have none in it.

I just realized, network based assets should be easier to manipulate by a crazy government than some physical goods.

Ok so done with that lets jump to intellectual properties... actually this is also an artificial property, but since we have the internet we should be able to make use of it to reinforce our intellectual assets.
I propose "The Golden Sticker", so every-time there is a transaction between people, the receipt for both parties would be recorded in their profile pages. People then could assess a person whether or not they have made similar transactions with them or whether or not they have made some transactions with other people that they loved or admired. Of course people should be able to opt for hiding the stickers as well.

Now these receipts are stickers, you would have plenty of them, but this also motivates people to give back to the authors of the products they have enjoyed for free. So a motivation for royalties. Since other people would focus on those things more.

See, everyone deserve everything they want and need, everyone, but we should focus on what has been handed down to us through traditions and laws of what would work out the best, we need to be able to focus. And the recipe for such rewards are the idea of properties we are using now. And it has been working out well. But we could improve on this definitely by giving thanks to the people who are nice but under-rewarded. Of course those people are up to you to decide, some authors gave their products for free, some are for cheap, some are with decent costs but with crazy huge benefits they are still under-rewarded. It is all up to you, and that is the beautiful part, your appreciation matters... unlike communistic economy, your point of view matters in this capitalism.

So the golden sticker would enable people to scan another person's profile page for the things they appreciate, and if they found something admirable or lovable, even if they didn't know the person, it is now easier to be friends with them or make business transactions with them.

When you give thanks to your sources of solutions, or made transactions with others, both parties would give each other their stickers / their stamps like in Japanese anime, the amount or the magnitude of the stickers' rarity is self determined, people who are interested in an admirable author would learn about the values of his/her stickers and would know how rare/valuable it is when it appeared on somebody's golden sticker profile.

Using the golden sticker system, people should be able to connect with each other better, and solve each others' problems more. This is not a replacement for the current capitalism, this is an add-on. Even governments could use this system and increase their budget for the next year. Money is prove that one has helped and hasn't been helped back, as long as we made it official and conspicuous, we are in the light. 

Socialism? No v.02

Absolute profit is impossible, yes I still get by to that. It means that no matter how much you have solved other people's problems, you would never "deserve" more than what others "deserve" from you. This also considering inclinations as individuals.

This seemed to be contrary to my other proposed notion that "Everybody deserve everything", well it is actually not... because zero is not profit. But let me elaborate more on that:
The Idea of justice is that everybody deserve everything they want and need, but since we are limited in terms of solutions, justice is also improvements towards there. Why everybody deserve everything? One strong reason for that is that we are not born out of our own decision, we are dragged into existence not on our own will, therefore it is only fair that we should like it.

Ok, I have posts that have elaborated some of the issues with the idea in this blog, please check them out if you will but now lets explore further on why socialism is a no.

Since it is only just that we ought to sustainably increase the level of availability of mutual solutions for as many guys as possible, we should regulate ourselves to disregard our interest for the best of our "country" or "community" or "group"... right? absolutely NO, because the basis of justice is personal interests.

See we are consuming beings, that means that we are good. We will not be satisfied, we want more and more things and more... this is incredibly good, because we would have to take care of our world in order for us to be able to enjoy ourselves optimally forever. Also, it means that we are innately able to understand each other mutually, we are each others' nakama in this sekai.

But the problem is, who gets to decide what would increase the level of availability of mutual solutions the most? And in difficult cases, whose interests were to be sacrificed for the sake of other interests? It is not easy and it is not the same for different conditions, but for sure there can not be only one/few point of view/s that would prevail/s all the time.

The Truth is the protocol that everything follows, that there is only one singular past. This is beyond colossal level of synchronization, this is divine. Everything is Everything, you can't stick on one hierarchy all the time, there can never be enough point of views in the face of the Truth.

The Indonesians have so good articulation on how to start on facing this reality: Pancasila
1. Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa
(my personal translation: Singular Godness)
Everyone is in this together, everyone is in the same protocol, everyone should work together to fulfill our destiny, everyone is family.

2. Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab
(my personal translation: Humanity that is just and civilized)
We want to be orderly by the standard of human beings

3. Persatuan Indonesia
(my personal translation: Unity)
United Indonesia

4. Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan, perwakilan
(my personal translation: The Idea of "Country" that is lead by Wisdom in inclusive negotiations, through representations)
We want a country that is lead by Wisdom that is realistic and acknowledges the relevance of different point of views and the necessity of efficiency so the representation.

5. Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia
(my personal translation: Social Justice for all Indonesians)
We want the people to be treated justly in their social life.
(This was at about 70 years ago when Pancasila was born, so this "Social Justice" is not like that painful "Social Justice" we are seeing now. Psst pssst: give people their chance for proper response).

So at the 4'th Sila you see that Wisdom is there for us to respect. You don't just decide for others that your way of doing it would always be right, or maybe not you but some elitists. Either way socialism is all about the bourgeoisie game, but it is played using poor people as their human shields. That is why communist countries always failed their economy, I mean that is one of the myriad reasons why, that is the arrogance of a few point of views wanting to stay in power all the time.

But why is my articulation of what is just different from socialism? Even though I proposed that there are no absolute profit, and just by existing people deserve everything... The difference is in the increase of level of availability of mutual solutions. I relatively don't underestimate as much the utility of personal aspirations to be realized, the difference of innate assets within people, and the relevance of different interests for the development of prosperity. In fact, I think that people are innately good if they are wise, because we are greedy, we all are.

There are a lot more relevant things, beautifully took play in this concept, but there are so much of them to manage... I'll resort to silence for now. 

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Curb your entitlement to compassion

As I talked about in the previous post, most guys have innate tendencies to fight. And there are multiple benefits to this, some might not as obvious as the others.
It is intuitive for guys who have experienced many fights to identify "the lines". There are lines that if crossed would reasonably lead to conflict. How intense would the conflict be, also have levels of lines. If you just look at it from the outside, your subconscious wouldn't get the feel to it... you might be able to rationalize it to a certain degree, but know that your subconscious too could contribute to the understanding.

Such know and feel are pretty common among guys, but it doesn't mean that it is a privilege that should not be applied to everybody. It should because it is real and archetypal. Let's say your kids often create a ruckus messing with other kids' toys and being physically annoying. It is so obvious to guys that there is no tolerance for causing problems for other people. You are responsible for every single damage that you've done, no matter how old you are. This rule is not made up, not decided recklessly or mindlessly by men, it emerged as consequences of myriad numbers of repeated conflicts throughout history... and intuitively identifiable from the atmospheres by those who have been exposed to samples of natural conflicts. Physical conflicts and the patterns that would lead to those, the lines, the natural escalations of stakes, these are the things whose understanding of them is deeply ingrained inside people's subconscious.

The objections males like me often face when dealing with women is that they seem to not want to abide by this intuition. The costs of peace, the danger one should respect, the consequences of challenging one's right/property... I know that violence or attacks against assets are not to be brought in a civilized society, in order to ensure the serenity of it, but you should not take it for granted and nurture unfairness. We don't make the rules, it's only logical and natural, it's derived from what is just and what would produce the most peace and serenity. One way you can use to unlock your senses of  "the lines" are, getting into simulations of regulated conflicts, through games, sparring, negotiations, involving different levels of stakes. Pay attention to the rules of the game and avoid vagueness in the standard as much as possible. Try your best to articulate the experience boldly.

Its time to not use compassion as an excuse to regress into unfairness, the type of unfairness that has been recognized by tradition. Its time to look up to the wisdom of Isaac Newton, standing in the shoulders of giants, and use the wisdom of the masculines to further your prosperity and independence. I suggest Dr. Jordan B Peterson's "Twelve Rules For Life, An Antidote to Chaos" for references in understanding the utility behind the culture of conflicts. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Responding to the guardian's article: Should gamers be accountable for in-game war crimes

Google searched it in July 2020: https://www.google.com/search?q=the+guardian+crime+in+video+games&rlz=1C1CHBF_idID854ID854&oq=the+guardian+crime+in+video+games&aqs=chrome..69i57j33.7267j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

I saw this article and asked myself, can this issue be answered using the point of view of inclinations?
Well if I used the point of view of inclinations then the answer would be in agreement with it. The crimes committed in video games are bad/unethical and the characters in the video games are actually living beings since they are self-preserving, and very alive since they use means of self-communication to self-preserve.

Realizing this I say, damn... this is not good. Because I know it in my heart that the thing is ok, it is not a crime, it is the opposite of a crime, it is good information, a simulation.

Now, what makes us feel that it is fine to simulate?
What constitutes reality vs simulations?
Are the characters in video games that are self-preserving really alive?

Some of it is like vaccines, the reason why killing and hurting characters in-game is good is that the act itself is like vaccines. We guys have this evolutionary tendency to fight battles, obviously, that's how our ancestors survive. Males that are good at fighting would preserve its gene and those that are not good at fighting would not pass. So we have it deeply ingrained in our psyche.

The role of video games is to channel those tendencies in a healthy way instead of it being channeled in real life. The more intricate a video game is, the more it resembles the complexities of the reality, the better it is, the more it is captivating, and the more it would attract players. Or maybe niche, if it could represent things that are real but currently hard to find in other video games.

Ok so, what is the problem with that? Now we know that it is good for us because the prevalent relevance for it. Without it, a). People might look to channel their tendencies in real life, b). People wouldn't have an idea on limits in real life, people wouldn't have other means to train and simulate and would be less prepared.

The same with sex, due to its prevalent drive in human beings and that we don't have the technology to dim the urge yet, in a healthy way, we should explore it in a "sandbox" whether it is our own imagination or something else that would have little to no consequences to our real life.

So I'm saying that video games are good, but here is where the point of view of inclinations is right. If the world is able to do away with the urges, do away with violence, do away with crime, without any need of any simulations anymore. And such technology would reliably nullify crimes and violence from ever happening again in the future, and such technology relies not on simulations... then the only source of risk of crime and violence were from the video games... then now the video games are not ok. When I say the world, I mean the universe, including the distant galaxies.

So is killing in video games is bad? Well, what about killing plants and animals?. We know that plants are living beings... it could count and communicate: (https://youtu.be/pvBlSFVmoaw, accessed in July 2020).
Video game characters are like that too, more than plants in an aspect that some of them seemed to "negotiate" and beg for their lives. It is the same as if you're a novelist and you wrote an event where innocent people are being massacred, people who could communicate, and truly wanted to stay alive. Should you be deemed a criminal then?

Further reasons why doing that is really not bad is:
1. The form of life of the characters is lacking in terms of memory updating. They don't update their memories out of interactions with the truth. Or maybe some of them do but very abysmal in a sense.
2. When you reset the game, the characters are back. Their memories would not be lost if you killed them over and over and over again in the video games.

But you know what, this is a highly complex issue for me because exploring a lot of deep things are relevant... such as why certain kind of crimes are frowned upon even in video games such as rape and pedophilia while killing and stealing is not (this would relate to the issue of the emergence of the human rights and property laws). It intersect also with the issue of what constitutes reality vs simulations. It intersects also with the issue of death, if one is able to store its memory somewhere else, would killing its biological body would still be murder? And as we are exploring those, likely some other relevant issues would pop up. But so far I have something to say in answer to all of the above. But I'll not talk about it in detail here.

The stance is still the same, the current state of video games are positive, don't regulate it out of the wrong compassion. If you want to introduce the international laws in regards to war, then please suggest so to be included in future games, but there is nothing wrong with the current gaming meta that significantly is in need to be banned. Also, the regulation proposed would be counterproductive to the good that is being enjoyed out of the solutions of life that is the video games.

Tax Exempt on Insurance payment return

National Health insurance is a blessing but its also a big burden for the whole society. So in order to ease the burden consider this: Upon ...